Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1351 The powerful ghost-eyed jackdaw! (4 more updates)

Behind Snow Wolf Valley.

"Damn it!"

Wang Ruquan was sweating profusely, his clothes were stained red with blood, and the wounds on his shoulders had begun to scab, but they were constantly torn apart in the fierce battle.

The severe pain made him almost faint from the pain again and again, but when facing the ghost-eyed jackdaw, as long as he relaxed even a little bit, he would immediately fall into irreversible danger.

Li Fei, who was fighting side by side with him, was also feeling uncomfortable. About half an hour ago, Wang Ruquan rushed over like crazy, and there was actually a demon with two wings following him.

Ghost-eyed jackdaw!

The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw, which has reached the level of transformation and is comparable to the Ultimate Human Emperor, is so powerful that it can be called terrifying.

If Wang Ruquan had not been injured, he and Li Fei might be able to fight to a draw with the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw, but now that he had lost 40 to 50 percent of his strength, it was really hard for Li Fei to do it alone.

As for the other inner sect disciples, one has been dismembered by the ghost-eyed jackdaw, and another has been directly pierced through the chest by ice. Only one Mo Sanqing is left. Because he is a new disciple, he is taken care of by his senior brothers. He barely escaped and was trembling on the edge of the battlefield.

The third pupil of the ghost-eyed jackdaw continued to release strong spiritual rays, which undoubtedly brought tremendous pressure to Li Fei and the others.

"Damn it!"

Wang Ruquan tried his best, went through life and death several times, even gave up a blood sword, and finally reunited with Li Fei and others.

But who would have thought that this ghost-eyed jackdaw could be so powerful. Five inner disciples joined forces, and in the end two of them were killed, while the remaining three of them were completely suppressed and beaten without fighting back at all. room.


The black-feathered man transformed by the ghost-eyed jackdaw showed a sinister smile on his face, "The inner disciples of the Dongling Immortal Pond are nothing more than that. In the hands of this emperor, they are nothing more than chickens and dogs!"

"You evil beast, if you hadn't made a surprise attack and disabled one of my arms first, I would have stripped off your feathers and made you a bald bird!"

Wang Ruquan was so angry that he was shaking all over, but he only dared to rely on the terrain to escape from the eyes of the ghost-eyed jackdaw.

In the third pupil of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw, the mental ray and the ghost-eyed light constantly switch and alternate, and the terrifying destructive power is almost devastating.

Wang Ruquan is getting weaker and weaker, and his heart is sinking little by little. If things go on like this, sooner or later, they will be killed by this ghost-eyed jackdaw.

Moreover, it is like a cat and mouse, playing and playing to death!

Li Fei frowned tightly. The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw is the bloodline of ancient demon spirits. Although it is thin, it has inherited some similar natural instincts. Its realm is only a high-level demon emperor, but it can already compete with the ultimate human emperor and win in battle. Of.

This is the power of the god-refining master. This ghost-eyed jackdaw talent has powerful spiritual attacks, which can definitely be said to be unique.

If they hadn't been afraid of the spiritual ray of the ghost-eyed jackdaw, the two masters on the Star List of Creation would not have been beaten so weakly anyway.

"It would be great if there was a magic weapon to restrain that beast's mental rays!"

Wang Ruquan clenched his fist tightly. Although he was strong in swordsmanship, he was not good at mental power. If he could resist the mental attack of the ghost-eyed jackdaw, he would definitely be able to retaliate if he was hit by the ghost-eyed jackdaw once. The ghost-eyed jackdaw was seriously injured.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

The suppression of spiritual power is absolute suppression!

Ordinary monks focus on cultivating Yuan Power, while most of the god-refining monks are stuck in the Divine Sea Realm. Even if they come, they may not be able to compete with the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw.

Suddenly, the three of them noticed a breath approaching quickly.

"It's Brother Ling, and there's another outer disciple!"

Mo Sanqing was most familiar with Ling Feng's aura, and a glimmer of hope immediately flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Ling Feng's power was definitely comparable to that of the masters on the Fortune Star List. If Ling Feng joined, the occupation might be reversed.

"Outer disciple?"

Wang Ruquan stared intently, and the corner of his mouth suddenly curled up, "Is that the boy who ranks third in Tianjian? With his strength, it is barely enough to attract an attack from the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw! Junior Sister Li Fei, Junior Brother Mo, take advantage of this If we have the chance, we just need to escape from the Snow Wolf Valley quickly. When we are outside, we are not restricted by the strong wind, and we can escape back to the sect to ask for help!"

Li Fei frowned, obviously disgusted with this kind of betrayal of his companions. He gritted his teeth and looked at Mo Sanqing, and said in a deep voice: "Junior brother Mo, go and stop them quickly. This is not a scene they can handle!"


Mo Sanqing was stunned and was about to speak when Wang Ruquan said coldly: "You crazy woman, do you want to die?"

"You caused this monster. I haven't settled the score with you yet, but you still want to pass the disaster on to other junior brothers. As long as I'm here, you can't even think about it!"

Li Fei used her Yuan Power and shouted loudly: "Two junior brothers! Back away quickly, the ghost-eyed jackdaw is not something you can deal with!"

As soon as these words came out, they not only reminded the two of Ling Feng, but also exposed their position overnight. The ghost-eyed jackdaw in the sky laughed ferociously, and immediately activated the ghost-eyed light and bombarded down hard.

"Damn it!"

Wang Ruquan was so angry that he was trembling all over. He had no time to scold Li Fei, so he could only run for his life and run away like crazy. His body was already seriously injured. If he went slower, he would be completely responsible for his life.

At this time, Yan Guying and Ling Feng had heard Li Fei's call. Yan Guying's eyelids twitched and he immediately pulled Ling Feng and hid in a rock crevice.

"Damn! Why is there a ghost-eyed jackdaw!"

Yan Guying was so frightened that she trembled all over and said in a deep voice: "That's not right. Since Senior Sister Li Fei sent the signal, why did she ask us to leave quickly?"

Suddenly, a flash of realization flashed in Yan Guying's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, it must be the signal sent by that bastard Wang Ruquan! This bastard, he just wants us to attract the attention of the ghost-eyed jackdaw, and he will take the opportunity to escape. !”

"Damn it, if Senior Sister Li Fei hadn't reminded us, we would have almost been tricked to death by that bastard Wang Ruquan!"

Ling Feng pouted, everything was under his control from beginning to end, but he didn't expect that the woman named Li Fei was quite generous and would actually remind them.

Yan Guying was conflicted on the spot, "Damn it, although that bastard Wang Ruquan deserves to die, but Senior Sister Li Fei is still inside. I can't just stand by and watch, but with my strength..."

Thinking of this, Yan Guying glanced at Ling Feng again and slowly shook his head. The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw is best at mental attacks. He and Ling Feng should just restrain each other. After all, the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw is the Demon King. Even Ling Feng Feng is definitely not his opponent!

At this time, the ghost-eyed jackdaw seemed to have no patience to continue playing.

Because, in its perception, there seemed to be fewer and fewer companions on its side, and even the aura of the leader in black suddenly disappeared.

All of this made it feel slightly uneasy.

It must be resolved quickly!

(PS: Well, there will be an update in the early morning~)

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