Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1328 Just likes to be nosy! (1 update)

Seeing the looks from everyone, Ling Feng just shrugged and smiled. He couldn't even fancy the seat of No. 200 Prefecture-level Mingjian Tower.

The only position he was eyeing was the first one, and it was the first one in the heaven level!

However, as the saying goes, "What is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind." He was ranked third in the overall score, but unexpectedly failed to be selected and was assigned to the outer sect. There was something weird about this.

He had absolutely reason to believe that someone was behind all this, so it was better to keep a low profile until he figured out the other party's true intentions.

Shrugging, Ling Feng returned to his thatched house. Although the conditions were a little worse, it didn't have much impact on him.

After receiving Wu Wei's lesson, these new disciples finally settled down a little and lived in thatched huts. They could only choose to endure it silently.

Until late in the night, Ling Feng suddenly heard an unusual sound, which seemed to be the sound of a woman struggling and shouting, but her mouth seemed to be covered, so she could not hear clearly. Ling Feng's soul source is extremely powerful, so he is extremely sensitive to the disturbances around him.

"what's the situation?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and expanded his horizons, only to find that the sound came from the hut not far from him.

The picture in his mind gradually became clear. Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, only to find that it was a man with a strong back and a strong back. He covered the mouth of a female disciple while frantically tearing the clothes on the female disciple's body. I want to do violence to that female disciple!

"It's actually him!"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. The man who broke into the female disciple's room without permission was actually the owner of the No. 200 prefecture-level sword tower, Meng Jiande!

As for the female disciple who was bound by her, Ling Feng still had some impressions. She was a new disciple in the same batch as him. Her name seemed to be Fang Wen. Her overall performance was ranked below average, so she joined with great reluctance. Dongling Fairy Pond.

However, she never imagined that she would encounter such a thing on the first night when she visited the Dongling Fairy Pond.

Ling Feng shook his head and sighed, it was fine if he didn't know, but if he happened to encounter it, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

With a flash of figure, Ling Feng flew out, and in a few blinks of an eye, he had arrived outside Fang Wen's hut.

Inside the hut.

Meng Jiande hugged Fang Wen tightly, with a lewd smile on his lips, blocked Fang Wen's mouth with one hand, and said with a strange smile: "Little girl, you are quite hot-tempered, but I like it!"

Fang Wen kept struggling, but Meng Jiande blocked her Yuan Power, and she couldn't use any strength at all. Her clothes had been torn to pieces, and her innocent body was about to be insulted by the beast in front of her. .

"What a pretty girl. Hehe, I'll ask you to try what is the ultimate happiness on earth. I'm afraid you wish I could love you every day!"

Meng Jiande's mouth was full of obscene words, and his rough hands were caressing Fang Wen's cheek. At this moment, an extremely discordant voice came from outside the door.

"Senior Brother Meng, it's so late at night, you're in a good mood!"

But it was Ling Feng who kicked open the door with a chill on his face and stared at Meng Jiande coldly.


Meng Jiande was stunned at first. He had clearly put out some smoke that could still cause him to fall asleep. It stands to reason that the disciples around him were already very tired. Coupled with the effect of the smoke, they should not notice the movement here.

But soon, Meng Jiande calmed down and threw Fang Wen onto the bed with his backhand. He didn't look guilty at all. Instead, he grinned and said, "Boy, I know you!"

Ling Feng's eyes turned cold, "Oh? So what?"


Meng Jiande smiled quite strangely: "Boy, I heard that among the new recruits in this class, you were ranked third in overall performance, failed to be selected with high scores, and were assigned to the outer sect?"

"It seems that this has nothing to do with what is happening now."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said calmly: "Don't you have any explanation for what is happening now? As far as I know, those who are disciples of Fandong Lingxian Pond, who commit lewdness and plunder, are sentenced to castration and abolished. Lose your cultivation and drive out of the Dongling Immortal Pond. That seems to be what the disciple manual says, right?"

"Rules?" Meng Jiande sneered, "The so-called rules are just to restrain weaklings like you! I thought you were somewhat capable and should understand this, but I didn't expect that you are just a fool!"

Meng Jiande reached out and took out his ears, and said with an angry look on his face: "You know what you are doing, get out of here and pretend that nothing has happened. I can still let you go, otherwise, there will be no place for you in this outer sect!"

"Help me...Senior Brother Ling, help me!"

Fang Wen tried her best to cover her body with broken clothes and helplessly asked Ling Feng for help. Because her Yuanli was blocked and she was trapped in Meng Jiande's smoke, her voice calling for help was extremely small and almost undetectable.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, "This is the first time I have seen such a righteous thug, who was exposed to his evil deeds and actually threatened the other person?"

"This is the law of the jungle. It's her blessing that I like this girl!"

Meng Jiande smiled evilly and said: "I would like to advise you, the owner of No. 9 of the Heavenly Level Mingjian Tower is my cousin. You'd better not interfere with tonight's business, and you don't have the ability to interfere!"


Ling Feng burst out laughing, "What a coincidence. What I like the most is nosy!"

"court death!"

Meng Jiande finally lost his patience, with a sinister look on his face, "I didn't want to take action and ruin my mood, but now you are looking for death!"

Ling Feng shook his head and suddenly shouted loudly, "The new disciple Ling Feng, the master of the 200th prefecture-level Mingjian Tower, challenges you!"

The sound was so loud that it penetrated the clouds and split the air, alerting countless outer disciples.

"Fuck, it's not over yet, what time is it now, and you still jump out to challenge!"

"Damn it, these newcomers really don't know how to live or die!"


It was already late at night, and Ling Feng's voice immediately attracted countless curses, but it had to be said that Ling Feng's roar attracted enough attention.

"Boy, what do you mean?"

Meng Jiande's eyelids twitched, somewhat unsure of Ling Feng's intentions.

"It's no fun, I'm just going to kill you in public!"

Ling Feng sneered, "The battle for Mingjian Tower seems to be a matter of life and death! Rather than punish you with a charge of attempted adultery, I might as well kill you with my own hands!"


Meng Jiande was so angry that he was shaking all over and stared at Ling Feng coldly, "Boy, what do you think you are? Okay, I accept the challenge, but you are the one who will die!"

Meng Jiande almost roared, and directly launched his giant sword, and then, like a tiger, he slammed into Ling Feng.

However, Ling Feng just stood there, motionless, but with a flash of purple light in his eyes, the shocking power was activated.


With a muffled groan, Meng Jiande began to bleed from his seven holes. The big knife in his hand fell heavily to the ground with a clang. He immediately knelt on his knees and pressed his head hard with both hands. He actually slapped his head directly because of the excessive force. became shattered.

Blood flowed like a pillar, and Meng Jiande's body fell to the ground.

For a moment, before everyone could even see clearly what was going on, Meng Jiande was already dead and could no longer die.

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