Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1378 Lingbi! (2 updates)

"Are you satisfied?"

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. He would never give up without trying it himself.

"If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that I can't do it either. If you don't give it a try, how will you know." Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and said calmly: "Before this, some people also said that it is absolutely impossible for us to win the heaven-level spiritual land, right? ?”


Feng Ling was at a loss for words, folded her hands on her chest, and said bitterly: "Go on, go on! Just try it! You arrogant maniac, you can't understand the situation at all. The Lingbi is not a human being, it is a layer of enchantment , a layer of barrier, without strength, no matter what conspiracy you use, it will be absolutely useless. "

"Anyway, there's still time. Whether it works or not, it doesn't hurt to give it a try."

Li Fei was chatting with Xi Ni at the side and said with a smile: "Since Junior Brother Ling wants to give it a try, it doesn't matter. We can just hold on to the heavenly level spiritual land first."

Xu Xinghe shrugged and did not express an opinion. However, judging from his joking attitude, it was obvious that he was not optimistic about Ling Feng.

The Great Emperor's Spiritual Realm, as the name suggests, is a realm that only the powerful Emperor can set foot in. If anyone can enter it, why would it be called the Great Emperor's Spiritual Realm?

For thousands of years, no one has been able to break this rule. No matter how amazing you are, you can even challenge the powerful emperor at the ultimate human emperor level. However, this layer of spiritual jade cannot be entered by those who are not powerful emperors.

Ling Feng didn't say much. He didn't say whether he could pass the Lingbi. However, since he had the opportunity to pass the Lingbi, he would not be willing to do so without even trying.

With a leap, Ling Feng flew directly away from the heaven-level spiritual land that he had spent a lot of effort to occupy, and flew towards the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain at the core of the Earthly Emperor's Pond.

As Li Fei and others said, from a distance, before approaching the Great Emperor's spiritual realm, a barrier formed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth made Ling Feng feel a great sense of oppression.

The space in front seemed to be like a wall of copper and iron, constantly repelling him, and every time he got closer, the pressure on his body became more terrifying.

"Hmph, you really won't look back until you hit the wall. Now you know how powerful Lingbi is!"

Feng Ling frowned, seeing Ling Feng's speed slowing down suddenly, and hummed softly: "Arrogant, let's see if you still believe in evil!"

"Junior Brother Ling has just started his career, so it's normal that he doesn't know how powerful the Ling Bi is. However, his martial arts spirit is indomitable and fearless. This is not something that ordinary people can match." Li Fei smiled softly: "That's right. Because of this, Junior Brother Ling can compete with those Extreme Human Emperors in the Divine Sea Realm. After all, from him, he can master swordsmanship, soul training, body training, and Qi training in almost all aspects. An all-rounder.”

"Hmph, what's the use of being knowledgeable but not good!" Feng Ling snorted lightly, but she was not convinced.

"Oh? Are you really not good at it?"

Li Fei smiled lightly, and Feng Ling's pretty face suddenly turned red, and she cursed in her heart: Damn it, this guy obviously only has one head, and he is involved in all aspects, and he is so proficient in them all. What a monster!

At this time, Ling Feng was undoubtedly facing a huge test.


This was the sound of bones breaking, and Ling Feng could clearly feel that his shoulder blades had cracked open under the terrifying pressure from the Lingbi.

If we continue to move forward, there will be more bones, and I am afraid that they will follow the footsteps of the scapula.

"Is this Lingbi really incapable of breakthrough?"

Ling Feng frowned deeply. At this moment, he had opened all the Hunyuan Locks, and also performed the earth-shattering transformation of the Eight Desolations Body Forging Technique. He also used his sword power and Yuan Power to form layers of barriers around his body for protection.

But facing the terrifying pressure of the Lingbi, it was still as fragile as paper.

"Boy Ling Feng, when did you become so stupid?"

When Ling Feng was at a loss what to do, a scoffing voice came from his mind.

Ling Feng frowned and responded in his heart: "Bitch donkey, if you have an idea, why don't you say it earlier!"

"Hehe, even though this beast knows it, why should I tell you?" The bitch looked proud, flicked his tail, and said with a thief smile: "Who makes someone so stingy? He doesn't even have the Yin Yang Soul Jade. I’m willing to give it to this divine beast!”

Ling Feng mentally pointed his middle finger at the bitch. This guy was simply taking advantage of the situation.

"Master, actually I have a way that I can try."

When Zifeng's voice came, Ling Feng suddenly became energetic and said with a loud smile: "It's also a spiritual pet, bitch, look at Zifeng!"

"Little thing!" The bitch yelled at the top of his voice, "I want you to talk more!"

Zifeng snorted lightly, ignored the bitch, and slowly said to Ling Feng: "Master, I am an elemental life form, so I can sense that this layer of spiritual jade is essentially the attribute power of the five elements of yin and yang. Why don't you try Try to integrate into Lingbi, rather than fight against Lingbi.”

"Integrating into Lingbi?"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's eyes lit up. Yes, he was a body of chaos. It was impossible for ordinary people to have so many attributes at the same time, but for him, it was not difficult at all.

"Okay, then I'll give it a try and integrate into this layer of spiritual jade!"

Ling Feng took a deep breath, letting go of his resistance layer by layer. The Yuan Power in his body gradually aligned with the rotation of the five elements on the Lingbi, and the yin and yang changed, constantly matching.

Sure enough, the terrifying pressure gradually disappeared, and it seemed like he had become a part of the Lingbi.

Being in the Lingbi, it feels like a dragon returning to the sea, giving you an unparalleled sense of pleasure.

"As expected!"

Ling Feng was overjoyed. It turned out that this was the correct way to break through the Lingbi. However, it was impossible for ordinary warriors to possess both the Five Elements attributes and the Yin and Yang attributes at the same time. Only Ling Feng, the body of chaos, was uniquely gifted and could use this method. Method, integrated into Lingbi.

Suddenly, Ling Feng accelerated suddenly and continued to break forward, like a swimming fish, moving crazily towards the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain at the core.

"Wha...what! He...he is really swimming in the spiritual stone?"

This sudden change made Li Fei and his party who were guarding the heaven-level spiritual land dumbfounded.

One moment, Ling Feng had clearly stopped moving forward, but the next moment, he seemed to be a completely different person. There seemed to be no pressure at all, but he seemed very relaxed and comfortable.

"How is this possible? That's a Lingbi!"

Xu Xinghe was completely dumbfounded. In fact, he had tried to break through the Lingbi, but he only penetrated less than ten feet before he was directly ejected. Then, in the next ten days, he spent seven days to break through the Lingbi. After recovering from his injuries, he only had three days to practice normally.

That time, he ended up having to practice in the outermost Huang Level Spiritual Land, which was the most humiliating experience in his sect career.


Suddenly, the mutation reappears!

Ling Feng's figure seemed to be sucked in by a vortex within the Lingbi, and the next moment, he suddenly disappeared.

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