Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1354 Return to the Immortal Pond! (3 updates)

After gathering all the surviving disciples, the group immediately returned to the Donglingxian Pond. When they returned, Wang Ruquan was probably seriously injured and had gone into hiding to recover, and had not returned to the sect yet.

In this way, Li Fei had the final say in everything. After the final allocation, Ling Feng captured the bandit leader alive and received 50,000 contribution points. As for the others, Ling Feng was not stingy and shared them all equally with everyone. No one was in vain. After a busy trip, I got another favor from Ling Feng, and I was full of praise for Ling Feng's bold style.

"Fifty thousand contribution points, I want to exchange for an Earth Emperor's Order."

Before the contribution points he got were warmed up, Ling Feng exchanged another Earth Emperor's Token, and suddenly the wind blew away the eggshells again, and the wealth was gone and people were happy.

"You guy..."

Li Fei shook her head and smiled bitterly, narrowed her eyes and glanced at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Junior brother Ling, you really don't understand how precious the contribution points are! You actually took out nearly ten thousand contribution points and divided them equally."

"If we all act together, we can't make this trip in vain."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, not paying much attention to these external things. In comparison, he found that although there were scum like Meng Guizang and Wang Ruquan in the Dongling Fairy Pond, there were still people like Yan Guying and Li Fei who were worthy of close friendship. partner.

"No matter what, you are free to distribute your contribution points."

Li Fei smiled faintly at Ling Feng, "Junior Brother Ling, I believe that this mission will give the higher-ups of the sect a new understanding of you. I don't think it will be long before you can ascend to heaven and become an inner disciple."

Mo Sanqing also nodded repeatedly, "Brother Ling, there must be no problem!"

Ling Feng laughed loudly and said, "Then let me borrow your good words."

Ling Feng held the Earth Emperor's Token in his hand and felt quite satisfied. Together with the Earth Emperor's Token that Meng Guizang lost to him in a bet, he could stay in the Earth Emperor's Pond for a total of twenty days!

Less than a month after joining Donglingxian Pond, he was able to obtain two Earth Emperor Ponds. Ling Feng must be the number one since Donglingxian Pond founded the sect!

"Okay, Junior Brother Ling and Junior Brother Yan, I will take those captives back to Liuhuo Palace to return to their lives. I hope to find out the reason, so I will take my leave first."

Li Fei bowed her hands to Ling Feng, gave Ling Feng a thoughtful look, pursed her delicate lips and said, "Junior brother Ling, remember, my name is Li Fei."

"Oh." Ling Feng nodded slightly and responded with cupped hands.

Li Fei glanced at Ling Feng with some annoyance and shook her head. She immediately took Mo Sanqing with her, and under the guidance of several Liuhuo Palace disciples, they flew into the heaven together.

After walking far away, Li Fei gritted her silver teeth and said to Mo Sanqing: "Junior Brother Mo, how much do you know about Junior Brother Ling Feng?"

"Uh..." Mo Sanqing was stunned for a moment. This senior sister Li Fei, who had always been aloof, was actually interested in asking about Ling Feng.

"Actually, Brother Ling lived in my Moxue Villa for a while before."

Mo Sanqing answered truthfully.

"Oh?" Li Fei's eyes lit up and she said quickly: "Then tell me everything you know! Everything!"

Mo Sanqing felt a little bitter in his heart. Although he admired Ling Feng very much, it was a bit unpleasant to think that Li Fei, whom he regarded as a goddess, could be captured so easily.

"Hey, your Brother Feng is your Brother Feng after all!"

Mo Sanqing sighed softly, and then said slowly: "Senior Sister Li Fei, the origin of the matter has to start with the qualification assessment of the Dongling Immortal Pond..."

After returning home with a full load, Ling Feng returned to his No. 200 Mingjian Tower with great ease and comfort.

This trip allowed him to earn a lot of contribution points, which he directly exchanged for an Earth Emperor's Token. Together with the one he had bet with Meng Guizang, there were two Earth Emperor's Tokens. I believe that the twenty people in the Earth Emperor's Pond were God, I should be able to gain a lot.

"Meng Guizang has died in Snow Wolf Valley. I can win this gambling fight without a fight!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and returned to the house to find Fang Wen meditating.

The house is well organized and free of dust.

Ling Feng nodded with satisfaction. If he lived alone, I'm afraid the house would have turned into a doghouse.

"Senior Brother Ling, you are back!"

Fang Wen sensed Ling Feng's aura and jumped up quickly. Ling Feng was so lucky to get the opportunity to go out to perform sect tasks. With his strength, he should have earned a lot of contribution points, probably a hundred points!

Of course, Fang Wen didn't know that Ling Feng had earned tens of thousands of contribution points, and even went out for a walk and received an Earth Emperor Order directly.

If she knew, she would probably be so shocked that her eyes would pop out.

One hundred points?


"Well, I'm back."

Ling Feng nodded slightly and said calmly: "During my absence, no one came to cause trouble, right?"

"No." Fang Wen shook her head, "Everyone thinks that Senior Brother Ling will die in the gambling fight with Meng Guizang, so no one comes to provoke you. Once you die, the seat of No. 200 Mingjian Tower at the prefecture level will be taken. It’s naturally available.”

"Humph, they think it's quite beautiful!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "However, the No. 200 prefecture-level Mingjian Tower will indeed be vacated soon."

"Ah?" Fang Wen exclaimed, "Senior Brother Ling, do you really want to fight with Meng Guizang? In fact, according to the sect's rules, since the fight has been interrupted, as long as one of the parties disagrees, the fight will be complete. You can give up."

"How about that?"

Ling Feng grinned and said: "If I give up, wouldn't my Heavenly Level No. 9 Mingjian Tower be ruined?"

"Ah?" Fang Wen's eyelids twitched, "Senior Brother Ling, what do you mean?"

"It means that we should pack up and prepare to move, which will only happen in the next two days."

"Uh..." Fang Wen looked at Ling Feng, saw his clear and watery eyes, and nodded immediately.

For some reason, she instinctively chose to believe in Ling Feng without reservation.

Ling Feng smiled lightly, dismissed Fang Wen, and walked directly to the retreat room.

With his current position in the Alchemy Hall, even if he didn't perform any daily tasks for a month, no one would dare to hold back a fart.

Sitting cross-legged, Ling Feng slowly took out the ghost-eyed jackdaw's eyeball.

The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw is dead, but this eyeball still shines brightly, like a living thing.

"The ghost-eyed jackdaw can use its eyeballs to release ghost-eyed light and spiritual rays. It is indeed a difficult existence."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Fortunately, he had practiced secret techniques such as "Soul Splitting Art". When he exploded with all his strength, he had a hundred times the power of the human emperor's consciousness.

If not, he really wouldn't dare to take the spiritual ray of the ghost-eyed jackdaw.

Gently pinching the eyeball, Ling Feng integrated the power of his consciousness into the eyeball bit by bit.

After a while, Ling Feng gradually fell into concentration like an old monk, and his consciousness sank into a bloody space.

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