Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1371 The villain succeeds! (3 updates)


Feng Ling felt guilty and hesitated to speak. When Li Fei saw the guilty expression on Feng Ling's face, she couldn't help shaking her head and smiling, "Xiao Ling, this is your fault. As a senior sister, how can you deliberately make things difficult for your junior brother. Okay, don’t target him in the future, just shake hands and make peace.”

With that said, he grabbed Feng Ling and Ling Feng's hands and forced them to shake hands and make peace.


Feng Ling shook off Ling Feng's hand. Although she had a look of disgust on her face, she seemed to be very obedient to Li Fei's words and did not reject Ling Feng anymore.

Ling Feng shrugged indifferently. Although this Feng Ling was a bit crazy, she didn't have any bad intentions after all.

Moreover, this is a good opportunity. Perhaps through this Feng Ling, we can find out who is the person behind her.

This feeling of being controlled by others, like a puppet on strings, really made him quite unhappy.

"That's right. Well, the Earth Emperor's Pool will be opened soon. We still need to unite and strive to obtain a more advanced spiritual land so that we can maximize the benefits of the Earth Emperor's Order."

Li Fei is like a big sister, teaching the younger generation who is acting petty. What is incomprehensible is that Feng Ling, that unruly girl, is still doing this.

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He had heard about Feng Ling's opportunities in Donglingxian Pond and knew that she was quite capable. It would not be a bad thing to have her join.

"Our goal this time is to rush into the earth-level spiritual land while preserving the mysterious-level spiritual land."

Li Fei made the next plan and said slowly: "With the aura of heaven and earth in the Xuan-level spirit land, one day of cultivation is equivalent to twenty days in the outside world, while it is forty days in the earth-level spirit land. Let's try our best to strive for the earth-level spirit." Spiritual Land, if you do this, you will definitely get a huge breakthrough in ten days."


Feng Ling and Yan Guying both nodded, and Yan Guying felt even more excited. Originally, his target was only the outermost Huang-level spiritual land. Now he not only has the opportunity to enter the Xuan-level spiritual land, but also fight for the Earth-level spiritual land. Wow, this has far exceeded his expectations.

Only Ling Feng curled his lips and said calmly: "Does it mean that Senior Sister Li and you and the rest of us are not qualified to compete for the heaven-level spiritual land?"

The implication is that three of them have the strength to be on the Star List of Creation. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be difficult to compete for the heaven-level spiritual land.

"Tch, an arrogant man is an arrogant maniac!"

Feng Ling stared at Ling Feng with a look of disgust, "Where do you think the Heavenly Spiritual Land is? That is a place that only the top 30 in the Creation Star List have a chance to compete for. Unless you are unlucky and ranked in the top 30 There is no one inside, maybe we can try our luck."

"However, there is only one heaven-level spiritual place, and this time, it has been reserved by Senior Brother Chu Tiange Chu, who is ranked 29th on the list of created stars. He had to communicate many times before letting the senior brother and sister in front of him We don’t want to fight with him. So, we have no chance this time.”

"You didn't make an appointment with me. Who has the final say in the fight for the spiritual land? Who has the bigger fist?"

Ling Feng curled his lips and said lightly.

"You..." Feng Ling was furious and frowned: "It's really impossible to communicate with an arrogant man like you!"

Li Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Junior Brother Ling, although you have the strength to defeat Wang Ruquan, you have to understand one thing. The stratification on the list of stars is also very obvious. The top seventy are on the same level, and the top fifty are on the same level. It's another level. As for the top thirty, they are basically monsters..."

Li Fei took a deep breath and then said slowly: "The top ten are already comparable to the inner sect elders. You need to remember that you would rather provoke the inner sect elders than the top ten. They are in Donglingxian Chi Nei is revered as the Young Emperor and is in charge of the entire sect, with the power of life and death! In other words, even if he is an elder, if he is found to have violated the sect's rules, the ten young emperors will be executed first!"


After hearing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but gasp. As a disciple, even the elders can be killed first and then punished. What a huge power this is!

Is Young Emperor strong?

Not only was there no fear in Ling Feng's heart, but he was also filled with a strong fighting spirit.

Donglingxian Pond is indeed the right place!

Only by competing on the same stage with such a genius can you have the pleasure of continuous breakthroughs and transcendence!

"What a complete egomaniac."

Seeing Ling Feng's expression, Feng Ling couldn't help but shake her head and sneer, this guy has a good relationship. What Senior Sister Li Fei said is all in vain!

"It seems that Junior Brother Ling also has the ambition to become the Young Emperor." Li Fei smiled lightly and said slowly: "This is a good thing, but it is still too far away at the moment. Let's seize the earth-level spiritual land first."

Ling Feng curled his lips, saying that there is no point in talking more, just take it one step at a time.

"In addition, most teams competing for spiritual lands in the Emperor's Pool are teams of three to six people. We only have four people. If we encounter a team of six people, we must be a little more careful."

Li Fei reminded him again, everyone nodded, and after confirming that there were no more questions, they all walked towards the entrance of the Dihuang Pond.

At the same time, other teams also set off one after another, preparing to take the lead and seize high-level spiritual lands.


Several figures came together and passed by Ling Feng and his party.

Among them, Princess Qian Ling is one of the most impressive. When she was detected to have the Holy Body of Thunder Spirit, after worshiping in the Dongling Immortal Pond, she was promoted to a direct disciple and enjoyed great honors. Now, she is also a member of the Xuan Lei Palace. Her senior brother opened the way for her and took her to seize the spiritual land together.

When Princess Qianling saw Ling Feng, there was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She obviously did not expect that Ling Feng had obtained such a huge amount of contribution points so quickly and was able to enter the Emperor's Pool.

"Hello Ling Feng."

After thinking about it, Princess Qianling stepped forward and bowed her hands to Ling Feng, showing a faint smile.


Ling Feng nodded slightly and said no more. Princess Qianling did not ask for trouble and left quickly with the man in blue robe beside her.

Then, Lu Tianyi, who had provoked Ling Feng in the qualification assessment, also walked over swaggeringly. Although this guy's assessment results were not too top-notch, he still got lucky and was favored by an elder and became Personal disciple.

"Hey, isn't this the great genius Ling Feng? Haha, what a coincidence!"

Lu Tianyi glanced at Ling Feng with a strange look. When he saw Ling Feng assigned to the outer sect, Lu Tianyi had been proud for a long time. Later, he was even selected as a direct disciple, and he was on the same level as Ling Feng.

Soon, Ling Feng will be left far behind.

Ling Feng didn't even bother to look at this guy. He was just a villain and there was no need to pay any attention to him.


Lu Tianyi snorted softly, his eyes fell on Feng Ling and Li Fei, and he couldn't help but feel slightly jealous.

No matter where he goes, why are there always groups of beauties around Ling Feng?

"Ling Feng, I wonder how you were able to redeem the Earth Emperor's Order so quickly. It seems like it was thanks to these two senior sisters. Humph, I'm really ashamed of you for relying on women to rise to the top. !”

As soon as Lu Tianyi said this, Li Fei frowned slightly, and Feng Ling was so fiery that she slapped Lu Tianyi, making the world spin for a while.

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