Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1377 It smells so good! (1 update)

"Sorry, we want the heavenly spiritual land!"

Ling Feng let out a low shout and opened a bloody ghost eye on his forehead. In an instant, the ghost eye rays, shocking calamity, world chaos, nightmare heart art, and four levels of soul attack all erupted.


Chu Tiange groaned, and the barrier of consciousness formed by the sea of ​​spirit was instantly shattered.

When he lost consciousness, Ling Feng had already stepped forward, took out several golden needles, and sealed them directly into Chu Tiange's dantian.

This person is difficult to deal with. Only by sealing the pulse with a golden needle can Ling Feng feel at ease.


With one palm shot, Ling Feng knocked Chu Tiange away. His body also swayed slightly, and there was a feeling of weakness in his mind. Four levels of soul attacks suddenly broke out. For him, Still quite a load.

"Deng Deng Deng!"

Chu Tiange was Chu Tiange after all. Even though he had been calculated in this way, he still woke up as quickly as possible, took a dozen steps back, stood firm, and stared at Ling Feng with a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"Okay, good boy! You actually still have this hand!"

Because it was not a life and death fight, Ling Feng still showed mercy at the last moment. Chu Tiange was not seriously injured, but the sea of ​​​​spirit was agitated and it might take several hours to recover.

"Senior Brother Chu, I'm offended!"

Ling Feng cupped his fists and saluted Chu Tiange. In fact, using this method to win Chu Tiange was not very glorious, but in order to win the heaven-level spiritual land, he could only use a few methods.

After all, if Chaos Reincarnation is used to fight Chu Tiange, the result may be a win, but it is absolutely impossible to achieve the goal.

Because in the state of chaos reincarnation, the whole person falls into a violent rage, and the murderous intention in his heart is almost impossible to control.

"Hmph! I, Chu Tiange, can't afford to lose!"

Chu Tiange waved his sleeves, took a deep look at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "You are Ling Feng, the outer disciple who defeated Wang Ruquan."

"It's me." Ling Feng nodded without saying anything more.

"Okay, I remember you."

Chu Tiange sneered and turned back to glare at Xu Xinghe, "Xu Xinghe, this time I didn't lose at your hands, but because of carelessness. You won't have another chance in the future!"

After saying that, Chu Tiange flicked his sleeves and jumped directly, flying in the direction of the earth-level spiritual land.

With his strength, even if the Qi Sea is sealed by the golden needle, it is easy to fight for the earth-level spiritual land.

Moreover, he could force the golden needle out of his body within three hours at most. However, by that time, the time for fighting had passed, and even if he was unwilling, he could not get it back.

"Humph, you've already lost, so why are you pretending!"

Xu Xinghe wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, feeling happy in his heart. He looked at Ling Feng and laughed loudly: "Boy, you are really good!"

Li Fei and Feng Ling also showed a hint of joy, looking at the heaven-level spiritual land in front of them, all their efforts were finally in vain.

Princess Qianling wiped her sweat and her whole body was soaked with sweat. Although she did not confront Chu Tiange head-on, she was very frightened.

At this moment, they actually really grabbed the heaven-level spiritual land. It felt like a dream. They said in disbelief: "It's hard to imagine that we actually succeeded! This is a heaven-level spiritual land!"

"Haha..." Ling Feng smiled faintly, then his body softened and fell back.

Li Fei, who was nearest, had quick eyes and quick hands, and held Ling Feng up.

"Junior Brother Ling, how are you?" Yan Guying walked up quickly with concern on his face.

Feng Ling also bit her lips, "Humph, this arrogant man only knows how to show off his strength, now he knows how powerful he is!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can naturally see that Ling Feng has overdrawn too much of his spiritual power, which is why he is so weak.

"It's nothing serious, just take a rest."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that the top thirty experts on the Fortune Star List could be so powerful. Fortunately, Xu Xinghe joined him this time. Otherwise, with only Li Fei and Fei Ling, he might not even have a chance to take action.

Donglingxian Pond is indeed a place where geniuses gather!

Ling Feng's eyes were full of fighting spirit. After this battle, he was even more looking forward to the real genius he would meet next.

Only by confronting such a genius can he continue to stimulate himself, allowing him to continue to grow and become stronger.

"What a freak! He looked like he was about to die, but he still burst out with such amazing fighting spirit."

Feng Ling murmured in a low voice, but her view of Ling Feng changed slightly: This arrogant man can be quite reliable sometimes!

Chu Tiange was driven away, and the group naturally took over the heavenly spiritual land.

Princess Qianling opened her arms, took a deep breath, and said with great surprise: "Wow, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is so rich, it is ten times stronger than the earth-level spiritual energy! This rich spiritual energy is simply refreshing. , it smells so good!”


Feng Ling sneered, "I didn't know which one it was just now. I kept talking about how it couldn't be successful, but now I'm talking about how delicious it is."


Princess Qianling's face turned red with embarrassment, and Xu Xinghe on the side laughed loudly and said with a smile: "Okay, not to mention the junior sister, even I don't believe that this operation can be successful from the bottom of my heart. It’s just that I wanted to take this opportunity to challenge Chu Tiange, but unexpectedly, I actually succeeded. Junior Brother Ling, you are really a person who can create miracles!”

"Create a miracle..."

Princess Qianling clenched her fist. Yes, since the qualification assessment, this "weak" who seems to be in the early stage of the Divine Sea Realm, hasn't he been creating miracles?

"Senior brother is so complimentary."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. After swallowing a few pills, he adjusted his breathing a little, then stood up, bowed his head slightly to Li Fei who had just supported him, and then said: "Senior brothers and sisters. , can you tell me about the innermost emperor’s spiritual realm?”

"This..." Xu Xinghe's eyelids twitched, and he quickly said: "Junior Brother Ling, it is enough to win the heaven-level spiritual land. As for the emperor's spiritual realm inside, that is impossible. With our strength, adding in Together, it is impossible to break the Lingbi."

Li Fei also said in a deep voice: "It is true that the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain is indeed the place with the richest aura in the Earth Emperor's Pond. Some people even rumored that the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain is directly connected to the Immortal Yao Pond in the heavens and can be directly seen. The source of the yin and yang power of the Five Elements, but it is absolutely impossible to step into it without stepping into the Great Emperor."

"Hmph, you are an arrogant maniac. There must be a limit to your arrogance."

Feng Ling snorted softly and said: "Do you know that no one can set foot in this emperor's spiritual realm except the one who is currently number one on the list of creation stars. Just you? So, don't overestimate your capabilities. Well, the Lingbi can’t be broken by relying on your heresy. If you can win the heaven-level spiritual land, just be satisfied.”

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