Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1332 The miserable alchemy disciple! (1 update)

Speaking of the profession of alchemist, people's first impression is probably that of a relatively frail and elegant-looking middle-aged man, or simply an old man with a white hair and a childish face.

No matter how bad it is, even a very young alchemy wizard like Ling Feng.

However, the alchemist who is as strong as an ox and as tall as a mountain really gives people a subversive feeling.

Is this guy really a serious alchemist?

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly. Judging from the explosive brute force of this guy, he probably understood a little bit why people regarded this place as a devil's cave.

Being punched by this monster would probably make you question your life, and you would have no energy left to complete the mission.

Ling Feng took a look around. They were all disciples who had been tortured to death by this guy. They were all skinny and skinny, with black eyes, as if they would fall down if the wind blew.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of suffering they endure on a daily basis!

"You must be the newcomer!"

Master Ye's huge hand, as big as a cattail leaf fan, slapped Ling Feng hard twice on the shoulder. He originally thought that Ling Feng would be knocked to the ground by him, but he didn't expect that this kid actually stood firmly on the spot and looked directly at him. I didn't feel any fear or dodge at all.

"Hmph, there is an interesting boy here this time!"

Master Ye had a sneer on his lips, nodded, and said calmly: "Okay, Sun Pei is in charge, you can leave, I will train this kid well!"

"Then I'll leave first."

Manager Sun secretly sweated for Ling Feng. This boy's bones looked smelly and hard, and he was probably going to die!

"Hey, kid, what's your name?"

Master Ye stared at Ling Feng with his big copper bell eyes, making Ling Feng feel uncomfortable all over.

"Ling Feng!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath and replied in a neither humble nor condescending manner.

"My name is Ye Xiong."

Ye Xiong hooked his fingers at a disciple next to him and said casually: "Lu Yu, please familiarize this newcomer with his daily tasks. I will only give you an hour. After one hour, you can start working."


The outer disciple named Lu Yu trembled all over after being glanced at by Ye Xiong. He quickly trotted up to Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "Ling... Junior Brother Ling, please follow me!"


Ling Feng nodded and followed Lu Yu to a warehouse at the back.

"Junior Brother Ling, the Alchemy Hall in our realm is mainly for refining the Shen Ning Dan and Yu Ling Dan that the outer disciples need for their daily practice. Because there are very large quantities that need to be refined every month, the success rate is very low. and efficiency come first.”

"The alchemists in the Alchemy Hall need to refine as many elixirs as possible with the assistance of their disciples every day. Therefore, the entire process of processing and purifying the medicinal materials needs to be completed by the disciples, and The alchemist only needs to be responsible for the process of controlling fire, and relatively speaking, the efficiency will be greatly improved. "

While explaining, Lu Yu took out some medicinal materials from the rows of shelves and showed them to Ling Feng to identify them one by one.

Ling Feng just listened and thought to himself: This method is indeed conducive to mass production of elixirs, but ordinary warriors have different proficiency in identifying the age of the medicinal materials and the purification techniques. In the end, although they were refined by an alchemist of considerable standards, The quality of the elixir finally produced cannot be that high.

"This is the recipe for Shen Ning Dan and Yun Ling Dan. I will help you remember them in the shortest possible time."

Lu Yu glanced at Ling Feng and said in a deep voice: "If you don't want to be beaten, you'd better remember the elixir recipe and the characteristics of each medicinal material. Master Ye has very strict requirements for materials. If the year and If there is a problem with freshness, our end will be miserable.”


Ling Feng nodded. He could refine this kind of elixir with his eyes closed. He still needed someone to teach him how to identify it.

About half an hour later, Lu Yu saw that Ling Feng had memorized the elixir formula. This time he said again: "In addition to identifying the medicinal materials, the second step is to refine the medicinal power and extract and remove impurities. Master Ye created a simple extraction method. Even if you are not an alchemist, you can master it quickly. I will demonstrate it to you three times. If you don't understand anything, you can ask it."

Lu Yu was obviously very afraid of Master Ye, and he was very cautious throughout the whole process. Every step was explained in great detail, for fear that Ling Feng would make a mistake and implicate him and be punished.

"The last point is that after the alchemy is completed, the accumulated ashes also need to be cleaned every day."

Ling Feng nodded. With such a large number of repeated elixir refining, the accumulated ashes cannot be ignored, otherwise it will also affect the success rate of the elixir.

"Okay, I remember everything."

Ling Feng smiled faintly at Lu Yu and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Lu."

"Junior brother Ling, listen to me. Never act lazy and relaxed at any time. Smiling and other things are too luxurious for us."

Ling Feng shrugged. At this moment, a thunderous roar came from outside, "Hey, is it ready inside? Quickly take out the prepared medicinal materials!"


Lu Yu was so frightened that he trembled all over. He quickly picked up a plate of medicinal materials and ran out in large strides.

However, even though he rushed out in such a hurry, Master Ye still yelled: "You trash, I only gave you one hour, but you wasted an extra thirty breaths of time. When today's mission is over, you will give me I’ll stay and receive thirty lashes!”


Lu Yu was completely tortured to the point where he lost all his energy and could only tremble and endure it silently.

"Where's the newcomer!"

Ye Xiong's eyes flashed with coldness as he saw Ling Feng slowly walking out of the warehouse, looking unhurried.

"Boy, do you know that you wasted another thirty breaths!"

Ye Xiong frowned deeply, stared at Ling Feng and said: "You also stay today and receive thirty lashes!"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said calmly: "I'm just here to help make alchemy, but it doesn't include getting beaten. If I can complete the task successfully, why do you beat me?"


Ye Xiong's big bronze eyes spread out with aura, staring at Ling Feng, "Boy, what did you say?"

Lu Yu and several other disciples on the side were all trembling with fear. They all looked at Ling Feng in surprise: Is this kid really impatient to live?

Only Ling Feng stood on the spot and said loudly: "I don't like to repeat what I said a second time!"

"Hahahaha! It seems you are very confident in yourself! Okay, okay!"

Ye Xiong laughed loudly, "Well, boy, you handle these medicinal materials! If there is even the slightest mistake, I will skin you!"


Ling Feng took one step forward and walked directly to the alchemy furnace. He raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Master Ye, you have to watch carefully!"

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