Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1364 The Eight Heaven-Destroying Swords! (4 more updates)


Wang Ruquan was at a disadvantage, roaring incessantly, eyes splitting as he stared at Ling Feng.

"Red Blood - Eight Desolations Slash!"

Wang Ruquan roared angrily, and the bloody light all over his body once again flourished. At the heart of his chest, there was like a bloody sun, overwhelming the sun's rays and shooting out in all directions.

Under the Blood God Transformation, his entire body glowed with extremely dazzling blood, and the bloody sword in his hand hummed and trembled.

It seems that an extremely terrifying killing move is brewing!

Immediately afterwards, the blood light all over his body condensed on the long sword, directly turning into a blood sword more than ten feet long, attacking violently like a violent storm.

Ling Feng was in it, like a boat in the angry sea, in danger of being destroyed in an instant.

Everyone in the viewing platform was breathing heavily and their blood was boiling.

Ling Feng, this shocking dark horse, gave them endless shock.

This battle, which was supposed to be without any suspense, was filled with twists and turns of thrills and excitement.

"The Scarlet Blood Eight Desolations have been forced out! This guy Wang Ruquan has already used his last trump card."

Lin Mu took a deep breath and said slowly: "However, as long as Brother Ling survives those terrifying eight swords, and then when Wang Ruquan is exhausted, it will be easy to defeat him."

"The Eight Swords..." Ning Guichen's eyes were full of solemnity, "I don't dare to take it forcefully!"

"The Blood God Transformation coupled with the Red Blood Eight Desolations...that guy is simply crazy!"

Feng Ling shook her head slightly. After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, Wang Ruquan would probably be seriously injured and would have to lie in bed for half a year.

However, he cannot afford to lose this battle.

If he loses the Yin Yang Soul Jade, his achievements in this life may come to an end.

While everyone was shocked and exclaiming, Wang Ruquan had already brazenly published a book.

The red-blooded eight desolate slashes are airtight, each slash is more powerful than the last.

For the first cut, Ling Feng raised his hand and struck out with his sword, with one move Li Huo set the sky ablaze, and the blood cut collapsed!

The second cut, the ground and water broke through the army, and it collapsed again.

The fourth cut, Ten Thousand Swords Return to Origin, tit for tat!

The fifth cut, the ice-sealed blade, the ice and snow sealing the sky!

Every time Wang Ruquan made a slash, Ling Feng responded with a sword. Even in the state of the Blood God Transformation, Ling Feng could crush Wang Ruquan's blood slash with every sword. He was able to do it with ease, from beginning to end, without any embarrassment. panic.

The battle between the Red Blooded Eight Desolations and Ling Feng's Eight Heaven-Destroying Swords was almost a crushing defeat!

"No! Impossible!"

Wang Ruquan's pupils shrank to a needle, and infinite panic swept through his heart.

My current strength is infinitely close to the limit of the second-stage Human Emperor. With such an explosion at any cost, is it possible that I can't even manage to draw with Ling Feng?

How is this possible!

Ling Feng is clearly just a small divine sea realm!

"The final slash, if you are capable, you can break it for me again!"

Wang Ruquan's eyes were about to burst, and he looked like he was going crazy. The blood in his body almost gushed out under this super load.

"as you wish!"

Ling Feng's expression remained unchanged, and the seven swords in front were completed in one go. The eighth form of the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique has already created enough momentum to shake the thunder and thunder.


Terrifying thunder erupted from the annihilation in all directions. Sky clouds swept across the sky, thunder roared, and there was a loud roar that shook the sky. It was like several thunderbolts descending on the Dongling Immortal Pond.

So much so that even the heaven of Donglingxian Pond could feel this huge movement.

Since Sword Soul Xiaobai's awakening, Ling Feng has indeed initially mastered the essence of the eight swords in one, but this does not mean that the separated Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique is no longer strong.

