Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1357 Challenge the Heavenly Sword to be No. 1! (1 update)

It is said that people are afraid of being famous as pigs are afraid of being strong. In the past few days, Ling Feng finally understood the true meaning of this sentence.

After moving into the Heaven-level Mingjian Tower No. 9, Ling Feng naturally tried the so-called five times spiritual energy gathering array in the Heaven-level Mingjian Tower. Sure enough, the effect was much better than that of the Earth-level Mingjian Tower. Ling Feng Feng immediately chose to practice in seclusion.

However, one night passed.

When Ling Feng opened the door of the quiet room, he saw Fang Wen walking up respectfully outside the door, holding a thick stack of letters in her arms, and surprisingly they were all letters of challenge!

"Senior Brother Ling, here are thirty-three letters of challenge, all of which are for the Heaven-level Bright Sword Tower."


Ling Feng grabbed the basics casually, and when he opened them, he saw that they were all veteran outer disciples.

Because Meng Guizang missed the appointment and failed to participate in the gambling battle, Ling Feng picked up a big leak and directly became the owner of the No. 9 Heaven-level Mingjian Tower. This immediately made Ling Feng, the owner of the building, a big fat one in the eyes of everyone. Meat.

With Ling Feng's strength, how could he hold on to this position despite his virtue and ability?

As long as they challenge Ling Feng and win, they can become the owners of the heaven-level Mingjian Tower. Even if they only work for one day, they can brag for a lifetime.

I was also the owner of the heaven-level Mingjian Tower!

Therefore, these veteran disciples undoubtedly want to step on Ling Feng and gain the title of ninth in the Heavenly Sword!

"You think I'm a soft persimmon, can you pinch me as you please?"

Ling Feng snorted softly, patted the challenge letter in Fang Wen's hand aside, and said with his lips: "Don't pay attention to these boring people."

Fang Wen hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Ling, you can't do it! If you are performing tasks outside the sect, you can naturally ignore it, but when you return to the sect, you must accept the challenge within three days, otherwise it will be regarded as cowardice and you will be deprived of your heaven. He became the owner of Mingjian Tower and was kicked out of Mingjian Tower."

Ling Feng frowned slightly. He was not afraid of challenges, but if he was wasting time every day challenging those boring people, how could he practice well?

It takes him a long time to frighten those veteran outer disciples, wasting a lot of energy and hindering cultivation, which is really troublesome.

Therefore, he needs to establish his authority!

Establish your authority in one battle!

Now that he has reached the ninth position in the outer sect, Ling Feng is not ready to retreat any further.

"Ignore these letters of challenge for now, Fang Wen, please send a letter of challenge for me."

After saying that, Ling Feng grabbed the writing brush next to the desk and quickly wrote a letter of challenge with a swipe of the pen.

"The ninth peak of Heavenly Sword, challenge the number one in Heavenly Sword!"

Only a few words, but full of boundless domineering power.

If you don't agree with each other, directly challenge the first place!

"This this……"

Fang Wen was stunned, "Brother Ling, did you write it wrong? Number one, that's number one!"

"Challenging the first place will have a shocking effect of establishing authority, so go ahead."

Ling Feng waved his hand, looking relaxed and contented.

Fang Wen swallowed hard, sighed softly, and said no more.

In her opinion, Ling Feng is probably a complete arrogant maniac. He obviously picked up the ninth position in Tianjian by accident, but now his butt is not hot yet, he is about to challenge for the first place.

Arrogance is not so arrogant, right?

With an uneasy feeling, Fang Wen came to the front of the Tian-level Mingjian Tower No. 1 and raised her voice: "Is Senior Brother Wenren here?" (PS: Wenren is a compound surname.)

The No. 1 Heavenly Sword and the No. 1 Master of the Heavenly Mingjian Tower, Wenren Longzhan, has dominated the outer sect for ten years. In the past three years, almost no one has dared to challenge him except Ji Rushuang, who is second.

