Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1352 Let that woman go! (1 update)


The ghost-eyed jackdaw looked up to the sky and roared, with black feathers wrapped around its body, and suddenly transformed into its true form, a black crow as tall as half a man.

On its forehead, a blood-red eye opened ferociously, constantly releasing a terrifying ghostly light.

Moreover, it was a ghostly light that was almost three times as intense as before!

At the same time, there were also strong spiritual rays that almost caused the space to become distorted.

"not good!"

Li Fei suddenly felt dizzy. Once the ghost-eyed jackdaw returned to its original form, the intensity of its mental rays was even greater than before. She was already exhausted. The other party's mental interference suddenly increased, and it suddenly exceeded the limit she could bear. .

At the same time, Wang Ruquan was also facing the same dilemma. He was trembling all over and felt that his eyelids were heavy and he was about to fall into a fantasy.


Wang Ruquan's will to survive was extremely strong. He took out a dagger and stabbed his own wound severely. The severe pain made him wake up a little. On the other side, Li Fei had almost lost consciousness and fell heavily. The ghost-eyed jackdaw high in the sky flapped its wings and pounced on Li Fei.

The sharp claws clawed directly at Li Fei's chest.

This claw could kill her.

"Stupid woman, seeking death has nothing to do with me!"

Wang Ruquan struggled to stand up and backed away crazily, taking this opportunity to distance himself from the ghost-eyed jackdaw.

"Senior Sister Li Fei!"

Mo Sanqing exclaimed, but it was a pity that he was also a clay Bodhisattva crossing the river. He could not save himself, and there was no way he could save him.

When Ling Feng regained consciousness, she saw a giant claw striking hard, and the violent wind almost cut the skin on her face.

Tsk tsk tsk!

Before the sharp claws arrived, the soft armor on her body could not withstand the terrifying destructive power and continued to crack.

Li Fei's expression changed greatly, but after all, he had experienced many battles. He quickly grabbed the sword, swung it and faced the sharp claws of the ghost-eyed jackdaw.

"Hmph, the last desperate struggle?"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw spoke human words, and a dim light flickered in its third pupil.


Li Fei groaned and was hit by the ghost-eyed jackdaw's spiritual ray again. Suddenly, she was in a daze and completely lost her resistance.

"not good!"

Yan Guying, who was watching the battle from a distance, could no longer hold back any longer. He was already prepared for death and was ready to charge forward.

However, when he looked around, he found that Ling Feng's figure had long since disappeared.

Li Fei completely lost her ability to resist. The ghost-eyed jackdaw didn't hesitate anymore and ripped its sharp claws down. Li Fei was about to die before her eyes.

The cold touch of death spread throughout his body.

A look of despair flashed in Li Fei's eyes, she was probably going to die.

At this moment, a low shout came!

"Let that woman go!"

In a daze, Li Fei's eyes focused slightly...

Dressed in white, he flew over, holding a long sword, like the sword god descending.

That person is, Ling Feng?

She had no idea that among so many people present, the one who came to save her was actually the "weakest" Ling Feng.

This guy who only has the 200th rank of the prefecture-level Mingjian Tower, even if he takes action, what can he do?

Did he die in vain?


Li Fei cursed in her heart, already accepting her fate.

He himself cannot escape death after all.

However, the next moment, a terrifying sword energy suddenly burst out, including metal, wood, water, fire, earth, ice, wind, and thunder!

The eight attributes condensed into eight attribute swords, hovering around Ling Feng.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the eight swords merged into one and shot at the ghost-eyed jackdaw.


Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw originally saw that Ling Feng was only in the Divine Sea Realm and completely ignored him. However, when Ling Feng merged with Xiao Bai, he unleashed a move of eight swords in one. This power was used by Xiao Bai alone. Eight swords combined into one!

"how come?"

The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw was stunned by the terrifying sword energy coming down from his face. He had no intention of killing Li Fei. He fluttered his wings and quickly retreated. His huge body rolled hundreds of feet on the snow and hit a huge stone. superior.

And in the sky above it, a snow hill was directly flattened to the ground. The gravel and snow were all reduced to ashes and disappeared invisible!

The power of this sword is so terrifying!


The ghost-eyed jackdaw let out a harsh and unpleasant cry, and its three pupils glowed fiercely at the same time. Being beaten so badly by a mere kid from the Divine Sea Realm completely aroused the beast's ferocity.

Ling Feng grabbed Li Fei's shoulder with one hand, threw her body back, and said with a faint smile: "Sister, please rest for a while, I will deal with this black-feathered bird!"

Li Fei looked at Ling Feng's back, slightly dazed.

How could this outer disciple be so powerful!

"Damn it, human, you've angered me!"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw stared at Ling Feng fiercely and said coldly: "You have the aura of the black protector on your body. Could it be that he has been killed by you?"

"Are you talking about that stupid big guy in black robe?" Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Sorry, he is too weak!"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw's eyes flashed fiercely, "Unexpectedly, my holy religion's plan, which is almost perfect, was ruined by a junior like you. I will die soon!"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw said a bunch of words that were incomprehensible, and suddenly spread its wings. Its third pupil, the blood light scattered and circulated, shot out an arm-thick black beam, penetrated the void, emitted the light of destruction, and instantly penetrated Lingfeng. .

Five times the intensity of ghostly eyes!

However, what it penetrated was just a shadow of Ling Feng.

The figure flashed, and Ling Feng landed on a rock. He sneered lightly, "Black-feathered bird, can you hit it accurately?"


The ghost-eyed jackdaw was repeatedly called a black-feathered bird by Ling Feng, and he was so angry that he was shaking all over, "I am the ghost-eyed emperor. If you call me a black-feathered bird again, I will definitely crush you to ashes!"

"A black-feathered bird is a black-feathered bird. Who are you trying to scare with a fancy name?"

Ling Feng had a relaxed look on his face. The most powerful mental ray of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw had no effect on Ling Feng at all.

Without the interference of spiritual rays, the threat of the ghost-eyed jackdaw is naturally greatly reduced.

The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw did not believe in evil, and kept increasing the fluctuations of the mental rays again and again. However, from the beginning to the end, Ling Feng folded his arms calmly, stood proudly on the rock, and sneered: "Hey , Black-feathered bird, are you tickling me with your mental attack? "

Before he finished speaking, a purple light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes.

"Shocking disaster!"

The power of his spirit exploded, Ling Feng's eyes narrowed, and a purple divine light almost condensed into substance and shot hard at the ghost-eyed jackdaw.


With a scream, the body of the ghost-eyed jackdaw suddenly lost its balance in the sky. Ling Feng's shocking calamity and lethality were so terrifying!

That day, Master Bai Di once said that a man with shocking catastrophic power could kill millions of armies with a single glance.

The ghost-eyed jackdaw kept staring at Ling Feng's eyes, trying to disturb Ling Feng, but as a result, the shocking power of the robbery exploded in its mind.

One can imagine the terrible backlash this guy encountered.

If it hadn't possessed a super powerful soul talent, this blow would have been enough to completely collapse its sea of ​​consciousness.

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