Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1363 Use the sword to control the inferior! (3 updates)

Soon, Wang Ruquan handed over the gambling items to the outer sect elder in charge of the gambling for safekeeping.

As for Ling Feng's ghost eyes, as a part of his body, there is no need to remove them for the time being. Anyway, in full view of the public, there is no possibility of defaulting.

"Hmph, Ling Feng, soon you will realize what despair means!"

Wang Ruquan landed steadily on the ring like a dragonfly on water, and slowly drew out a bloody long sword. Although the quality was slightly inferior to the original one, it was still a real low-grade holy weapon.

I saw Wang Ruquan standing proudly, with fighting spirit reaching the sky. This person, let’s not mention his character for the moment, but he still has some talent.

"Do you think that when you defeated the Ghost-Eyed Jackdaw in Snow Wolf Valley, your strength is superior to mine? Hehe, let me tell you, if I hadn't underestimated the enemy and been plotted, how would it be your turn? Show off your power!”

Wang Ruquan stared at Ling Feng coldly, his aura rising continuously.

Ling Feng looked calm and calm, and said calmly: "Senior Brother Wang, you talk so much nonsense!"

"Okay!" The muscles on Wang Ruquan's face began to twist, "Since you want to be defeated quickly in my hands, then I will help you!"

"Blood God Transformation!!!"

Wang Ruquan gave a low drink, and his whole body was filled with blood, especially his chest, which seemed to have a blood crystal gem embedded in it.

"The Blood God transformation has been used, this Wang Ruquan is completely real!"

Lin Mu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he had some understanding of Wang Ruquan's Blood God Transformation.

This is a secret technique that uses the power of self-destruction to gain a temporary burst of Qi and blood. It can be said to be a magical power that can injure a thousand enemies and damage itself by eight hundred. It places a huge load on the body. Only Wang Ruquan can cultivate blood systems. Only warriors who have mastered the martial arts dare to take risks and use this magical power.

In order to win, Wang Ruquan no longer has any face to speak of.

"Junior Brother Wang is eager to win. Once this magical power is used, it may be difficult to control it. It may be a lose-lose situation for both sides. Hey..."

Ning Guichen sighed softly and frowned deeply.

Li Fei clenched her fists tightly and watched the situation on the stage. It had to be said that Wang Ruquan was planning every step of the way. From the moment Ling Feng was not allowed to use the Ghost Eye Light, he had probably already made up his mind to directly use the Blood God Transformation. Bar.

Above the canopy of trees in the distance.

Feng Ling was also deeply disdainful of Wang Ruquan's behavior and snorted: "This Wang Ruquan is still as insidious and cunning as ever. He deceived Ling Feng and was unable to use his ghost eyes, but he himself inspired the magical power of the Bleeding God. I Qi and Blood Infusing the whole body can not only enhance one's own combat power, but also form an air armor all over the body, which is indestructible. Even an ordinary extreme human emperor cannot break through this layer of air armor, let alone Ling Feng."

"Hey, I'm afraid Ling Feng will lose this battle. However, Wang Ruquan used such despicable means to win, but I am ashamed to be listed on the list of stars of creation with him!"

In the audience, Fang Wen, Yan Guying, Lu Yu and other outer disciples all had their hearts in their throats and put aside their powerful ghost eyes. Ling Feng was so impulsive!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Wang Ruquan kept laughing ferociously, and his figure flashed, wrapped in blood mist, and turned into a blood shadow, pressing down like a mountain.

An extremely terrifying aura hit his face, making it difficult to breathe.

Wang Ruquan, who used the Blood God Transformation, was very strong, and had even reached the critical point between the first level of extreme and the second level of extreme.

In this state, every move and every move he made was almost as powerful as destroying the dead, making people unable to even muster the courage to contend with him.

It's a pity that if you want to overwhelm Ling Feng in terms of momentum, Wang Ruquan alone is not enough.

The son of heaven cannot even surrender to the will of heaven and earth, let alone Wang Ruquan, a mere mortal!

"bring it on!"

Ling Feng also had a high fighting spirit and did not use ghost eyes, nightmare techniques, or even any soul magic powers at all.

He wants to use the sword to control the humble!

Dacheng level double sword intent suddenly exploded!

Killing Sword Intent!

Reincarnation Sword Intent!

Xiaobai, the sword soul, woke up instantly and merged into Ling Feng's body.

In an instant, Ling Feng's eyes were like the vast starry sky, suddenly cold, and his whole person's temperament suddenly changed, like a peerless sword about to be unsheathed, but before the sword came out, the anger was already there, extremely threatening.

In an instant, Li Fei's delicate body trembled, her beautiful eyes were piercing, and her breathing was short.

It is about to appear, and that single sword that dominates me is about to reappear again!

She will never forget Ling Feng's sword that saved her that day. Maybe others didn't see it clearly, but she could see it clearly.

The power of that sword is comparable to that of the Ultimate Human Emperor!

If that sword is used, even the air armor transformed by the Blood God is not invulnerable!

“Li Huo—Lighting up the sky!”

There is no fancy, no skill, just a stern sword energy that crushes away in the midst of the blazing fire.


The shadow of the sword was like light, cutting into the void, and the whole space trembled!

The next moment, Wang Ruquan vomited blood and flew backwards!

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