Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1368 Dragon-Elephant Overlord Body Technique! (4 more updates)

The next day, when many disciples came to inquire whether Ling Feng had any intention of selling the Yin Yang Soul Jade, they all came to nothing.

Early in the morning, Ling Feng came to the Hall of Merit. Yesterday, he "sold" an Earth Emperor's Token to Yan Guying and earned another 40,000 contribution points.

With Ling Feng's character, these contribution points will naturally not be retained. He will soon enter the Dihuang Pond to practice. With these contribution points, he can go to the Merit Hall to buy some needed materials and take advantage of the ten days in the Dihuang Pond. Time, a fierce breakthrough.

After going around in a circle, Ling Feng bought some heavenly materials and earthly treasures that enhance the power of Qi and blood. After practicing the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique to the second stage of the Eight Desolations Immortal Body, it will take a lot of Qi and blood power to be able to... Breakthroughs bit by bit.

Ling Feng made up his mind to push the three paths of body refining, qi refining, and spirit refining to the extreme. During this period of time, the god refining path has made rapid progress, but the body refining path has been slightly behind.

"Blood Dragon Purple Ginseng, Stone Marrow Spirit Flower, yes, that's right. Unexpectedly, this palace of merit has all the treasures of heaven and earth that are hard to find in the outside world!"

With a big stroke of his hand, Ling Feng directly allocated more than 10,000 contribution points and exchanged them for these two precious elixirs. He still had almost 30,000 left. Ling Feng did not waste any money and walked around the Sutra Collection Hall again.

The Sutra Collection Hall, as the name suggests, is a place where some martial arts techniques are stored. For the time being, there are "The Holy Xuantian Technique" for qi refining, and "Nightmare Heart Art" and "Soul Dividing Art" for god refining. On the contrary, for body refining, The earliest "Bahuang Body Training Technique" that I got was somewhat behind the schedule.

The second volume of the Eight Desolations Immortal Body is just a fragment. Although Ling Feng can use the treasures of heaven and earth to strengthen his muscles and bones, it is not a long-term solution.

If you want to become a disciple of the Three Paths, it is time to find a body-training method that can replace the "Eight Desolations Body-Forming Technique".

After searching carefully in the Sutra Collection Hall, Ling Feng finally selected a body-building technique called "Dragon and Elephant Overlord Body Technique", which happened to be an advanced body-building technique based on a certain amount of body training. .

The description is also very overbearing.

Forging the body with true blood, condensing the dragon-elephant divine power, raising hands and feet, the dragon-elephant divine power is added to the body, with the ability to collapse the sky and destroy the earth.

This Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique is divided into five levels. The first level is the divine power of the Dragon Elephant, the second level is the power of ten dragons, the third level is the power of a hundred dragons, and the fourth level is the power of a thousand dragons. The fifth level can even awaken the ancient dragon power!

Feeling hot in his heart, Ling Feng took out the "Dragon and Elephant Body Hegemony Technique" without hesitation. This body-refining technique can be called the supreme magical power to sanctify the body, but for some reason, no one cares about it.

After exchanging 30,000 contribution points for this "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Art", Ling Feng strode out of the Sutra Collection Hall.

The two disciples in charge of the transaction looked at each other, dumbfounded.

"Good guy, that guy seems to be an outer disciple. He contributed 30,000 points and he didn't even blink an eyebrow!"

"He is Ling Feng, you don't even know him?" Another disciple next to him said angrily.

"He is Ling Feng!"

When the word Ling Feng was mentioned, the man suddenly realized, "I see, but doesn't Senior Brother Ling Feng know that although the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique looks powerful on the surface, it is impossible to master it."

"This is true. Over the past hundreds of years, countless ambitious inner disciples have wanted to develop the dragon-elephant divine power. However, divine power is not so easy to develop. In the end, they all wasted a huge amount of contribution points, but I bought a skill that looked powerful. Later, the sect lowered the price of this skill again and again, and now it is even reduced to an outer sect. Otherwise, this kind of body training is comparable to a holy level skill. How come the price is only 30,000 contribution points?"

"Even if it's only 30,000, it's really not low. I'm afraid Senior Brother Ling Feng will suffer a loss this time."

"I feel it's not worth it for him to spend 30,000 yuan to buy a book of exercises that can't be practiced. Unfortunately, Li Gui is not responsible. Even if he is the number one in Tianjian, he can only admit that he is unlucky."

There are only two thresholds for practicing the Dragon Elephant Tyrant Body Technique, but it blocks the vast majority of warriors out.

First, when entering the Pulse Condensation Realm, opening the ninety-nine pulse gates is the first threshold.

In the Donglingxian Pond, there may be many geniuses who can open just one meridian or above, but if you can open ninety-nine meridians, you can probably count them all on one hand.

The second condition is, thunder quenching body!

To awaken the dragon-elephant divine power, you must first possess the power of thunder and temper your body. Otherwise, your physical body cannot withstand the overbearing dragon-elephant divine power, and you will not be able to truly control this power.

Generally speaking, the first time a warrior experiences thunder tribulation should be when the Human Emperor is promoted to the Great Emperor. Only when he has cultivated to the level of the Great Emperor can he begin to practice this magical power.

However, when he was in the Pulse Condensation Realm, he had already bought the foreshadowing, and he had to open ninety-nine pulse gates before he could practice.

Therefore, in order to practice this body-refining technique, one must first have at least ninety-nine meridians, and secondly, one must be at the Great Emperor level.

In fact, if you take the path of body training, it is impossible to find a suitable body training method when you reach the level of the Great Emperor. But if you don't take the body training route, there is no need to practice the Dragon Elephant Body Tyrant Technique.

As a result, no one has mastered this dragon-elephant hegemony technique for thousands of years.

But what a coincidence, the two conditions of this technique that are almost harsh and impossible to meet are completely met by Ling Feng.

This technique seemed to be tailor-made for him, and there was no one more suitable than him to practice the "Dragon Elephant Hegemony Technique".

Heaven, Flowing Fire Palace.

After Wang Ruquan was defeated, he was seriously injured. Although he was carried back to heaven, with his injuries, he would have to lie down for at least half a year to recover.

And without the Yin Yang Soul Jade, his strength may stop here. Coupled with this serious injury to his vitality, he will soon no longer have the strength to compete for the Fortune Star List.

Wang Ruquan was lying alone on the bed, moaning in pain from time to time. Such a crazy urge to transform the blood god was a huge load even for him.

At this time, a gust of breeze blew by, and a plain white figure suddenly appeared in Wang Ruquan's room, and a slight scolding sounded like the sound of nature. Although it was a question, it also gave people an extremely pleasant feeling.

"Wang Ruquan, do you still have the nerve to let people come to me?"

That was a woman in white clothes, like an immortal under the moon, standing quietly beside Wang Ruquan's bed, with no trace of fireworks in her cold eyes.

Although the face is covered by gauze, only a pair of starry eyes are exposed, but the thrilling face is like the morning glow reflecting the snow, and the beauty is astonishing.

Her skin is as white as spring snow, as smooth as gelatin, and her facial features are as delicate as if they were carved from ivory. Three thousand black hairs hang down behind her, making her look elegant. Every move she makes is like a fairy, like a peerless fairy.

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