Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1369 The Peerless Young Emperor! (1 update)

"Yu...Senior Sister Yu..."

Wang Ruquan slowly rolled his eyes, and his eyes fell on the face of the woman in white. For a moment, all the pain in his body seemed to disappear in an instant.

The woman was like a fairy walking out of the painting. She was so beautiful that people almost forgot where they were.

The senior sister Yu that Wang Ruquan mentioned was named Yu Qingping. She was an inner disciple of Jingfeng Hall and a direct disciple of the elder of Jingfeng Hall. She was ranked in the top thirty on the list of good fortune stars.

Her strength is far beyond that of Wang Ruquan, and Wang Ruquan and Yu Qingping belong to two branches of the same big family, and have some slight blood relationship.

Therefore, after Wang Ruquan lost everything, the only thing he could think of was Yu Qingping.

"Don't think too much, I just came to see if you are dead. Your Wang family branch has a waste like you, which really brings shame to our entire Xihuang lineage."

Yu Qingping glanced at Wang Ruquan coldly and said in a cold voice.

Wang Ruquan felt a little cold in his heart, and said in a slightly pleading tone: "Senior Sister Yu, I already know that I was wrong about what happened before. The Yin Yang Soul Jade should have belonged to you and Senior Brother Qin, but I was greedy for a moment..."

"Humph, you still have the nerve to say it!"

Yu Qingping stared at Wang Ruquan angrily, "If you didn't have a little bit of love for the same clan, I would have killed you with one palm!"

"Yes, it was my greed at the time, but..."

Wang Ruquan said bitterly: "However, this Yin Yang Soul Jade should have belonged to you, Senior Sister Yu, and now it has fallen into the hands of that Ling Feng. Shouldn't you, Senior Sister, find a way to get it back? I know that Senior Brother Qin has already Reaching the peak of the second-level human emperor, if you get the help of the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, I’m afraid it won’t be long before you can advance to the third-level extreme.”

When the words "Senior Brother Qin" were mentioned, Yu Qingping's eyes showed deep admiration. It was obvious that her heart was completely tied to this Senior Brother Qin.

"There is no need for you to say anything about this!"

Yu Qingping flicked her sleeves and glanced coldly at Wang Ruquan. Her figure flashed and disappeared into Wang Ruquan's room like a gust of breeze.

"Ling Feng!"

After Yu Qingping left, Wang Ruquan gritted his teeth and cursed: "Hmph, do you think you can sit back and relax after defeating me? With Yu Qingping and Qin Zusheng, you can't even think of having a good life for half a day in Donglingxian Pond! Jie Jie Jie…”

He knew very well who Ling Feng was. Even if Yu Qingping treated her with courtesy, Ling Feng would never give up the Yin Yang Soul Jade, so this relationship would inevitably be forged.

If the two sides collide together, Ling Feng may never have peace again.


Wang Ruquan smiled more and more happily. He suddenly turned over, rolled off the bed, and fell heavily to the ground. The pain suddenly caused him to twitch and let out a scream like a slaughtered pig.

After Yu Qingping left Wang Ruquan's residence, she went straight to the direction of Xutian Palace.

Qin Zusheng, the senior brother Qin as Wang Ruquan calls him, is the chief disciple of Xutian Palace and one of the top ten powerful beings on the list of creation stars.

The top ten strong men are at a completely different level from the disciples behind them. Qin Zusheng's power is already close to that of some inner sect elders.

Every master in the top ten of the Creation Stars List has a very appropriate title - Young Emperor!

As the name suggests, there is only one step left to become a great emperor.

Qin Zusheng, ranked eighth on the list of good fortune stars, is also known as the Unparalleled Young Emperor!

Not long after, Yu Qingping arrived at Qin Zusheng's residence. In front of his palace, there were two inner disciples guarding the outside.

With the dignity of the Young Emperor, he can already start to receive followers.

Qin Zusheng has the appearance of a king. Among the ten young emperors of the inner sect, he has the most followers.

In a sense, even Yu Qingping is one of his followers.

"Fairy Qingping!"

When the guarding disciples saw Yu Qingping appear, they quickly stepped forward to salute. Although the last layer of window paper between Yu Qingping and Qin Zusheng was not broken, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Yu Qingping had always been devoted to Qin Zusheng.

"I came to see Senior Brother Qin to discuss something important."

Yu Qingping tilted her head slightly and opened her red lips.

"Please come with me." The guard disciple smiled lightly, knowing that Yu Qingping and Qin Zusheng had a close relationship, so there was no way they would dare to stop them.

Before entering the door, a clear whistle was heard in the hall, and then, a golden figure shot out and appeared in front of everyone.

"Qingping, it's you."

Qin Zusheng just stood quietly, and a domineering aura swept over him, making his whole body stiff. He felt like his blood was blocked, his breathing was not smooth, and he was sweating profusely.

The gatekeeper disciples quickly retreated and bowed to Qin Zusheng.

"See Young Emperor!"

Yu Qingping also bowed down, but Qin Zusheng stretched out his hand to support her, "Qingping, why should we be like this between you and me?"

There was a hint of shyness on Yu Qingping's face, she bit her silver teeth and said, "Senior Brother Qin, I have something important to tell you when I come here this time."

"Oh?" Qin Zusheng's eyes flashed, "What's the matter?"

"About Yin Yang Soul Jade." Yu Qingping said lightly.

"Hmph! I still remember this. Three years ago, you and I teamed up with Wang Ruquan to explore a secret realm and opened the last secret, but there was nothing. Only later did we know that the yin and yang in the secret The soul jade was stolen by Wang Ruquan."

After a pause, Qin Zusheng continued: "For Qingping's sake, I let him go. Now, has this Yin Yang Soul Jade changed hands?"

"That's right." Yu Qingping nodded, pursed her delicate lips and said, "A few days ago, Wang Ruquan had a bet with an outer disciple, and ended up losing the Yin Yang Soul Jade to that outer disciple."

"As an inner disciple, he actually lost to an outer disciple. What a waste!"

Qin Zusheng smiled disdainfully and said lightly: "Who is the outer disciple?"

"In the past few days, there has been a lot of noise in the outer sect. It seems to be called Ling Feng." Yu Qingping said slowly.

"Ling Feng?"

Qin Zusheng waved to an inner disciple on the side, "Yuwen Changkong, it is your responsibility to bring me the Yin Yang Soul Jade. If the other party makes an offer, you make an offer with him. If he is not willing to make an offer, then let's make a bet. ”


The disciple named Yu Wen Changkong nodded quickly and laughed loudly: "Don't worry, Young Emperor, it won't take long, my subordinates will definitely present the soul jade!"

"Senior Brother Qin, how about I accompany Junior Brother Yuwen? That Yin Yang Soul Jade will be of great help to you to break through the third level of the limit."

Fairy Qingping never treats outsiders with pretentious words. Only towards Qin Zusheng, she showed the shyness of a little daughter, with a hint of redness, just like the sunset reflecting the snow-white jade face, as beautiful as a fairy.

"No need, it is enough to deal with a mere outer disciple, Yuwen Changkong. Okay, Qingping, I will continue to retreat. When I come out of retreat, I will go see the sunset and snow scene with you."

After the words fell, Qin Zusheng's figure turned into dots of golden light. It turned out that the unparalleled young emperor Qin Zusheng just now turned out to be just a statue of the divine soul!

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