Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1355 Clues to the Emperor’s Seal! (4 more updates)

"Is this the world within the eyeballs of a ghost-eyed jackdaw?"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, he didn't expect a creature like the ghost-eyed jackdaw to be so weird.


A piercing cry sounded, and in the mental space inside the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw's eyeballs, a huge black shadow actually condensed, gradually turning into a big black bird, and pounced towards Ling Feng.

"Damn boy, how dare you destroy my body, I will take your body for my own use!"

Although the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw died, at the last moment, he retained a ray of spiritual thought that existed in the third eyeball.

Such monsters possess extremely powerful soul talents, so they are not likely to die so easily.

"Humph, black-feathered bird, you couldn't do anything to me when you were alive, but after you die, do you still want to take my body away from me?"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, not caring about the ghost-eyed jackdaw's counterattack.

"Boy, you are so naive. Where do you think this is? This is the ghost eye space of my emperor. In this space, I am the only master. Hand over your body obediently. Hum, Edom As a disciple of Lingxian Pond, lurking in the East Lingxian Pond, Jie Jie Jie may find it easier to get that treasure! "

"Oh? Treasure?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, "What treasure?"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw made a sharp whistle and said coldly: "Boy, do you think I will tell you? Come and die!"

"Don't tell me? Are you sure?"

A wicked smile appeared on Ling Feng's face, "Black-feathered bird, you can't defeat me after all. You want to take my body with just a single thought from you?"

The next moment, on Ling Feng's forehead, a book called Shutongge was opened strangely. Within the blood-colored vertical pupils, a void demonic hand stretched out. When the demonic hand grabbed it, it strangled Gui Yanhan to death. Crow's soul.

"This...what is this?"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw was scared to death, "You... what kind of monster are you?"

"Black-feathered bird, look now, who is the master of this space?"

Ling Feng sneered. Although Ling Feng rarely used his predatory eye because it was too evil and weird, it didn't mean he didn't use it.

For example, when dealing with a weak soul like the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw, although it has the home field advantage, it is still insignificant under the eyes of plunder.

"Damn it, damn it!"

The ghost-eyed jackdaw's soul shivered and shouted: "Boy, what do you want to know? I will tell you, I will tell you everything!"

"No need!"

Ling Feng sneered, "What I want to know, of course there is a way to know it. Now, look into my eyes!"

In Ling Feng's eyes, the divine patterns of humanity condensed, and the ability to read memory suddenly activated.

The Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw felt its soul body twitch, and then, Ling Feng's spiritual thoughts dominated its only remaining sea of ​​consciousness.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, a gleam of joy flashing in his eyes.

"The Seal of the Desolate Emperor! It's actually the Seal of the Desolate Emperor!"

From the memory of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw, he read that the reason why the forces behind the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw repeatedly attacked the Dongling Immortal Pond disciples was to obtain information about the location of the Huangdi Seal from their memories. .

"It seems that these Five Emperor Seals are really closely related to me!"

Ling Feng curled his lips. When he was in the Holy Land of the Monster Clan, he got a Yellow Emperor Seal that Yue Huaqing temporarily stored in his hands. Then, he got a second Dragon Emperor Seal from the ruins of the ancient Monster Clan. (PS: See the previous article for details. The chapter where Ling Feng pretends to be a monster and sneaks into the holy land of the monsters with Mu Qianxue. Starting from "Chapter 1032 Yuehua Qing".)

In this way, he had already obtained two of the Five Emperor Seals. Unexpectedly, the third Huang Emperor Seal was actually hidden in the Dongling Immortal Pond.

Moreover, it seems that even the senior officials of Donglingxian Pond do not know the specific whereabouts of this Huangdi Seal. The purpose of the forces behind the Ghost Eyed Jackdaw in arresting the disciples of Donglingxian Pond is to explore the contents of Donglingxian Pond. In some weird places, there may be the Emperor's Seal.

"You really brought me some good news!"

A smile appeared on Ling Feng's lips, and he slowly exited the ghost-eyed jackdaw's mental space, holding the eyeball in his hand.

In addition to the news about the Huangdi Seal, Ling Feng also learned about the force behind the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw, which seemed to be called the Blood Shadow Alliance. It was deeply involved and seemed to be related to some high-level officials in the Dongling Fairy Pond.

This is an incredible piece of information. If it is true, the entire Dongling Immortal Pond may be about to face a huge change.

However, for the time being, these matters are not something that a small outer disciple like him can control. Even if he says it, no one will believe him. Instead, he will be labeled as causing trouble in the sect, and he might be kicked out of Donglingxian Pond.

Moreover, it is really not that easy to shake the foundation of Yidong Lingxian Pond with three powerful semi-saints.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng decided not to tell anyone the news for the time being, even Lin Mu.

As long as you pay a little attention to it, you should be fine in the short term.

The key thing right now should be to find the Huangdi Seal hidden in the Dongling Immortal Pond.

After getting two out of five, it would be too hypocritical to say that Ling Feng was not interested in the secrets of the Five Emperor Seals.

"That's all, let's refine this eyeball first."

After thinking about it, Ling Feng put aside all distracting thoughts and began to refine the third eyeball of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw.

Although this eyeball is very good for forging alchemy, Ling Feng has other plans in mind.

Heaven, Flowing Fire Palace.

In a prison where serious criminals were interrogated, at this moment, the master of Flowing Fire Hall and several high-level elders suddenly arrived here, with angry faces and furious faces.

Most of the elders of Liuhuo Palace practice fire magic powers and are as fierce as fire. Naturally, they attach great importance to the assassination of many inner disciples of Liuhuo Palace.

After a day and night of interrogation, the mouth of the black protector (that is, the leader in black) was finally opened.

"Damn it, it's the Blood Shadow Alliance again!"

The Master of Flowing Fire Hall slapped his hand on the wall of the dungeon, and there was only a roar. The prison cell reinforced by layers of formations made a muffled sound, and the entire dungeon shook.

"Palace Master, don't be too excited."

A white-haired old man next to him said slowly: "This Blood Shadow Alliance is an enemy of our Donglingxian Pond and has a history of nearly a hundred years. Although the master of Huanyue Temple later established a shadow organization and repeatedly inquired about the details of the Blood Shadow Alliance, There has never been a clear result. This time, the Blood Shadow Alliance has become more aggressive and dares to attack my disciples of Flowing Fire Palace. Hum, I am afraid this matter will be taken seriously. "

The eyes of the Lord of the Flowing Fire Palace flickered with cold light, and he said coldly: "That bitch, Holy Lady Huiyue, is only thinking about the dead Fairy Callia. What other decent things can she do!"


An elder from the Liuhuo Palace next to him quickly made a silence gesture, "Palace Master, if you don't want to be dreamed by the Moon God tonight, you'd better say less."


The master of Flowing Fire Hall waved his sleeves, but he did not dare to continue talking. The reason why the three temples are the upper three halls is not without reason. Huiyue Shengji is indeed much stronger than the master of Wuling Hall.

There are even rumors that the strength of Saint Huiyue has almost reached the semi-saint level, and can keep pace with the leader Tianyuan Saint Emperor!

This woman is so terrifying!

(PS: There are 1~2 more updates in the evening. It depends on the status. Since the manuscript is not saved, it is all written temporarily. Anyway, I finally added an update while maintaining 4 updates.)

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