Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1347: You will not live if you do it yourself! (4 more updates)


Wang Ruquan raised his hand and a bloody sword light burst out, directly cutting off a huge rock.

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being a disciple of the inner sect of Donglingxianchi, with great strength."

A black shadow flew across the void, and flew past a middle-aged man from behind the boulder. He stood firmly on the boulder like a dragonfly dabbling in the water.

His aura is powerful, and he is clearly an extreme human emperor!

At the same time, from the bottom of the boulder, from a hidden passage, more than ten people, all dressed in uniform, and full of murderous intent, rushed towards Wang Ruquan and surrounded him.

"Are you the thieves who attacked my inner disciples in Donglingxian Pond?"

Wang Ruquan's expression was indifferent. Even though he was surrounded by more than ten people, he still showed no signs of panic.

This is the confidence of being a strong person in the Creation Star List. Even if they are both Extreme Human Emperors, he will not be afraid of each other.

What's more, the enemy's leader is nothing more than a human emperor at best.

Except that this leader needs a lot of effort, the minions under him can be suppressed easily. Even if they escape, he will be guarding the entrance of the valley, and Li Fei will guard the back of the valley. These thieves will have no way to escape.

The big man in black at the head grinned and sneered: "Yes, it's me waiting for you."

"You are so bold. You dare to provoke me, Dongling Immortal Pond. Quickly recruit me and intercept my Immortal Pond disciples. What is your plan?"

Wang Ruquan stood with his sword in hand, his eyes fixed on the opponent's bandit leader, and the murderous intention around him was gradually spreading.

"A guy like you has no right to know!"

The leader in black sneered: "I hope I can get the news I want from you!"

It turns out that these men in black deliberately attacked the disciples of Donglingxianchi in order to obtain some kind of information from the inner disciples?

"Hmph, you're just a thief, how dare you take advantage of my Donglingxian Pond? That's ridiculous!"

Wang Ruquan was extremely conceited and sneered silently, "It's okay, you can be tough now. When I take you back to the Immortal Pond, the elders will naturally have many ways to get you to talk!"


The leader in black had a cruel curve on his lips, "You really can't see the situation clearly!"

"A few of you reptiles are trying to deal with me? You'll die!"

Wang Ruquan's eyes flashed with light, and his bloody sword was like a rainbow, slashing across the air.

Unexpectedly, the leader in black dodged sideways to avoid Wang Ruquan's sword, and sneered: "Your opponent is not me!"

kindness? Wang Ruquan suddenly felt a thump in his heart and felt something was not good.

Suddenly, a black beam of light shot out from the biting wind above!

Silent and ghostly.

Wang Ruquan was not careful and was hit immediately.


Vomiting a mouthful of blood, Wang Ruquan's left shoulder was punctured with a blood hole the size of a fist. Blood gurgled out, and a feeling of weakness hit his heart.

In fact, if Wang Ruquan hadn't telepathically managed to avoid the vital point at the last moment, this black beam would have completely made him lose his ability to resist.

But despite this, he has also been severely injured. As a master of swordsmanship, his right hand was injured and he basically lost half of his combat power.

The most important thing is that the moment the opponent took action, even he was unable to find any trace of his opponent.

Come without a trace, go without a trace!

This made Wang Ruquan feel cold in his heart. Could it be that his opponent was actually more powerful than him?


At this moment, a hoarse and harsh crow sound came from the sky. Immediately afterwards, a huge crow, half a man tall, flapped its wide wingspan and flew around in the strong wind. It immediately converged its wings and landed on the ground. On the shoulders of the leader in black.

You know, the violent wind in the sky is difficult for even the Extreme Human Emperor to resist, but this weird black crow can actually control those winds and turn them into his own use!

In the middle of the black crow's eyebrows, there is a third pupil, which is like a pool of blood, exuding an extremely evil aura. The black beam of light just now shot out from this third blood-colored pupil.

"Ghost...ghost-eyed jackdaw?"

Seeing the blood-colored pupils on the black crow's forehead, Wang Ruquan gasped and his scalp immediately became numb!

Who knows the name of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw?

This ghost-eyed jackdaw is a kind of frost alien species. It has a very special bloodline and can control the wind between heaven and earth.

A Demon Emperor-level Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw can kill a Human Emperor of the same level instantly in terms of speed, and the most terrifying thing is that the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw's third bloody pupil can release a terrifying soul attack!

Even though Wang Ruquan is not afraid of the Extreme Human Emperor of the same level, once he is hit by the ghost-eyed jackdaw's "consciousness ray", he will faint directly in severe cases, or even have hallucinations in mild cases. When surrounded by enemies, once he is trapped in Hallucination is basically a dead end.

Thinking of this, Wang Ruquan broke out in cold sweat. He was very likely to capsize in the gutter today.

What made him even more regretful was that all his companions had been transferred into the Snow Valley by him, and he was now the only one fighting alone.

The so-called sin of self-sufficiency cannot be lived. He originally planned to exchange the lives of his outer disciples for contribution points, but now he was dumbfounded.

You are the big fish that the other party wants to catch!


He endured the pain on his shoulder. The attack of the ghost-eyed jackdaw was extremely vicious. There was still a circle of black energy wrapped around the wound on his shoulder, which was constantly eroding his body. The longer time passed, the higher the probability of his death. The higher it is.

The only solution for now is to run away!

Li Fei and others are guarding the rear of Snow Wolf Valley. As long as they join Li Fei, they still have a chance to escape.

Immediately, Wang Ruquan didn't think much, and immediately ran away, completely like a bereaved dog, without the high-spirited appearance before.

"Can you escape?"

The black-clothed leader sneered, looked at the ghost-eyed jackdaw on his shoulder, and said with a faint smile: "Ghost-eyed Emperor, I will leave this to you, and I will handle the rest of the Dongling Fairy Pond disciples. "

The ghost-eyed jackdaw spread its huge wings and soared into the sky. Pieces of black feathers wrapped around its body. In a flash of light, it turned into an adult man with a stern face. The wings behind his back were vibrating and he spoke human words: "If this person is hit by me, even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, he will never escape from my Wuzhi Mountain!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a "swish" sound, and the ghost-eyed jackdaw submerged into the strong wind, and actually controlled the strong wind at a speed that was far beyond what Wang Ruquan could match.

In this snow valley, the ghost-eyed jackdaw is simply the ruler of this world.

The leader in black sneered, waved to the subordinates behind him, and said coldly: "The hunting has begun!"

As everyone knows, all of this is clearly presented in Ling Feng's infinite vision.

From the beginning, Ling Feng already knew the enemy's location very well.

This is the benefit of infinite vision. There is no need to use the power of spiritual consciousness, so there is no need to alert the enemy. Moreover, the enemy's position is completely exposed under his nose, but his presence cannot be sensed.

This is definitely an ability that can be called cheating.

Originally, Ling Feng wanted to remind Wang Ruquan, but since the other party wanted to use him as bait, he naturally wouldn't be polite.

This kind of person will die early and be reborn!

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