Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1346 The intention is sinister! (3 updates)

After a little tidying up, the group set off immediately.

There are ten earth-level Mingjian Tower owners, three heaven-level Mingjian Tower owners, plus Wang Ruquan, Li Fei, who are also strong in the Creation Star Ranking, and three other inner disciples, a group of eighteen people, transformed into a The black spot quickly passed through the mountain gate barrier of Donglingxian Pond and blended into the white snow outside.

About a day later, thousands of miles away from the Demonic Sky Snow Ridge, was the Crystal Snow Mountain Range.

On this trip, the captain is an inner disciple, Wang Ruquan, who is number 72 on the list of creation stars.

The vice-captain is Li Fei, number ninety-nine on the Good Fortune Star List.

However, because Wang Ruquan was taciturn, the task of commanding and dispatching fell on Li Fei.

Although Li Fei is a female figure, she is quite like a female hero, and her every move and gesture is somewhat heroic.

"According to our intelligence, the other party should be entrenched in the southwest corner, Snow Wolf Valley. In Snow Wolf Valley, there is snow all year round, covering many hidden caves. We need to enter the valley and conduct inspections one by one. In order to prevent them from hearing the movement and escaping, we divided into two groups. Road attack."

Soon, Li Fei formulated a very wise outflanking strategy.

"Junior sister Li Fei, you take the three inner disciples to the back of Snow Wolf Valley to intercept. There is only a narrow exit there. With you and the other junior disciples, it is more than enough to stop the enemy."

It was rare for Wang Ruquan to speak, and he made a decision directly as soon as he spoke.

Ling Feng frowned slightly. This Wang Ruquan clearly wanted to use the outer disciples as cannon fodder. When the thieves failed in the frontal battle and fled in a hurry, they would naturally fall into the trap of the inner disciples.

The credit belongs to the inner disciples. The outer disciples have no chance to steal the credit, let alone the credit!

So damn cruel!

"As for the other outer disciples, come with me. Your mission is to search the Snow Wolf Valley from place to place. If you find any suspicious hiding places, send a signal immediately. I will arrive and capture the thieves. If anyone dares to act without authorization, , be punished as collaboration with the enemy!”

Wang Ruquan was quite polite to Li Fei, but towards their outer disciples, he was implicitly threatening.

The tasks are clearly divided and everyone acts separately.

Mo Sanqing glanced at Ling Feng and left after Li Fei. As for Yan Guying, he reminded Ling Feng again to follow him closely and not to fall behind.

Ling Feng felt a little depressed, but if he really had a contribution right under his nose, he wouldn't miss it in vain.

He doesn't need to care about other things. The more good things like the Earth Emperor's Order, the better!

After all, for Ling Feng, who has initially understood the power of yin and yang, the rules of yin and yang in the Emperor's Pool are definitely a great blessing for him.

Half a day later, Wang Ruquan brought a group of outer disciples to a gradually sunken area, and a deep valley appeared in front of them.

"Okay, you guys separate and look for suspicious places. I'll wait for your signal here."

Wang Ruquan took some time off and stood with his sword in hand, giving orders to the outer disciples.

Yan Guying immediately led Ling Feng towards the valley.

Meng Guizang glanced at Ling Feng, and when he saw Ling Feng being taken away by Yan Guying, he snorted coldly and could only find a path by himself, not daring to have any other evil thoughts.

After Ling Feng was led into the Snow Valley by Yan Guying, not long after, Yan Guying looked around and saw no one around, pulled Ling Feng to a remote place, and hid him!

"Senior Brother Yan, what are you doing?"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed, pretending not to understand.

Yan Guying looked around vigilantly and said in a cold voice: "That Wang Ruquan has a sinister nature! If all of us outer disciples huddle together and look for the hiding place of those thieves, we may be able to escape unscathed, but let us spread out. , clearly harboring evil intentions!”

"I heard that the Yuan Power cultivated by Wang Ruquan does not belong to the five elements, but is the attribute of blood! He is extremely sensitive to fresh blood."

Yan Guying's face was solemn and he said in a deep voice: "If what I expected is correct, he deliberately dispersed us and used us as bait. Just imagine, if we really encounter the Extreme Human Emperor, there is no chance for us to release the signal. He clearly knows Just want to use our blood as a signal!”


Yan Guying clenched her fists and snorted coldly: "We are all cannon fodder in his eyes. As long as the inner disciples have no losses, the outer disciples are dead, and the sect will not care about it. In the end, the outer disciples are dead." , it’s like we, the outer disciples, give them our lives in exchange for contribution points, but in the end, they don’t even have to give us one-tenth of the contribution points! It’s really abominable!”

Although Yan Guying did not dare to directly defy Wang Ruquan, he would not be stupid enough to die in vain.

He is not afraid of other people. The Extreme Human Emperor is definitely beyond his ability to deal with.

Little did he know that the teammate next to him had opened his infinite vision and had a panoramic view of the entire Snow Wolf Valley.

The mouth of Snow Wolf Valley.

About half an hour later, Wang Ruquan was still standing quietly at the entrance of the valley, with a pair of cold eyes firmly fixed on the top of the valley, holding a bloody long sword tightly in his hand. Once he sensed the power of Qi and blood, that was the first time he took action. hour!

"Ordinary contribution points are competed by other inner disciples, but I am determined to win the 50,000 contribution points from the leader of the thief!"

Evil Sword Wang Ruquan was silently calculating in his heart.

Suddenly, the evil sword was like a spring, its thick black eyebrows twitched suddenly, and he turned around suddenly and shouted sharply: "Where is the thief, why don't you show up quickly!"

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