Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1329: Depend on the strong! (2 updates)

"Meng...Meng Jiande, is he dead?"

An unknown person exclaimed, and then all the veteran disciples were dumbfounded.

This was the first time in history that a new disciple successfully challenged the master of Mingjian Tower on the first day, and actually killed the opponent directly.

"Too...too cruel!"

"This newcomer's methods are a bit too vicious!"

Although the sect also has regulations that the fight for the sword tower does not matter life or death, but generally speaking, there are still a few people who directly kill, and such "brutal" newcomers are even rarer.

Of course, they didn't know the cause of the matter. They just saw Ling Feng beheading Meng Jiande, so they labeled Ling Feng as "cruel".

However, Ling Feng obviously didn't care. He kicked Meng Jiande's body away and said loudly: "The owner of the No. 200 prefecture-level Mingjian Tower has been defeated, so I will be the new owner of the No. 200 Tower!"

Ling Feng's eyes swept across, and under everyone's awe and fear, he flew forward and directly entered the No. 200 prefecture-level Mingjian Tower.

Of course, before leaving, Ling Feng unsealed Fang Wen's Dantian with a wave of his hand, and Yuan Li circulated throughout his body again, and Fang Wen's complexion recovered a little.

Originally, Ling Feng did not want to expose his strength prematurely, but under the current circumstances, directly killing Meng Jiande in the name of challenging the poster was undoubtedly the best choice.

Once it comes, it will directly kill the beast.

Secondly, it can be regarded as preserving Fang Wen's reputation. After all, if something like this happens and spreads, it will have some impact on Fang Wen.

Correspondingly, he also got a prefectural-level Mingjian Tower. In any case, it was more comfortable to live in than a thatched house.

Fang Wen froze on the spot, looking at Ling Feng's leaving figure, she couldn't help clenching her fists, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes, as if she had made some important decision.

This farce ended quickly, because it was getting late, and Meng Jiande's body lay bloody in a pool of blood, with no one collecting it.

Perhaps this guy's reputation in the outer sect was really bad, but after Meng Jiande's death, many people felt happy in their hearts.

After Ling Feng took charge of Mingjian Tower, he realized why so many disciples were so eager for Mingjian Tower. Compared with the thatched cottage, the environment in this sword tower was like heaven and earth.

In the Mingjian Tower, there are not only independent bedrooms and main halls, but also independent practice rooms, retreat rooms, alchemy rooms, etc.

A mere prefecture-level Mingjian Tower has such conditions, let alone a day-level Mingjian Tower.

"It doesn't matter, I got rid of a scumbag and got a pretty good house."

Ling Feng shrugged, not taking Meng Jiande's death to heart at all. As for the ninth cousin of the Heavenly Sword mentioned by Meng Jiande, it had no deterrent effect for Ling Feng.

If he dared to come to the door, then he would unceremoniously accept his No. 9 Mingjian Tower, as well as his life.

Anyway, killing one is still killing, and killing ten is still killing.

Ling Feng would never be lenient in killing these scum.

After a brief inspection of the entire Mingjian Tower, I cleared out all of Meng Jiande's messy stuff.

Meng Jiande was indeed a lewd and obscene person. There were a lot of women's obscene underwear and some filthy books in the house. Ling Feng removed all of them with a fire, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. Be prepared to take a short break.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Ling Feng frowned slightly. When he opened the door, he saw Fang Wen hugging her quilt, biting her silver teeth, and said a little shyly, but very firmly: "Ling Feng." ...Senior Brother Ling.”


Ling Feng was stunned for a moment and took a look at Fang Wen. This woman was indeed quite pretty. Although she was not breathtakingly beautiful, she was the kind of Xiaojiabiyu who was very attractive.

But why did she come to her own place holding the quilt?

"Um...Senior Brother Ling, thank you."

Fang Wen gritted her teeth and said gratefully.

"It's just a little effort." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, thinking that this woman must be frightened.

"Not only did you save me, but also..." Fang Wen's ears turned red with shame, and she said in a voice as thin as a mosquito's moan: "You saved my reputation for me."

"Oh..." Ling Feng waved his hand and smiled, "It's nothing. I just wanted to kill him at the time and didn't think too much about it."

"May I come inside?"

Fang Wen blushed and seemed to have exhausted all her courage after saying this.

"Ah?" Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, "It's so late, isn't it very convenient?"


Fang Wen looked deeply at Ling Feng and gritted her teeth: "Among the outer sect, there are only two beasts like Meng Jiande. Moreover, he also has a cousin who is even more powerful. I...I can't possibly fight him. .So, I must depend on you.”

"I am just a weak person now. If I want to keep my integrity, I must either become a strong person or rely on the strong person. With my current strength, it will take time to become a strong person, and during this time, I can only rely on the strong. And Senior Brother Ling, are someone I can trust."

"Otherwise, what happened tonight may happen again in a few days! There are many outer disciples who have ill intentions towards me. I can feel that before long, what happened to me being raped will really happen. occur."

Fang Wen had tears in her eyes and looked deeply at Ling Feng, "So, Senior Brother Ling, please help me!"

"Ah? This..." Ling Feng was completely stunned. Sometimes being too beautiful but not having the ability to protect yourself might really be a sin.

While Ling Feng was hesitating, Fang Wen gritted her teeth and said: "Senior Brother Ling, also, I only serve your daily needs and food, but I will never sell myself! Even if I am your maid, you provide me with protection and I will be responsible for it. I’ll serve you, and when I’m strong enough, I’ll leave and won’t bother you again.”

"I'm not selling myself..." Ling Feng obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay, that's okay..."

When Fang Wen heard Ling Feng's words, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly: Are she that ugly? What's going on with this relieved expression?


Feeling that Fang Wen's eyes turned a little bit resentful, Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and said with a smile: "Okay, you can live in and be responsible for my daily life and food, but I have a big mouth." of."

"Please rest assured, Senior Brother Ling, I...I am also the first-class celebrity chef in our country."

Hearing that Ling Feng finally agreed, Fang Wen felt a little calmer. With Ling Feng's protection, her situation was finally safer.

"Well, so be it."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. This was probably the first time he had seen someone take the initiative to be a maid. But compared to betraying her appearance, this Fang Wen can be considered to have some backbone.

Seeing Fang Wen, Ling Feng couldn't help but think of that girl Su Hongxiu. He had been away from Tianwei Academy for some time. This girl should have become the number one alchemist of Ling Shen Sect.

"I'll give you the bedroom from now on, and I'll just stay in the retreat room."

Ling Feng smiled lightly, pointed to the bedroom upstairs, and walked towards the quiet room.

" are the master..."

Fang Wen was stunned for a moment. The reason why she came here with her quilt in her arms was because she thought she would live a life of laying floors in the future.

"Yes, I am the master, so listen to me."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, turned and walked away.

Fang Wen looked at Ling Feng's back, squeezed her pink fist, and whispered softly: "Thank you, Senior Brother Ling."

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