Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1373 This place belongs to me! (1 update)

On the other side, Zhuoyang led Lu Tianyi, Princess Qianling and the master beside her, and their target was obviously the earth-level spiritual land.

In addition, there were four or five teams of six people who also aimed at the earth-level spiritual land. For a time, the competition for the earth-level spiritual land became the most intense.

Yan Guying took a breath: "Is the competition between earth-level spirits so fierce?"

He had entered the Emperor's Pool once before, and he only dared to practice in the Huang Level Spiritual Land at the outermost edge. There was almost no competition.

"Snatch the third earth-level spiritual land!"

Li Fei's eyes flashed as he saw a group of relatively weak disciples rushing towards the third earth-level spiritual land. The four of them should be able to succeed if they join forces.

Feng Ling followed immediately without thinking, without doubting Li Fei's decision.

Yan Guying also drew out his sword, gritted his teeth and chased after him. Although he was the weakest and couldn't be of much help, the other party didn't dare to kill him anyway, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Li Fei and the other three gritted their teeth and rushed over, entangled with the other six members.

Li Fei and Feng Ling were both masters on the Good Fortune Star Ranking, and could barely withstand the pressure, but Yan Guying was a bit far behind, and could only serve as a slight harassment on the edge.

Among the six opponents, there were two who were strong on the Fortune Star List, and the remaining four were also very powerful beings in the inner sect. With three against six, it didn't take long for Li Fei and the others to stabilize. Occupied the disadvantage.

At the same time, the competition for the other three earth-level spiritual lands was equally fierce. Seeing this situation, many disciples could only stay away and turn to the mysterious-level spiritual lands.

I went too late, and I'm afraid I won't even be able to occupy the Xuan-level spiritual land.

Boom boom boom!

For a time, various teams fought to compete for the spiritual land, but due to the rules, no one dared to use a real killing move. Generally speaking, as long as the losing party leaves, it means giving up the fight by default, and both sides will There won't be any conflicts.

However, within this limited hour, everyone is trying their best to find ways to occupy higher-level spiritual lands. After all, this hour is related to the harvest in the next ten days.


With a scream, Yan Guying accidentally found a flaw in the opponent's body and slapped him away with a palm.

The team of three people was torn apart with a huge gap.

No matter how hard it was for Li Fei and Fengling to hold on, they were knocked out of the No. 3 Earth-level Spiritual Land one after another.

Feng Ling panted, turned around fiercely, looked around, gritted her teeth and said: "Damn it! Where is that arrogant man? We agreed to form a team of four, where did this bastard go?"

Li Fei was also very puzzled. Ling Feng's combat power was even better than hers. If Ling Feng had helped him, he might not have lost in the fight for the spiritual land just now.

Yan Guying was even more puzzled. When he rushed to kill just now, Ling Feng was still behind him, but in the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

Suddenly, Yan Guying's sharp eyes spotted Ling Feng's figure.

At this time, Ling Feng was standing in front of an earth-level spiritual place with his hands behind his back.

This spiritual land has been occupied by Zhuoyang and Lu Tianyi. Not only that, but beside Zhuoyang, there are two other inner disciples of Xutian Palace. They are both peak human emperors, although they are not in the Creation Star. is on the list, but its strength cannot be underestimated.

"Hmph, Ling Feng, you really don't want to give up!"

A sly smile appeared on Lu Tianyi's face, and he raised his finger towards Ling Feng, "Young man named Ling, if you have the guts, take away our spiritual land! Hahaha!"

He stared at Ling Feng with an arrogant expression, relying on the support of several other senior brothers from Xutian Palace to ignore Ling Feng at all.

Ling Feng didn't even look at him, he just stared at the strongest Zhuo Fan, stood with his hands behind his back, and ordered lightly: "Brothers, please move your seats, this place belongs to me!"

Good guy!

There were many teams competing for the earth-level spiritual land around, and they couldn't help but be speechless when they saw that Lingfeng, a small person in the divine sea realm, actually provoked Zhuo Yang like this.

This guy, is he not awake yet?

Not far away, Princess Qianling had already occupied an earth-level spiritual land with the help of experts from Xuanlei Palace. She turned around and saw Ling Feng actually provoking Lu Tianyi and his party, and couldn't help but shake her head.

"Although this Ling Feng is indeed a talent, it is a pity that he is too sharp and does not know how to hold back. With his strength, there is no way he can compete with Zhuo Yang. This time, he may have to experience an unforgettable lesson. "

The man in blue robe next to Princess Qianling said calmly: "Little junior sister, are you familiar with this outer disciple?"

"I'm not familiar with him." Princess Qianling shook her head slightly and said calmly: "I think we know her."

Of course, the main reason why Princess Qianling pays special attention to Ling Feng is because during the qualification assessment, Tuoba Yan, who was next to Ling Feng, took away all the scenery that originally belonged to her.

In the end, Tuoba Yan became the direct disciple of Holy Fairy Huiyue, while Ling Feng, a shining genius, was reduced to the outer sect. Such an encounter made it difficult not to be impressed.

Hearing Ling Feng's arrogant words, Zhuo Yang frowned slightly, stared at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Junior brother, if it's because of what happened before, Junior Brother Lu has already apologized, so I hope you don't take it to heart. Go up. As for this earth-level spiritual land, I advise you to give up."

"What happened before? How can a person care about a dog?"

Ling Feng shrugged and said calmly: "I just think that the feng shui of this spiritual land is better, so you guys give in, that's all."

"It seems that you are determined to cause trouble, that's fine!" Zhuo Yang shook his head and said solemnly: "Then don't blame me for bullying the small."

Ling Feng didn't answer, but a crack opened between his eyebrows, revealing a bloody eyeball.

Jackdaw ghost eyes!

In an instant, a ray of spiritual rays was transmitted from the ghost's eyes.

Zhuoyang suddenly lost consciousness for a brief moment, and then he saw Ling Feng, who was like lightning, stepping forward, grabbing Zhuoyang's clothes, and slapped him on the chest, sealing several of his acupuncture points. Thrown him to the ground hard.

"Boy, you are looking for death!"

The remaining two peak human emperors in the room immediately roared and rushed towards Ling Feng with ferocious looks.


Ling Feng smiled coldly, Wang Ruquan and other powerful men on the Star List were defeated by him, let alone a few ordinary peak human emperors.

The mental rays shook, and the other two peak human emperors were also disturbed by the rays. They were stunned and kicked out of the spiritual land by Ling Feng.

In a flash, Ling Feng stood in front of Lu Tianyi like a ghost.

"you you……"

Lu Tianyi was so frightened that he trembled all over. Then, he heard the sound of wind blowing in his ears. Ling Feng had already punched him in the face and beat him away.


Lu Tianyi was punched until his nose started to bleed. He quickly raised his hand to cover his nose and stared at Ling Feng in disbelief, "Asshole, Ling Feng! What kind of magic are you doing!"

At this time, Zhuo Yang had woken up, frowned, and was about to activate his energy, but found that several of his acupoints were sealed, and he could only use less than 10% of his strength at most.

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