He is the overlord who stands at the pinnacle of the outer sect. According to rumors, his strength can already challenge some of the inner sect brothers on the Fortune Star List.

Fang Wen called softly, but no one responded. Fang Wen sweated slightly on her forehead and gritted her silver teeth and said: "Senior Brother Wenren, God... Ling Feng, the owner of the ninth building of Tianjian, challenges you!"

"A challenge?"

The next moment, a golden figure suddenly flashed out from the sword tower, like an illusion, but also like a reality. Fang Wen only felt the bright golden light shining so brightly that she could hardly open her eyes, and nodded quickly: "Yes... Yes, senior brother.”

"I will take over this battle. Be on time for the appointment at noon tomorrow!"

Hearing Ren Long Zhan, he stretched out his hand to grab the challenge letter in Fang Wen's hand. Then, the golden light dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

Only a few senior brothers who passed by were shocked beyond measure when they witnessed this scene.

Soon, the news about Ling Feng leapfrogging to challenge Tianjian for the first place was like a depth bomb, shaking the entire outer door.

The aftermath of the gambling fight between Ling Feng and the Ninth Meng Guizang of the Heavenly Sword had not yet subsided, and immediately afterwards, Ling Feng actually made such a big move again.

This challenge letter immediately caused an uproar.

"Damn! Did I hear it right? That kid is weak and challenges the number one in the Heavenly Sword?"

"Doesn't he know how he came to be the Ninth Sword of Heaven? Is he addicted to picking things up?"

"Senior Brother Wenren is so powerful that I can't understand it unless I've seen it with my own eyes! He has transcended the level of an outer disciple. If he hadn't been unwilling to advance to the inner disciple, he would have already been a master on the Star List of Creation! "

"This is simply a suicidal challenge. Less than a month after joining the outer sect, I jumped directly to challenge the number one in Tianjian! My dear! No matter what, this battle must be seen. It is a rare opportunity in a hundred years!"


For a time, almost the entire outer sect, all the disciples and elders, up and down, were discussing this matter.

As for the people below challenging Ling Feng, it was completely covered up.

Among the outer sects, who can match the influence of the "Heavenly Sword First" who heard about the human-dragon battle? This challenge has attracted countless eyeballs before it even started, and even shocked the heaven above.

"What, someone challenges the outer sect to be number one in the Heavenly Sword?"

"It's really crazy. Wenren Longzhan's strength can be included in the list of good fortune stars. I heard that the guy who challenged him is just a newcomer."

"Haha, no matter what, this battle is very interesting! I will definitely go to watch the battle at noon tomorrow!"

Inside the Earth Spirit Hall.

Lin Mu also quickly learned about Ling Feng's challenge to the No. 1 Heavenly Sword from some disciples who often dealt with the outer sect.

"This kind of thing is really something that Brother Ling can do!"

Lin Mu originally asked Ning Guichen to form a team and wanted to take on a super-A-level mission. Unfortunately, it was easy to find Ning Guichen to form a team, but super-A-level tasks were not awarded casually.

Hearing about such a big event before receiving the mission, Lin Mu couldn't help but feel excited.

"I like this character who is not afraid of heaven and earth! Hahaha, I will also go to the scene tomorrow to cheer for Brother Ling!"

Yu Linglong on the side clenched her hands and said with some trepidation: "Well, Lin...Senior Brother Lin, can I also go and see you?"

"Of course! Hehe!"

Lin Mu hooked Yu Linglong's shoulders and said with a smile: "Xiao Yu'er, you have to cheer for my brother Ling!"


Yu Linglong was hugged by Lin Mu's shoulders, her pretty face immediately turned red to her ears, and she nodded heavily, feeling that her whole head was a little groggy.

Lin Mu's eyes were full of excitement, and he didn't notice at all that Yu Linglong's pretty face was so red that it almost looked like it was cooked.

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