Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1331 The Black Abyss Executioner! (4 more)

Within the Dongling Immortal Pond, the eight floating fairy islands in the heaven are extremely huge, and correspondingly, the area of ​​the earth is also very vast.

Under the leadership of Feng Ling, it took the group about half a quarter of an hour to arrive at the Alchemy Hall in the underworld from the residence of the outer disciples.

"This is where you will carry out your daily tasks in the future. After confirming your tasks, you cannot change them at will within three months unless there are special circumstances."

Feng Ling led Ling Feng and the others to the front of the Alchemy Hall. While leading the way, he introduced: "The daily tasks of the alchemy room are nothing more than processing elixirs and cleaning the ashes, but because all the disciples in the earth have daily cultivation materials, They are all distributed from the Alchemy Hall, so the daily workload will be relatively large. You will understand after you start the task. "

While talking, everyone had entered the Alchemy Hall. Except for some deacons in charge, most of the ordinary disciples looked very thin and listless.

"Because the work of the Alchemy Hall is relatively heavy, the elders sometimes call some handyman disciples to come and help."

Feng Ling pointed at the disciples wearing blue clothes and said calmly: "They are the handyman disciples. The training materials they receive every month are only one-fifth of those of the outer disciples, but their workload is more arduous than that of the outer disciples." . And the number of handyman disciples is about ten times more than that of outer sect disciples. It can be said that the most number of handyman disciples in the entire world are unrealistic for one day to become outer sect disciples again. Dream and work hard.”

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, this is reality.

I thought that the life of the outer disciples was cruel enough, but unexpectedly, the handyman disciples were even more miserable than the outer disciples.

When Ling Feng and others entered the Alchemy Hall, the disciples who were busy working did not even have time to joke. Everyone was cautious and trembling, for fear of making mistakes.

After all, refining elixirs is a very delicate job. If you are not careful and all the elixirs are refining, the day's workload will be invisibly increased.

"Ling Feng, seeing how motivated you are, I will introduce you to Master Ye's alchemy room to help."

Feng Ling looked back at Ling Feng and smiled maliciously.


Hearing the words Master Ye, the expressions of the disciples around him changed slightly, as if they heard the name of some evil spirit. They looked at Ling Feng with even a little sympathy.

If the work in the Alchemy Hall made them feel like hell, then Master Ye's alchemy room felt like eighteen layers of hell, a real abyss of despair.

Although Ling Feng didn't understand where he offended this woman and made her target him everywhere, as long as he was in the alchemy room, he was the king!

So Master Ye, even a savage beast will eventually be tamed by him!


Ling Feng nodded slightly, and the outer disciples around him shook their heads and sighed.

A young man is about to be ruined again!

At this time, a middle-aged alchemist ran out of the inner hall quickly, cupped his fists in salute to Feng Ling, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that this time it was Fairy Feng who personally sent the disciple here. Sometimes I was greeted from afar, and sometimes I was disappointed. welcome."

"It doesn't matter."

Feng Ling waved her hand and said calmly: "These two junior brothers, Manager Sun, you can take care of the arrangements. As for this junior brother Ling Feng, he will go to Master Ye to help."

"Master Ye?"

A strange color flashed in Steward Sun's eyes. He looked Ling Feng up and down. With a hint of sympathy, he nodded and said, "Okay, since it's your arrangement, Fairy Feng, then it's settled."

"Ling Feng, then just carry out your mission here. I'll come back to see you in a few days."

Feng Ling glanced at Ling Feng thoughtfully, then smiled and turned around to leave.

It wasn't until Feng Ling left the Alchemy Hall that Manager Sun looked back at Ling Feng. After thinking about it, he named a disciple and said to the two new disciples besides Ling Feng: "You two, follow him. Go to Master Wu. As for you, come with me."

Ling Feng followed behind Guanshi Sun without saying a word.

Steward Sun secretly murmured in his heart: This kid probably offended Feng Ling, otherwise he wouldn't have pushed him to Master Ye. Who doesn't know that Master Ye has the most irritable temper in the entire Alchemy Hall. If you make a little mistake, or even just a little bit of dissatisfaction, you will often beat and scold.

No one who can stay with Master Ye for more than three months will be thrown into the dark abyss for failing to complete tasks many times.

Therefore, Master Ye is also called, "The Executioner of the Black Abyss."

And it is undeniable that Master Ye's alchemy skills are definitely second to none among all the alchemists in the world.

"Hey, kid."

Halfway through, Manager Sun suddenly stopped, looked back at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Cherish this last stretch of the road, your nightmare will begin soon."

"Is that Master Ye scary?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

Seeing Ling Feng's indifferent expression, Manager Sun shook his head secretly. This young man was really big-hearted, but soon, he would know how terrifying the guy known as the "Executioner of the Black Abyss" was.

"I can't say it's scary, but a nightmare!"

Manager Sun gently patted Ling Feng on the shoulder, "Boy, stay up for a month, and then start from the beginning after you come out of the Black Abyss. If you practice hard, you may still have a chance. But... you are the only one In the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm, I’m afraid…”

Manager Sun shook his head and did not say the rest.

Even if he didn't say anything, Ling Feng also knew that what Manager Sun meant was that in one year, he would either get out or become a handyman disciple.

Finally, Manager Sun pushed open the bronze door of a large hall in front of him. From inside the bronze door, Ling Feng seemed to feel a suffocating pressure and let it out.

That bronze door was like a demon's big mouth, opening ferociously and swallowing up all the creatures that entered the bronze door.

"Master Ye, I am Sun Pei, this is the new outer disciple sent to help you this time. I will leave it to you to discipline me from now on."

Manager Sun stood at the door very respectfully, his tone was respectful, and he did not dare to show any slightness.

"Oh? Have you finally sent people to me again? The previous ones are all dead!"

A loud voice like muffled thunder suddenly exploded from inside, and then, an extremely burly man, more than two meters tall, was seen walking out of the inner room. His upper body was naked, and his whole body was covered with sweat. With scars and knotted blood vessels, the whole person was filled with an aura of barbarism and cruelty.

Ling Feng's pupils couldn't help but shrink, and there was a brief short circuit in his mind.

This guy, is he also an alchemist?

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