Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1370 The Great Emperor’s Spiritual Realm! (2 updates)

Undercurrents were surging in the Eight Halls of Heaven. Many disciples and elders of the inner sect were coveting the Yin Yang Soul Jade that Ling Feng had obtained. However, Ling Feng knew nothing about all this.

Or in other words, it doesn’t matter if you know.

Anyway, no matter what, once the treasure is in Ling Feng's hands, there is no reason to give it away again. It will be the same if you, the King of Heaven, come.

At noon, Ling Feng and Yan Guying went to the treasure land that all the outer disciples were fascinated by, the Dihuang Pond!

The Earthly Emperor's Pond is directly opposite the Immortal Yao Pond above the heaven. It is the foundation of the Immortal Yao Pond. It contains the incomparably majestic spiritual energy of the five elements. The yin and yang rotate in an endless cycle.

Anyone who practices in it can get dozens of times improvement in the outside world.

When Ling Feng and Yan Guying arrived at the gate of Dihuangchi, they were shocked to find that more than a hundred people had gathered outside the Lingchi!

Most of these disciples are inner sect disciples, and outer sect disciples are rarely seen. But think about it, the outer sect disciples have a single method of obtaining contribution points, but the inner sect disciples are different. Even direct disciples can directly obtain It is not difficult to send an Earth Emperor Order as a gift from Master.

What surprised Ling Feng even more was that he saw many familiar faces among them. They were all disciples who participated in the Dongling Immortal Pool qualification assessment with him, such as Princess Qianling, Lu Tianyi and others. The best ones selected during the qualification assessment.

Seeing Ling Feng's surprised expression, Yan Guying leaned close to Ling Feng's ear and whispered: "This is a custom. All new disciples who are selected as direct disciples will receive the Earth Emperor's Order as a gift from the elders in the first month. , Therefore, when they first arrived at the Immortal Pond, they had a huge opportunity, which is really not something that ordinary outer disciples and inner disciples can compare with."

Ling Feng nodded slightly. Ordinary disciples may not be able to earn the contribution points of an Earth Emperor's Order for decades or hundreds of years if they work hard. However, these direct disciples can enter the Earth Emperor's Pool to practice as soon as they arrive at the Dongling Immortal Pond.

This treatment is really different.

However, fortunately, I am not bad either. I can do it myself and have enough food and clothing!

"Eh? Junior Brother Ling?"

At this time, a familiar voice came from behind. Ling Feng looked back with a smile on his face, "It turns out to be Senior Sister Li! How are you here?"

The person who came was surprisingly none other than Li Fei, an inner disciple of Flowing Fire Hall.

Ling Feng had a good impression of this senior sister.

Li Fei walked up to Ling Feng gracefully and said with a faint smile: "I'm ashamed to say that, last time I watched the battle between you and Wang Ruquan, I learned something from your swordsmanship, so I hope I can get it in the Dihuang Pond." breakthrough."

"Oh?" Ling Feng was slightly stunned, and Li Fei quickly explained: "Don't you know, the Dihuang Pond is not only a treasured place for cultivation, but also a treasured place for breakthroughs. Any bottlenecks or barriers in the Dihuang Pond will will be weakened to a certain extent, so even the inner disciples often spend a lot of contribution points to redeem the Earth Emperor Order. Of course, we inner disciples can enjoy a 20% discount. If Junior Brother Ling needs it in the future, I can help. You purchase it on your behalf.”

"Thank you so much, senior sister!"

Ling Feng couldn't help but secretly exclaimed, it was so great for the inner sect disciples. He just saved 10,000 contribution points casually. With these 10,000 points, he could redeem a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Hall of Merit!

"Since we happened to meet each other, let's go together. We can help each other when we compete for the spiritual land later."

Li Fei smiled softly.

"Competing for the spiritual land?" Ling Feng was stunned again, obviously knowing nothing about the rules in the Emperor's Pond.

Yan Guying quickly said: "Junior brother Ling, I was just about to tell you. Not every place in the Dihuang Pond is exactly the same. There are five levels according to the richness of the spiritual energy. The closer to the core area, The richer the spiritual energy is. The core area is called the Great Emperor's Spiritual Realm. As the name suggests, only the powerful Emperor can break through the surrounding spiritual stones and enter it to practice."

"The places outside the Great Emperor's spiritual domain are classified according to heaven, earth, Xuan, and Huang. The heaven-level spirit is the strongest, and the yellow-level spirit is the least. I am ashamed to say that the last time I entered the Emperor's Pool, I just barely occupied it. Get the Huang Level Spiritual Land.”

Ling Feng nodded slightly, writing down this information, and then heard Li Fei admonishing: "Junior Brother Ling, I know you are very ambitious, but when you get to the Emperor's Pond, you must not aim too high, otherwise you will only waste one." The Emperor’s Order.”

"Yeah." Ling Feng nodded slightly, but didn't care in his heart.

Now that I'm here, I have to go and see what kind of mysterious place the Great Emperor's Spirit Realm is.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's go in together."

Li Fei smiled heartily, put her hands on her sword, and tied up her long hair in the breeze. Her heroic spirit attracted people's attention.

"Thank you very much, Senior Sister." Ling Feng cupped his hands in gratitude.

Li Fei shook her head and smiled: "You don't have to be humble. With your ability to defeat Wang Ruquan, you are still better than me. If I team up with you, I will take advantage."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, smiled faintly, and did not answer.

Yan Guying on the side had a stern expression. With his strength, he could only be regarded as a hindrance.

Li Fei was willing to take Ling Feng with her because of Ling Feng's face.

Otherwise, although Yan Guying is known as the third Heavenly Sword in the outer sect, Li Fei may not be able to take him seriously due to his status.

Thinking of this, Yan Guying felt happy in her heart.

"By the way, there is another person in my team. Let me introduce her to you."

Li Fei waved in the distance: "Xiao Ling, come here quickly, I have found two more suitable helpers."

Xiaoling? Ling Feng followed his gaze and his forehead suddenly darkened.

Isn't that woman named "Xiao Ling" the same Feng Ling who tricked her into the Alchemy Hall?

Fortunately, he was proficient in alchemy, otherwise, he would have been tortured to death by that guy Ye Xiong.

Feng Ling emerged from the crowd and caught a glimpse of Ling Feng.

His already cold and pretty face suddenly became frosty. He pointed at Ling Feng and said, "Sister Fei, how do you know him?"

"Do you know each other?"

Li Fei was stunned and looked back at Ling Feng, only to see that the expression on Ling Feng's face was also quite helpless.


The corner of Feng Ling's mouth twitched slightly, and she stared at Ling Feng with an unhappy expression, "Why are you pestering me, Sister Fei!"

"Fuck..." Ling Feng cursed in his heart. Before he got angry, this woman hit him first.

By the way, it seems that I have never sinned against this woman.

Women are indeed unreasonable beings.

"Xiao Ling, is there any misunderstanding here?"

Li Fei, one big and one big old, hurriedly stepped forward to mediate and asked the reason.

Ling Feng shrugged helplessly and said that he was innocent. It was obviously Feng Ling who targeted him for no reason.

Feng Ling felt guilty. In fact, the main reason was that she was unbalanced. She saw that Mr. Gui valued Ling Feng very much, so she deliberately made things difficult for him several times.

But what I didn't expect was that not only did Ling Feng not suffer any loss, but he cleverly solved his own problems every time. Now, less than a month after joining the outer sect, he has become the leader of the outer sect disciples.

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