Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1381 The lucky man! (1 update)

"The reason is simple to say the least."

Turtle Lao raised a finger, shook his head and said: "This is a little test I deliberately set for you to see if you are really as evil as Lin Mu said. You have done well in this regard. From now on. From what Feng Ling said, I have learned about your deeds, you are a good young man!"

"Senior is so complimentary."

Ling Feng waved his hands modestly, secretly thinking that he had indeed guessed correctly. Fengling had been targeting him, and it seemed that the culprit was the old man in front of him.

However, although Ling Feng was arrogant, he was not brainless. This half-saint strong man could crush himself to death with one finger, but Ling Feng did not dare to settle the score with him.

"There is a second reason, which is the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain."

Turtle Lao smiled lightly, "Little guy, you have passed my first level of test, so I want to give you an opportunity."

"Opportunity?" Ling Feng blinked, "What opportunity?"

"Have you ever heard of the Five Emperors' Seals?" Mr. Gui looked at Ling Feng mysteriously and said indifferently.

"Five Emperor Seals?"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, and he quickly said: "I've heard it before. It is said that the five powerful emperors jointly created an unparalleled magical power, which is contained in five emperor seals respectively. But only by gathering all five emperor seals, can you Only then can you obtain this magical power.”

"Yes, that's right."

Turtle Lao nodded slightly, glanced at Ling Feng with a half-smile, and said calmly: "The Desolate Emperor's Seal among the Five Emperor's Seals is within the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain."

"The Emperor's Seal is here?"

Ling Feng's pupils shrank slightly. A while ago, he learned the news in the memory of the ghost-eyed jackdaw. It was said that the Emperor's Seal was hidden somewhere in the Dongling Immortal Pond. Unexpectedly, it was actually in the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain. Inside.

No wonder the Emperor's Seal has not been discovered for so many years. Firstly, there are only a handful of disciples who have reached the realm of the Great Emperor. Secondly, the strong men who have entered the Great Emperor's spiritual realm are all diligently pursuing the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the yin and yang of the five elements. With the power of rules, who has the heart to find the Five Emperor Seals?


The old turtle nodded, "I have a magical power called the turtle mirror. I can see the stars, measure people's hearts, and see the principles of heaven and earth. All things are born like flowers and water in the mirror. One day, I caught a glimpse of a scene in the turtle mirror. It turned out that this is the Seal of the Desolate Emperor. , has been hidden in the Great Emperor’s spiritual realm.”

After hearing this, Ling Feng couldn't help but take a deep breath, not because of the Huangdi Seal, but because of the magical power of the "Turtle Mirror" mentioned by Turtle Saint.

"Then... senior, can't he also see into my heart?"

Ling Feng's heart skipped a beat, had all his secrets been exposed to the other party?

"The turtle mirror can indeed spy on people's hearts, but it cannot be used rashly. Heaven's behavior is constant, and any magical power cannot break away from the shackles of heaven, otherwise it will inevitably be punished by heaven. I master the turtle mirror, but I will not use it to spy on people's hearts. This point , little one can rest assured.”


After Gui Lao saw through his thoughts, Ling Feng blushed and said awkwardly: "Senior, please continue talking."

"The Seal of the Wild Emperor is here, but whether you can find it or not depends on your own opportunities."

Mr. Gui said slowly: "I would like to remind you that there is a raging undercurrent in the Dongling Fairy Pond. The third reason why I left you at the outer gate is for protection. There may have been people in the Eight Halls for a long time. Rebellious Fairy Pond.”

"This..." Ling Feng's eyelids twitched slightly, and the words Blood Shadow Alliance flashed in his mind.

"Why did senior tell me this? I'm just an insignificant little disciple. With Senior Turtle Saint sitting in charge of the Immortal Pond, it's not my turn to worry about it." Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Regarding Turtle Saint suddenly telling him these things, Somewhat confused.

"How can a son of the way of heaven be a small disciple, let alone an insignificant one?" Mr. Gui said lightly: "I said that in the turtle mirror, you can see the mirror flowers, water and moon. You are the one who is lucky. This, I will not Wrong."

Hearing the words "Son of Heaven", Ling Feng couldn't help but change his expression. Even the angel patrol in the Sea of ​​Miracles didn't find out his identity. This old turtle actually determined everything at a glance!

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you. Everything is happening according to the prophecy. The Son of Heaven comes to the Immortal Pond. The next step is the opportunity of the Five Emperors. I have only seen half of the ending, and you are the only one. The existence that can reverse the outcome.”

After hearing this, Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, but since he set foot in martial arts, Ling Feng has seen a lot of weird and bizarre things.

After taking three deep breaths, Ling Feng nodded heavily, "Senior, I understand what you mean."

"The Son of Heaven is indeed different from ordinary people. If he were an ordinary person, he would never be able to calm down so quickly."

Turtle Lao nodded and smiled, "This also proves that I am not wrong about the person. I have already explained almost everything that needs to be explained. After you go back, I will promote you to the inner sect. There is no need for you to stay in the outer sect anymore. As for the You know what happened today, I know, God knows and the earth knows, I hope no third person will know about it.”

"Senior, don't worry, I still want to live for a few more years."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. Being a son of heaven is not something that can be shown off.

"That's true, hahaha..."

Turtle Lao laughed loudly, "Okay, then you look for the Huangdi Seal here. The golden circle under my feet contains my magical power. If you want to leave, you only need to stand in this golden light, and I will Use the positive and negative vortex to send you out of the outside world, and then you may be surprised. "

After the words fell, Guilao's figure gradually disappeared, leaving only a golden circle of light on the ground, shining with a faint brilliance.

"It's so powerful and unfathomable!"

Ling Feng sighed softly, the semi-saints were so powerful, but how strong would those great saints and immortals be?

"The road to becoming stronger is still long and arduous!"

Ling Feng's eyes flashed with a fighting spirit, but what he didn't expect was that the turtle elder had already known about his coming to Donglingxian Pond through his magical powers, and even predicted that he would come to Donglingxian Pond. A crisis is coming.

And he is the one who is lucky. All this is really mysterious. However, he once passed through the Xuanwu Wall and went back a thousand years ago to meet the ancestors of the Jiang family. Even this kind of thing can happen. What does Ling Feng know? Prophecy and the theory of fate are no longer strange.

"Is fate really inevitable?"

Ling Feng clenched his fists. If everything is destined, then can his own efforts change the fate of the Tiandao clan?

He shook his head and frowned slightly, but the next moment, the confusion in Ling Feng's eyes disappeared.

"I don't know what my destiny is. I only know that my destiny is up to me, not God! Only the strength that transcends all can control your own destiny!"

Taking a deep breath, Ling Feng's whole aura changed. He was no longer confused at all. His martial arts heart was indestructible.

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