Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1365 Turtle Mirror Chaotic God! (1 update)

Looking at the figure standing on the stage, the top ten disciples from the outer sect shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

This new number one in Heavenly Sword is really beyond their ability to shake! Not even the slightest chance!

Yan Guying took a deep breath, her face flushed with excitement, "Junior Brother Ling, Junior Brother Ling, how deep are you hiding!"

There was a feeling in his heart that maybe even in this battle with Wang Ruquan, Ling Feng's full strength was not fully unleashed.

The rest, such as Ji Rushuang, Zhu Lianshan and others, recalled that not long ago, they used their strong attitude to discuss whether Ling Feng would be killed instantly by Meng Guizang. But now it seems that if Meng Guizang really fights Ling Feng, he will be killed. It was probably him who fell in one move.

Of course, they didn't know that Meng Guizang, the ninth member of the original Heavenly Sword, died under Ling Feng's sword.

As for the No. 1 Tianjian who was defeated by Ling Feng before, Wenren Longzhan watched the battle from a distance, shook his head slightly, and murmured to himself: "I didn't expect that he actually has such strength. In the previous battle, I was It’s not unfair, that’s all.”

Shaking his head and smiling, Wenren Longzhan turned and left, seemingly not shocked by the strength displayed by Ling Feng.

There may be quite a lot of secrets hidden in Wen Renlong Zhan.

Finally, the elder referee announced that the game was over. No one paid attention to the losing side. Wang Ruquan was like a dead dog and no one cared about it, while Ling Feng undoubtedly gained countless supporters from the outer disciples.

There is no doubt that Ling Feng has become a legend in the outer sect.

Even a legend in Donglingxianchi!

No matter where Ling Feng goes in the future, after all, he once reached the top as an outside disciple!

Ling Feng took Wang Ruquan's spiritual ring from the referee.

Not to mention five million yuan crystals, one ton of immortal metal, plus Yin Yang Soul Jade.

Probably, when Wang Ruquan wakes up, he will be crying all day long.

However, Ling Feng did not have the slightest sympathy.

Isn't it good to just be his inner disciple? If you insist on dancing under my nose, if I don’t hit you, who will I hit?

"Master Ling, I never imagined that not only are you great at alchemy, but you also have such amazing combat power!"

Ye Xiong is now truly convinced of Ling Feng from the bottom of his heart.

Fortunately, he didn't use his power as an elder to suppress Ling Feng. Otherwise, I'm afraid his end would not be any better than that of Wang Ruquan.

"Just so-so."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, he just defeated a small Wang Ruquan. To him, it was just another stepping stone on the road to martial arts, not worth mentioning.

"Brother Ling!"

Lin Mu laughed and rushed forward, slapping Ling Feng on the shoulder, "You guys are so strong!"

Ning Guichen, Li Fei and others also nodded to Ling Feng from a distance. Although these people were inner disciples, they did not look down on him because of their differences between inside and outside. They were all companions worthy of close friendship.

After continuously defeating the masters who ranked first in Heavenly Sword and the 72nd in the list of stars, Ling Feng can actually take his place and become the strongest one in the list of stars. However, because of his status as an outer disciple, he can only Being able to temporarily rank first in Tianjian and live in the No. 1 Mingjian Tower in Tianjian.

Surrounded by countless outer sect disciples, Ling Feng moved into the Heavenly Level 1 Mingjian Tower. Lin Mu and other friends from the inner sect also stayed to celebrate Ling Feng. When he returned, it was already sunset. hours.

After the shocking battle between the inner and outer disciples, Feng Ling quietly left and returned to the heaven alone. She soared up and soon arrived at the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle.

Regarding the fact that she is Gui Lao's registered disciple, not many people in the entire Dongling Immortal Pond know about it.

When Feng Ling came to Old Gui, the old man was watering the flowers in the garden very happily.

"Xiao Ling'er, you've been coming to my old man's house quite frequently recently."

Turtle Lao turned around and looked at Feng Ling, and said with a smile: "Let me take a look, well, it seems to be a little bigger than the past few days!"

Feng Ling followed Mr. Gui's gaze and realized that the old man was staring at her chest. She blushed and quickly covered her chest and shrank back, "Old Gui, I'm telling you something serious. !”

"Hey hey hey..."

Turtle Lao smiled slightly. This old guy dared to make fun of even Biluo Shengji, the master of the Earth Spirit Hall, let alone Feng Ling. He coughed a few times and said calmly: "What's the business?"

"It's not that Ling Feng!"

Feng Ling pursed her lips and murmured softly.

"That kid!" Gui Lao suddenly stretched out a finger and lightly swiped in front of Feng Ling. Then, a circular light curtain appeared. What Feng Ling saw about the battle between Ling Feng and Wang Ruquan, It appears clearly before your eyes.

This is the "Turtle Mirror" magical power that Mr. Gui is good at. He can easily penetrate people's minds and detect other people's inner thoughts.

"Not bad, I even defeated the disciples on the Star List."

After a while, Mr. Gui dismissed the turtle mirror and said calmly: "In less than a month, this little guy has reached the pinnacle of the outer sect. It's amazing! That kid Lin Mu really deserves to be praised for what he is. The Tiandao Clan!”

"Tiandao Clan?"

Feng Ling was stunned, "What is the Tiandao clan?"


Turtle Lao realized that he had let something slip. He slapped his forehead and quickly snapped his fingers in front of Feng Ling. The impression of the four words "Tiandao Clan" in Feng Ling's mind was completely erased.

This is Turtle Lao's second magical power, the God of Chaos.

With his magical power, he can tamper with the opponent's memory for a short period of time, and when used to the extreme, he can even make the enemy unable to remember his own moves when fighting with the opponent, thus causing the opponent to lose without a fight.

There was a dull look in Feng Ling's eyes at first, and then she said very matter-of-factly: "Old Turtle, I think it's time to let that guy enter the inner gate."

Although Feng Ling was a little reluctant, she had to admit that Ling Feng was really outstanding.

"Oh, I'll think about it again."

Turtle Lao looked at Feng Ling with a smile and said, "Xiao Ling'er, you have been quite attracted to this boy recently. Why, aren't you attracted to him?"

"Bah, bah, bah! How is that possible!"

Feng Ling frowned and glared at Gui Lao, "I won't fall in love with that brat, an arrogant bastard!"

"Hahaha, Xiao Ling'er doesn't like young people. Do you like me? Tsk tsk, my old man is so lucky! Hahaha..."

"Old Turtle, you are no longer prudent!"

Feng Ling cursed the old woman in her heart, and quickly fled from the Holy Land of the Spirit Turtle with a red face.

After Feng Ling left, Gui Lao's expression became a little more serious.

"The Son of Heaven has indeed arrived at the Dongling Immortal Pond, so will the rest of the prophecies come true one by one? If this is true, the last hope of the Dongling Immortal Pond is only you, the Son of Heaven..."

Turtle shook his head and sighed, then returned to his lazy look, minding his own business in the flower bed, watering the flowers leisurely.

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