Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1361 An unprecedented challenge! (1 update)

"How is it possible? With just one eyeball, you can perfectly reproduce the innate magical power of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw!"

Li Fei's expression changed drastically. No one knew the power of these two abilities together better than her.

She was just a hair away from dying under the clutches of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw.

At this moment, the innate magical power of this monster was restored to Ling Feng!

"Damn it, this is supposed to be my ghost eye!!!"

Wang Ruquan's black clothes fluttered, and his black hair danced wildly like a mad demon, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

If the ghost eye didn't have much power, he would be better off accepting it. However, it exploded with stunning power in Ling Feng's hands! This aroused his hatred even more. In his opinion, this ghost eye should have been his.

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, slowly closing the ghost eyes on his forehead, with a calm expression on his face, and bowed his hands in the direction of Wenren Longzhan, "Senior brother, I accept the offer!"

Hearing that Renlong was defeated in the battle, he slowly got up from the ground, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "I was the one who lost. You can move in at any time in the Heavenly Level 1 Mingjian Tower!"

After saying that, Wenren Longzhan flicked his sleeves, turned around and left.

Maybe some people feel sorry for him and feel that he still has too many abilities that he has not used yet, but if it is a life and death battle, of course, his life will be gone the moment he loses his spirit.

"Even Senior Brother Wenren was defeated, but this guy actually defeated Senior Brother Wenren and became the number one in the Heavenly Sword!"

"In less than a month after joining the Dongling Fairy Pond, I directly won the first place in the Heavenly Sword. Oh my God, who can tell me how this kind of person was assigned to the outer sect?"

"Asshole, even the inner disciples, there aren't many who are better than him!"

The whole place was in a commotion, and a few people were overjoyed.

For example, Fang Wen is one of them.

Thanks to Lingfeng, this means that she will also have the opportunity to live in the Heavenly Level 1 Mingjian Tower.

Yan Guying was also sincerely happy for Ling Feng. He had known that Ling Feng was stronger than him, but he didn't expect that Ling Feng was stronger than him by so much!

Of course, the disciples of the Alchemy Hall also raised their arms and shouted loudly. After all, Ling Feng was their "Master Ling"!

"This Ling Feng..."

Feng Ling clenched her fists tightly, feeling weak again in her heart.

Perhaps what Mr. Gui said was right, he was really not as good as him.

The field was filled with excitement and was in an uproar.

Ling Feng was truly a dark horse. In less than a month, he stood at the top of the outer sect!

This kind of achievement is absolutely unprecedented!

The elder of the outer sect who was in charge of presiding over the competition announced the results of the competition loudly with an almost trembling voice.

Ling Feng replaced the number one Tianjian and became the new leader of the outer disciples.

Wenren Longzhan automatically exchanged rankings with Ling Feng and was temporarily ranked ninth in Tianjian. However, with his strength, I believe he will reach second place soon.

As for defeating Ling Feng, I'm afraid it will take some time. At least, until the ghost eyes that can crack Ling Feng are found, even if he challenges Ling Feng again, he will probably fail.

Just when everyone was shocked that Ling Feng had achieved the title of No. 1 Heavenly Sword, another roar like thunder suddenly came from the field.

"Ling Feng, I, Wang Ruquan, challenge you to a magical weapon! Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

In the distance, a figure rose into the sky, and everyone looked sideways, their expressions changing.

Inner disciples challenge the outer disciples!


Absolutely unprecedented!

How have the superior inner disciples ever put the outer disciples in their eyes?

But now, there is actually an inner sect disciple, and he is also the 72nd strong man on the list of creation stars, actually launching a gambling battle with Ling Feng!


Seeing Wang Ruquan flying over, Master Ye Xiongye of the Danding Hall immediately shouted: "Wang Ruquan, you are an inner disciple, high on the list of stars of creation, and now you actually challenge the outer disciples, you are not afraid of being beaten. Laughing?"

Ye Xiong regards Ling Feng as his guiding light and naturally does not want to see Ling Feng suffer.

Many outer disciples also talked softly, "This Wang Ruquan is probably motivated by wealth. Seeing that Ling Feng has a powerful ghost eye, he wants to win the ghost eye through gambling!"

"How shameless!"

Everyone present was not a fool, so how could they not understand Wang Ruquan's intentions.

"Wang Ruquan, do you still want that old face? It's ridiculous for a powerful man from the Star Ranking to challenge an outer disciple."

Lin Mu yelled angrily. Others were afraid of him, a master of the Star List, but Lin Mu was not afraid at all.

With Lin Mu coaxing him, many outer disciples who usually didn't have a good attitude towards the inner disciples suddenly started to jeer.

"Where are the masters of the Creation Star List? You really let us little outer disciples see it!"

"The level of shamelessness is comparable to the city wall in our hometown!"

"Haha, you are from the Great Qin Kingdom, right? I have heard that your Great Qin city walls are extremely thick!"

"Ha ha……"

The whole audience burst into laughter.

On the other hand, Wang Ruquan, with his cold eyes, did not blush or his heart beat. He just stared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a cold voice: "Ling Feng, let me ask you, do you dare to accept the challenge?"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows, raised his palm, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Wang, are you afraid that my hand will slip?"

The muscles on Wang Ruquan's face twisted, "Humph, you just took advantage of my injury to get a little advantage. If you have the guts, fight me!"


Ling Feng had some free time and said with a faint smile: "You want to give me a treasure, can I stop you?"

Wang Ruquan laughed evilly and sneered: "Ling Feng, I don't mince words, what I want is the eyeballs of the ghost-eyed jackdaw and the method of using them!"

"Easy to say!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and smiled lightly: "But what can you come up with? As far as I know, someone's blood sword seems to have been destroyed by the ghost-eyed jackdaw."

"Hmph! You don't need to worry about this. My great inner disciple, can't you get the treasure from the gambling fight?"

Wang Ruquan raised a finger and said coldly: "A heaven-level magical power!"

"Damn it, Wang Ruquan, you realize you are really fucking shameless! A heaven-level magical power is like a ghost eye that can suppress the Ultimate Human Emperor, you might as well grab it!"

Lin Mu jumped out and laughed loudly: "You are so shameless, does your mother know?"

Heaven-level magical powers may sound good at first glance. In fact, those who can worship in the Donglingxian Pond are not originally elites from aristocratic families. Heaven-level magical powers are not common in the outer sects, even king-level ones. No, thanks to Wang Ruquan I can still do it!


As soon as Lin Mu spoke, the whole audience burst into laughter again.

"Junior Brother Wang, if you don't have enough money to gamble, I still have one thing here, just one heaven-level magical power. It would be too shabby and it would bring shame on our entire Flowing Fire Palace!"

Ning Guichen frowned and lectured Wang Ruquan sternly, but it made Wang Ruquan even more embarrassed!


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