Every move, every style contains the power of heaven and earth. Even though he has surpassed the strength suppression of almost two realms, Ling Feng still dares to rely on this swordsmanship to confront Wang Ruquan head-on.

This is the Heaven-Slaying Sword Technique, which can kill heaven and earth, let alone a mere Extreme Human Emperor.

Boom boom boom!

The entire arena was almost destroyed by this mysterious thunder. The extremely powerful Crimson Blood Eight Desolate Slash, which was so close at hand, was annihilated like dust amidst the rolling thunder.


Wang Ruquan vomited a mouthful of blood, staggered, and almost fell to the ground.

The strongest slash can be easily destroyed!

"I didn't lose!!"

At the moment of defeat, Wang Ruquan roared like a wild dog.

"Let's fight again! Blood God Transformation!!"

With his energy exhausted, he was unwilling to admit defeat, but he was betting on his fate!

"At the end of the crossbow! Can you still fight?"

The corners of Ling Feng's mouth curled up, and he stood with his hands behind his back, blowing gently in the direction of the water.


This breath was like the straw that broke the camel's back. Wang Ruquan trembled all over, and his whole body fell limp to the ground as if he had lost his bones.

Then, like a ball, it rolled down the ring and lay on the ground, like a dead dog.

Ling Feng withdrew his sword and stood up, while Xiao Bai retreated into the Ten Directions Destroyed Area. Although he won this battle, it was a tragic victory. He continuously used the Eight Heaven-Slaying Swords, and his Yuan Power, physical strength, and spiritual consciousness were almost exhausted. In this state, if Wang Ruquan really can fight again, Ling Feng may not be able to persist.

"Ling Feng wins!"

I don't know who it was, and roared loudly, and then the whole place was in an uproar.

"Ling Feng! Ling Feng!!——"

Countless outer disciples shouted Ling Feng's name loudly.

Ling Feng, as an outer disciple, was able to fight against all odds and defeat the powerful Wang Ruquan in one fell swoop, defeating the strong man on the list of stars.

As outer disciples, they also feel a sense of honor.

Outer disciples can be so powerful!

His popularity reached its peak in an instant, becoming a legend that no one in the outer sect could match, and becoming the object of admiration and pursuit by countless outer sect disciples.


Fang Wen clenched her fists excitedly, as if in a dream. When she chose to attach herself to Ling Feng and become his maid, this was probably the wisest decision she had ever made in her life!

"As expected of Brother Ling!"

Lin Mu grabbed the shoulders of Ning Guichen and Yu Linglong beside him and laughed.

"Yeah! So strong!"

Yu Linglong's pretty face turned red. In fact, in her opinion, this kind of battle was just ordinary.

After all, although on the surface, Yu Linglong is just a shy little girl, in fact, she once had a terrifying record of instantly killing the seventh strongest person on the Fortune Star List!

If she wasn't introverted and unwilling to compete, I'm afraid that with the strange power contained in her body, she would be qualified to compete for the top five in the Creation Star List!

"Junior Brother Ling's strength is indeed beyond expectations. He can now take his place and become the 72nd strong man on the list of good fortune stars. I believe that the senior leaders of the sect will never ignore him. It won't be long before he ascends to the heaven." , Become an inner disciple!”

"Not only that, I don't know how many elders are vying to accept him as their direct disciple!"

Lin Mu felt proud in his heart, "Hey, sister, if I didn't take Ling Feng into the Earthly Spirit Palace at that time, I must be regretting it now!"

Li Fei, on the other hand, seemed to have some realization. She seemed to have understood something from Ling Feng's swordsmanship. She stood there blankly, shocked beyond measure by Ling Feng's Eight Heaven-Destroying Swords.

In the distance, a trace of solemnity flashed in Feng Ling's eyes, and she quietly retreated: "This matter should be told to Mr. Gui as soon as possible. There is no need to waste time by leaving Ling Feng at the outer door."

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