Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1358 The sect is shocked! (2 updates)

Flowing Fire Palace.

Ling Feng's challenge to the number one Heavenly Sword naturally spread to the ears of the disciples of Liuhuo Palace.

Ru Ning Guichen, Li Fei, and Mo Sanqing, although they were all puzzled by Ling Feng's almost crazy decision, they all wanted to go to the underworld to cheer Ling Feng on.

As for Wang Ruquan, who finally recovered from his injuries, he is obviously still worried about the ghost-eyed jackdaw's eyeballs.

The contribution points have been divided up, and he has nothing to do, but he is still unwilling to give up the eyeballs of the ghost-eyed jackdaw.

"Hmph, you overestimate your ability, you dare to challenge Wen Renlong to fight! It's okay, I'll take this opportunity to find out your details! I will definitely ask you to repay the humiliation of Snow Wolf Valley twice as much!"

In Wang Ruquan's view, Ling Feng just had a spiritual power that was different from ordinary people. In the end, it was Li Fei who actually killed the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw.

Therefore, he was confident that if he was not injured, dealing with Ling Feng would take some effort, but it would not be difficult.

The disciples of the Five Spirits Palace are very concerned about this matter, but few people in the Three Divine Palaces know about it.

As for Tuoba Yan, since he became a disciple of Holy Fairy Huiyue, it was basically difficult to leave the quiet room.

Practicing the skills of Huanyue Temple requires the mind to be as still as water, without any disturbance. Unfortunately, Tuoba Yan's heart is attached to Lingfeng, so relatively speaking, the progress has always been slow.

In the blink of an eye, it was dead of night again, and Tuoba Yan could only look up at the starry sky through the window, whispering to himself, "Are you okay? Have you ever... thought of me occasionally?"

The same starry sky looks much hazier when viewed from the ground.

Ling Feng stood by the window sill of the quiet room, looking at the stars in the sky. He seemed to think of something, but finally shook his head and sighed softly.

The road ahead is bleak, and my own strength is far from enough!

Sit cross-legged and activate the "Sage Xuantian Kung", steadily improving bit by bit.

Genius is indeed 99% talent, plus 1% hard work and sweat, and this 1% hard work is always indispensable.

The night flew by.


The stone door of the quiet room slowly opened.

Fang Wen stepped in, gritted her teeth and said softly: "Senior Brother Ling, the time has come, today is the day you challenge Wen Renlong to fight."

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng stood up, with a slight smile on his lips and a high-spirited look.

Fang Wen was stunned as to what was it that gave Ling Feng such confidence.

Wen Renlong Zhan is the overlord who stands at the pinnacle of the outer sect!

The largest martial arts arena in the center of the realm has been out of use since yesterday.

This battle that shocked the outer sect undoubtedly made all the outer sect disciples eagerly look forward to it. They even staggered the time of daily tasks and were not willing to miss this challenge.

After all, in their opinion, the result of a new disciple challenging Wen Renlong to a battle would be to be killed instantly!

However, everyone still has an inexplicable feeling about this newcomer who frequently creates miracles.

Maybe he can continue to create miracles!

The agreed time comes and all parties are present.

"Hey, good guy, so many inner disciples from the heaven are actually here to watch the battle?"

"It seems that this challenge is really sensational. Those inner disciples have always looked down upon our outer disciples."

"It's rare. Outer disciples fight, and inner disciples never see it. I didn't expect them to come and watch it in person."

"It seems that the newcomer named Ling Feng, who has joined the outer sect less than a month ago, directly challenges the number one in the Heavenly Sword. It is really a gimmick, and even the people in the Heavenly Realm are paying attention to this battle."

"Well, to be able to gain such attention, as long as he doesn't lose too badly, his reputation will spread among the inner sect for a while. His sensational move can be considered a success."

"However, with the strength that Senior Brother Wenren has dominated the outer sect for ten years, that Ling Feng is definitely no match for him!"

"Yes, in this battle, that arrogant newcomer will only suffer a disastrous defeat!"

At this time, Lin Mu also rushed to the venue with Yu Linglong. Lin Mu was quite looking forward to this battle.

After all, among the outer sects, the strength of Wen Renlong Zhan is almost on par with some of the inner sect strongmen on the Good Fortune Stars Ranking. However, the outcome of the battle between Ling Feng and Wen Renlong Zhan is not easy to say.

"Senior Brother Ning, you are here too!"

From a distance, Lin Mu saw Ning Guichen standing aside holding a sword, and quickly pulled Yu Linglong and strode over.

When Ning Guichen saw Lin Mu approaching, he slightly nodded and said, "How could I easily miss such a sensational battle for Junior Brother Ling? However, the Wenren Dragon Battle was so strong that Junior Brother Ling made this decision, which was a little bit... sloppy."

Lin Mu grinned, "According to what I know about Brother Ling, this guy never fights unprepared. Look, I think he will definitely win!"

Not far away, Li Fei was also a disciple of Liuhuo Hall. Seeing Ning Guichen here, she couldn't help but be a little surprised, "Hey, Senior Brother Ning, why are you here too."

Mo Sanqing followed Li Fei and bowed to Ning Guichen, "I've met Senior Brother Ning."

"Haha, I have a good relationship with Junior Brother Ling, so I came here. Junior Sister Li, on the other hand, you rarely come to the Earth Realm on weekdays."

Ning Guichen smiled faintly and nodded slightly towards Mo Sanqing.

Li Fei's pretty face blushed slightly, "I also met Junior Brother Ling during the sect mission a few days ago. I know that he is very capable, so I came to watch the battle."

"I see."

Ning Guichen smiled lightly and said: "To be able to be praised so much by you, Junior Sister, it seems that Junior Brother Ling's strength is beyond my expectations."

Seeing Li Fei's beauty, Lin Mu couldn't help but fall into his old habit again, and said with a smile: "Senior Sister Li, little brother Lin Mu, it turns out you also know Brother Ling, haha, I am his best friend who wears the same pants!"


The corners of Li Fei's mouth twitched slightly. Lin Mu had a good reputation in Donglingxian Pond, but most of them were notorious.

She didn't expect that Ling Feng would actually have something to do with a little devil like Lin Mu.

With a faint smile, Li Fei said no more, staring at the ring with her beautiful eyes, quietly waiting for Ling Feng's arrival.

At the same time, in a corner of the crowd, an indifferent young man was leaning under a big tree in the distance. His breath was cold, giving people a sense of danger that no one should approach.

This person is naturally Wang Ruquan, who was severely humiliated by Ling Feng in Snow Wolf Valley that day.

After a few days of recuperation and rest, Wang Ruquan had recovered somewhat, but the tightness in his chest made it difficult to get rid of the depression.

If Ling Feng can't be trampled under his feet, the bad breath in his heart will probably breed inner demons, making it difficult to break through.

On the other side, Fairy Feng Lingfeng, who had brought Ling Feng to the outer gate to report that day, also landed on the crown of a big tree from a distance, waiting with interest for the start of the competition.

"This guy really makes a big move every day, he must scare people's hearts out!"

Feng Ling shook his head and smiled, and thought to himself: But this time, Wen Renlong Zhan should be able to let him try the taste of failure. After all, that guy is hiding very deep!

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