Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1330 Ling Feng’s choice! (3 updates)

Early the next morning, Fang Wen indeed prepared some breakfast for Ling Feng. Although the ingredients were limited and she had brought them with her, it was quite delicious.

After Ling Feng ate the food cooked by Fang Wen, he felt lucky for the first time for his decision to accept this maid.

This woman indeed has real skills.

Although warriors at their level can basically avoid eating whole grains, delicious food is a kind of enjoyment.

"Because the ingredients are not very fresh anymore, I can only make it like this. But in the future, when I become more familiar with the outer sect, I should be able to find the trading market for the outer sect disciples."

Fang Wen looked at Ling Feng nervously. The only skill she could rely on was her cooking skills.

"Well, it's already pretty good."

Ling Feng nodded and smiled, and Fang Wen breathed a sigh of relief. At least, she had proved her worth.

After breakfast, there was a sound of drums outside, which was the drum beat for the new disciples to gather.

Feng Ling arrived at the underworld early in the morning. She was the one who introduced these new disciples, and she naturally arranged daily tasks for them.

After the tasks are assigned, she no longer needs to run back and forth between heaven and earth.

However, after completing this task, she can also get a lot of sect rewards. Otherwise, these high-ranking inner sect disciples would not come to the underworld again and again to waste time.

"All newcomers, get up! I will start arranging daily tasks for you today. From now on, you must complete daily tasks every day before you can start practicing!"

At Feng Ling's call, the new disciples walked out of the thatched hut one after another.

Most of them had haggard faces. It was obvious that in this harsh environment and the repeated tossing in the middle of the night yesterday, no one had a good rest.

Feng Ling subconsciously looked at the hut where Ling Feng lived. This somewhat special newcomer didn't know what kind of daily tasks he would choose. Would he find an opportunity to make things difficult for this kid, rub his energy, and see if he could Are you still crazy?

However, after watching for a long time, Ling Feng did not come out of the hut.

"What the hell is this kid doing?"

Feng Ling frowned and opened the door of Ling Feng's thatched hut with her palm. She glanced around the room but did not find Ling Feng.


Feng Ling was stunned for a moment. No one was there?

"Hey, Senior Sister Fengling, are you looking for me?"

Ling Feng's voice suddenly came from behind, and Feng Ling couldn't help but look back, only to see Ling Feng appear out of nowhere, looking at her with a smile, followed by a very docile woman, who never left.

The newcomers around him were all staring at Ling Feng, their eyes full of "envy, jealousy and hatred" that were almost etched on their faces.

Ling Feng walked out of Mingjian Tower together with Fang Wen. Although Ling Feng had a clear conscience, it was inevitable that some people would think wrong.

On my first day here, not only did I get the prefecture-level Mingjian Tower, but I also got the most beautiful female disciple among these new outer disciples. This is so cool!


Feng Ling glared at Ling Feng, "Hey, where did you come from?"

Ling Feng pointed to the row of Mingjian Buildings on the high slope and said calmly: "I was lucky last night and defeated the owner of No. 200 Mingjian Building, so I moved in."

The corner of Feng Ling's eyes twitched slightly. He defeated the owner of Mingjian Tower on the first day. This kid is stronger than imagined!

No wonder you are so proud!

"Hmph!" Feng Ling snorted, "There are only two hundred people, so it's nothing special. Even if you live in the prefecture-level Mingjian Tower, you still have to do daily tasks."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and nodded in agreement.

Feng Ling glared at Ling Feng, frowned, and said slowly: "I will arrange daily tasks for you today. You can choose to go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden to fertilize and catch insects, or you can choose to go to the Spiritual Beast Garden to raise spiritual pets. Of course You can also go to the alchemy room to help, go to the Array Palace to help carve inscriptions, and besides, you can also go to the spirit stone veins to mine."

"Among them, mining is the hardest work, but the rewards are correspondingly higher. Compared with other tasks, the rewards will be about 30% higher. Okay, now you can make your own choice."

All the disciples began to make choices in a hurry.

Most of them choose to go to the Spiritual Medicine Garden or the Spiritual Beast Garden. These jobs have the least technical content. However, the Alchemy Room and the Array Palace require a certain level of alchemy or magic circle attainments. Without this ability, you will not be able to complete the task. .

The consequence of failing to complete the task is that the training materials will be reduced, or even be thrown into the black abyss.

Fang Wen hesitated for a moment and glanced at Ling Feng. Ling Feng asked her to make her own choice without thinking about herself. Then she gritted her teeth and chose to go to the elixir garden to catch insects.

"Hey, Ling Feng, what do you choose?"

When Feng Ling saw Ling Feng's delay in choosing, she couldn't help but remind her: "The quota in each hall is limited. If you don't choose now, I will have to allocate it to you."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said, "Then I will go to the alchemy room to help."

"Alchemy room?"

Many of the veteran disciples who were watching couldn't help but snicker.

This kid really doesn't know how to write the word "death"!

Among all daily tasks, basically no one is willing to choose the task in the alchemy room, because it is simply a bottomless pit, which requires a lot of energy and energy every day. If you return to your residence as tired as a dead dog, you will have no physical strength to practice. .

Therefore, disciples who choose the alchemy room task generally fail to survive the first-year assessment and are either reduced to handymen or pack up and leave.

There is a saying at the outer gate of Donglingxian Pond, "The alchemy room is made of iron, and the disciples are the disciples of flowing water." Once you enter the alchemy room, just wait to get out!

In contrast, they would rather go mining. Although it is a physical job, if they grit their teeth and persevere, they can obtain more training resources and have a chance to get ahead.

"Alchemy room?" Feng Ling snickered in her heart, "Hey, you chose this yourself?"

"Well, I chose it."

Ling Feng shrugged. With his alchemy skills, for ordinary disciples, the alchemy room may be a nightmare, but for him, it is a good place.


Feng Ling smiled faintly, and after everyone had made their choices, she raised her voice: "I will ask several senior brothers and sisters from the inner sect to take you to your mission locations. You guys, follow me. Bar!"

Feng Ling hooked her fingers at Ling Feng, obviously planning to take Ling Feng and the others to the alchemy room in person.

In the end, there were only three people who chose the alchemy room. Apart from Ling Feng, there were two other disciples who were filled in at the end. They were all looking sad, and they had obviously asked about the alchemy room. Regarding the alchemy room, I know that the alchemy room is a "scary" place.

Only Ling Feng, with his arms crossed and a calm expression on his face, was in sharp contrast to the two people around him.

"Hmph, you brat, keep going crazy while you still have the chance. When you get to the alchemy room, I'll see if you're still proud of yourself!"

Feng Ling snickered secretly in her heart: This time, I won’t let you know what the cruelty of reality is?

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