Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1372 The Emperor’s Pool! (4 more updates)

"Shut your stinky mouth!"

Feng Ling stared at Lu Tianyi coldly, and the momentum from her whole body exploded and swept away.

Lu Tianyi was beaten so hard that his front teeth fell out, and he was so angry that he was shaking all over, "Damn it, you stinky bitch, I'll give you three points of color. You even run a dyeing shop, and I'm your direct disciple!"

He had met Feng Ling before, but he had always regarded her as an ordinary inner disciple, so he was not polite when speaking to her.

"So what if I'm a direct disciple? No matter how much you can't spit out ivory from your mouth, I can still beat you!"

Feng Ling's little temper was on the verge of exploding.

"Junior Brother Lu!"

At this time, a burly man stepped forward quickly, pressed Lu Tianyi's shoulder, and immediately bowed his hand to Feng Ling and said lightly: "Junior Sister Feng Ling, Junior Brother Lu has just entered the inner sect and doesn't understand the rules. I hope Junior Sister won’t be offended. Junior Brother Lu, please apologize to Senior Sister!”

Lu Tianyi was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that he had kicked an iron plate, and he quickly confessed and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my dog ​​can't spit out ivory. I hope senior sister can forgive me."


Feng Ling snorted coldly, glanced at the burly man, gritted her teeth and said, "For the sake of Senior Brother Zhuo, I'll spare you this one time, get out!"

"Thank you, junior sister!"

Senior Brother Zhuo grabbed Lu Tianyi, his figure flashed, and immediately flew into the entrance of the Emperor's Pond.

"Hmph, arrogant maniac, why are you an enemy everywhere you go!"

After Lu Tianyi and Lu Tianyi walked away, Feng Ling glared at Ling Feng angrily, looking like she was about to get angry.

"Maybe he's jealous that I'm handsomer than him."

Ling Feng shrugged, his eyes flashing, not knowing what he was planning.

"Junior brother Ling, I advise you not to mess around." Seeing Ling Feng's expression, Li Fei sighed softly and said slowly: "Then Zhuoyang is ranked 48th on the list of good fortune stars. It’s very difficult to deal with them, so try not to conflict with them when fighting for the spiritual land.”

Ling Feng shrugged slightly, obviously not intending to listen.

Li Fei smiled helplessly, and the group quickly arrived at the entrance of the Dihuang Pool. At this time, an old man in white robes stood in front of the entrance. His eyes swept the crowd and shouted: "The Dihuang Pool is about to open. Rules, I will only say this once!”

"First, the fight for spiritual land will stop at the slightest point. Those who fight against each other in the same sect should be killed according to the law!"

"Secondly, after entering the Earth Emperor Pool, you can only occupy the spiritual land for the first hour. After one hour, no one is allowed to fight for it anymore and you can practice with peace of mind. Anyone who violates the rules will be deprived of the right to enter the Earth Emperor Pool for life!"

"Third, after ten days, voluntarily leave the Emperor's Pond without delay! Anyone who violates this will be thrown into the Black Abyss for half a year!"

After the white-robed old man finished explaining the rules, many of the disciples who came to the Dihuang Pond for the first time couldn't help but look solemn.

The rules in the Earth Emperor Pond are too strict. However, this is also to ensure that every disciple can gain something in the Earth Emperor Pond as much as possible. If the struggle is endless, in ten days, he can be stable in the Earth Emperor Pond. There are probably only a handful of disciples cultivating in the pool.

"Okay, now, please hand over the Earth Emperor's Order in your hands, one by one, and don't try to muddle through."

After the white-robed old man finished speaking, he slowly opened a giant door in front of him, and dazzling golden light shot out from it. Then, an extremely rich spiritual energy from heaven and earth rushed towards his face, shocking everyone.

"It is indeed a treasure!"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. From the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth, it was clear that there was still the endless power of the five elements, the mystery of the rotation of yin and yang, and the power of all rules. It was almost condensed into substance. No wonder he was practicing in the Emperor's Pond. It can greatly increase the probability of breakthrough.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up!"

Li Fei scolded lightly and immediately rushed into the crowd without any delay. Her goal was to protect the Xuan-level spiritual land and sprint to the Earth-level spiritual land.

Therefore, we must first go to the area of ​​the earth-level spiritual land.

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows, stepped out with Xiaoyao sword steps, and followed Li Fei closely, followed by Feng Ling and Yan Guying.

Breaking through the light curtain outside the Dihuang Pond, a burst of intense white light shone so brightly that everyone could barely see.

After a brief period of blindness, what came into view was a paradise on earth with gurgling water and shrouded fairy clouds!

"Is this the Emperor's Pond?"

Ling Feng took a deep breath. The rich aura of heaven and earth had almost condensed into droplets, hitting his skin with a cool and moist feeling.

I saw the space in front of me, with mountains and dense forests.

A round of dusk hangs on the top of the mountain, spreading the afterglow of the sunset.

The setting sun is like blood and the dusk is like a dream. It is hard to suppress and indulge in the tranquility of the sunset. Lingering.

It's beautiful, as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.

Faintly, one can see pavilions and pavilions, and these pavilions are places for disciples to meditate, which are the so-called spiritual places.

These pavilions are built on spiritual veins and have the most abundant spiritual energy.

There are a total of thirty-two yellow-level spiritual lands on the outermost periphery, followed by sixteen mysterious-level spiritual lands, then four earth-level spiritual lands and one heaven-level spiritual land.

Therefore, although the combination of Ling Feng, Li Fei and his team seemed powerful at first glance, it was not easy to compete for the Earth-level spiritual land.

"Arrogance maniac, why are you dazed? Hurry up and go to the spiritual land of the occupying class!"

Feng Ling rolled her eyes at Ling Feng angrily. Ling Feng curled his lips, spread out his body skills, and followed Li Fei closely.

Li Fei pointed to the pavilions in front and said loudly: "Junior brother Ling, the four of us join forces to quickly seize an earth-level spiritual land. Then as long as we successfully resist for an hour, we will basically be fine."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said calmly: "Senior sister, where is the Great Emperor's Spiritual Realm you mentioned before?"

Li Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly: "The Great Emperor's Spiritual Realm is deeper than the heaven-level spiritual land. There is a barrier composed of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth around it. We call it the Lingbi. Only the powerful Emperor can break through the Lingbi. , enter the Great Emperor’s spiritual realm to practice.”

"It's just that because the Emperor's Pool is only open to disciples, for thousands of years, only the top three young emperors in the list of creation stars have the opportunity to travel through the Lingbi and enter it to practice. Moreover, not every class has The first three young emperors all have this strength."

"Is that so?"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows. At this moment, he heard a strong wind blowing beside him. A purple figure, like an electric shock, broke out from the back of the crowd. In an instant, he rushed to the front and directly entered the only one. That heavenly spiritual land.

"That is Senior Brother Chu Tiange Chu. He has already occupied the heaven-level spiritual land. Our goal is only the earth-level spiritual land."

Li Fei already knew about this result, so she was not too disappointed. She accelerated again and rushed towards the earth-level spiritual land.

Ling Feng pursed his lips and looked at the back of Chu Tiange. He had to say that this person was indeed powerful, and he was definitely not ordinary powerful.

Asking himself, if he were to fight head-on, he wouldn't have much confidence without using Chaos Reincarnation.

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