Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1362 Dog lives, we can win! (2 updates)

"The inner disciples are really blessed with a treasure, and they actually have a heaven-level magical power. It really frightens me to death!"

"Heaven-level supernatural powers are so terrifying!"

The audience almost unanimously began to ridicule Wang Ruquan. In a sense, Ling Feng represented the entire group of outer disciples and became the leader of the outer disciples. When Ling Feng fought with the inner disciples, he represented the outer disciples. dignity.

If Ling Feng could win, it would undoubtedly be a great blessing to the outer disciples.

At this moment, Ling Feng seemed to be the focus of everyone's attention.

Wang Ruquan only coveted Ling Feng's ghost eye, but he didn't know that he unintentionally made Ling Feng gather people's hearts.


Feng Ling, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but laugh out loud. Those yin and yang disciples were all really talented!


No matter how thick-skinned Wang Ruquan was, he could no longer turn a blind eye and glared at Lin Mu fiercely. If it weren't for this guy, how would anyone else dare to ridicule him in such a weird way.

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "Senior Brother Wang, if you don't have money, don't stand here anymore. I'll give you three days to raise it. How can you pretend to be so poor? The life of an inner disciple turns out to be so difficult!”

"I have no money?"

Wang Ruquan pointed at his nose and almost made Ling Feng mad, "I don't have any fucking money?"

With that said, Wang Ruquan took off the spirit ring in his hand, threw it to the ground, and yelled, "Heaven-level magical powers are just gifts! There are five million yuan crystals in this ring. Plus a Yin-Yang Soul Jade and a ton of immortal metal, I don’t have any money?”


Ling Feng laughed loudly, "In this case, it is not unacceptable to force it."

When Wang Ruquan threw the ring, he felt a pain in his body. Five million yuan crystals were almost half of his net worth, and the Yin Yang Soul Jade was a rare treasure that could only be encountered but not sought.

Although he is not a monk who practices Yin-Yang attribute energy, it is precisely because of this Yin-Yang Soul Jade that he has been ranked 72nd on the Creation Star List.

You know, a few years ago, Wang Ruquan was just an unknown person in the inner sect, but since he obtained the Yin and Yang Soul Jade, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, reaching the ultimate human emperor level in one fell swoop, and directly reaching the 70th position on the Good Fortune Star List. two!

This Yin-Yang Soul Jade can shock the mind. Although the blood-based magical powers he has cultivated are powerful, once they are used with all their strength, it is easy to lose their minds and go crazy. The Yin-Yang Soul Jade not only changes the origin of his soul step by step. Being more condensed allows him to keep the spiritual platform clear at all times and avoid falling into mania.

In this way, his bloodline magical powers naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

In a sense, the value of the Yin-Yang Soul Jade is even greater than the eyeballs of the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw!

But now that the matter has come to this, we can only hold on. Anyway, as long as we win, all the treasures will still be ours!

"Unexpectedly, Wang Ruquan even took out his Yin Yang Soul Jade!"

There was a look of surprise in Li Fei's eyes. This treasure was probably Wang Ruquan's trump card at the bottom of the box.

"Hehe, I really want to see if this guy will cry for his father and mother after losing."

Lin Mu grinned. Although the masters on the list of stars were extraordinary, Ling Feng's monster was completely unreasonable.

Ling Feng didn't know what the Yin-Yang Soul Jade meant, but in his mind, he kept hearing the urgent cry of the bitch, telling Ling Feng that he must obtain this thing no matter what.

With a humble donkey's perspective, he is so eager to get the Yin Yang Soul Jade. The value of this treasure is probably extraordinary.

The corner of Ling Feng's mouth curled up slightly. As he said before, if Wang Ruquan wanted to give him a treasure, could he push the treasure out?

"Then, Senior Brother Wang, the bet has been made, I can fight at any time!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back. Although he had listed the Yin Yang Soul Jade as a must-win item in his heart, his face was calm and calm.

"Hmph, in that case, there's no need to waste time, let's start now!"

Wang Ruquan stared at Ling Feng coldly and said in a cold voice: "But Ling Feng, there is one thing you need to know."

"Say it!" Ling Feng shrugged and said nonchalantly.

"The eyeballs of the ghost-eyed jackdaw are the trophies of the gambling battle. In this case, when you fight with me, you are not allowed to use the ghost-eyed light, otherwise, it will be regarded as a failure!"

Wang Ruquan's face was not red, but his heart was not beating, and he actually proposed such a shameless condition.

There was a trace of contempt in Ling Feng's eyes. This man was really shameless to the extreme!


When the time came, the whole audience burst into jeers, especially Lin Mu, who even yelled, "Wang Ruquan, do you still want a B-face? You might as well ask Ling Feng to tie his hands and feet and follow you!"

"A master in the Star Ranking of Creation, even if he challenges the outer disciples, he also deliberately suppresses the opponent's trump card. Haha, he is so convinced, he is so convinced! I am convinced to my death!"

"Wang, you are a real fucking dog! Why not change your name to Gou Ruquan from now on!"

"Gou live, Brother Gou, we can win!"


Wang Ruquan's face turned red and blue for a while, and he was shaking with anger, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "Hmph, I said that the jackdaw's eyeballs are for gambling. In this case, when fighting, naturally you can't Use, hum, if you continue to make noises, don’t blame me for challenging you one by one and killing you to pieces!”

"Damn it, did you hear that? Wang Ruquan is going to fucking rebel! He is going to kill all the outer disciples!"

Lin Mu yelled at the top of his lungs. Wang Ruquan was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He glared at Lin Mu coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "You surnamed Lin, I'll bully you..."

"Wang Ruquan, what are you talking about? I advise you to think about it carefully!"

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes and stared at Wang Ruquan. When Wang Ruquan said something, he immediately stopped talking.

Your mother? No, Lin Mu, his mother, was the previous head of the Earth Spirit Hall.

Your sister? What's worse, the current master of the Earth Spirit Hall, if he says this, he may not be able to survive in the Dongling Immortal Pond!

"Damn it!"

Wang Ruquan was so angry that he jumped up and down, but he didn't even dare to say anything back. He could only go to the south and stare at Ling Feng, and said bitterly: "Boy, don't look at me with ghost eyes, you are just a piece of shit! Do you dare? I forgive you. Don’t dare!”

"Are the dignified disciples of the Star List actually so pitiful that they can only use this clumsy way of provoking generals?"

Ling Feng shrugged and smiled, "Okay, if you don't need ghost eyes, then no need."

Ling Feng readily agreed without any hesitation.


Wang Ruquan grinned, revealing his white teeth. Without the fearful ghostly look in his eyes, Ling Feng was nothing more than an ant that could be crushed to death in his eyes.

That day in Snow Wolf Valley, Ling Feng took advantage of his serious injury and slapped him several times. This account will be settled today!

Everyone in the audience was dumbfounded. They never expected that Ling Feng would agree to such a shameless request.

Without the ghostly look, how could he win over Wang Ruquan?

After all, Wang Ruquan is a real master of the Good Fortune Star List, ranking 72nd!

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