Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1382 A huge surprise! (2 updates)

"Where is the Emperor's Seal?"

Ling Feng tried to search around, and even released Jian Lu and Zifeng.

However, these two guys were so dizzy by the powerful spiritual energy that rushed towards them, as if they were drunk. They could not help at all. They just sucked the spiritual energy around them crazily, completely can not stop.

"It seems that the reason why Senior Turtle Saint let me enter the positive and negative vortex and make me lose all my energy is to prevent me from absorbing these energy and not being intoxicated and unable to extricate myself."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled, and had no choice but to be patient and search carefully throughout the entire Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain.

one day!

Two days!

Three days!

Three full days have passed, and Ling Feng has gained nothing. He has lost his vitality and his keen perception. Ling Feng feels that no matter what he does, he is clumsy and has gained nothing at all.

In desperation, Ling Feng had to take out the other two emperor seals, the Dragon Emperor Seal and the Yellow Emperor Seal, hoping that there would be some subtle reaction between the five emperor seals.

Finally, Huang Tian paid off his hard work. On the sixth day, Ling Feng finally found a square stone in a shallow stream. It was already covered with impurities. If it weren't for the other two imperial seals, Even if you hold it in your hand, you will think it is just an ordinary broken stone!

"Finally found it!"

Ling Feng stretched out and cleaned the Desolate Emperor's Seal, and then revealed the true appearance of this unparalleled treasure.

"I have won three of the Five Emperors' Seals. Perhaps, the opportunity of the Five Emperors is indeed mine."

Ling Feng carefully put away the three imperial seals and returned to the original cave, only to find that that bitch was just lying down and sleeping in the cave, but he had already reached the stage of the Demon Queen!

As for Zifeng, although he cannot directly rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to improve his cultivation, he seems to have understood the rules of the five elements and has gained a lot.

The most exaggerated thing is Xiao Qiongqi. Ever since Xiao Qiongqi opened the Eye of Shura, he has been in a semi-drowsy state, so he hasn’t appeared for a long time. This time, Bitch didn’t miss Xiao Qiongqi. Opportunities for advancement.

In the past six days, Xiao Qiongqi has actually risen to the level of Demon King. He is probably the person who has reached the level of Demon King in the shortest time in the entire history of the Demon Clan.

The Great Emperor's Spirit Realm is truly extraordinary!

Only Ling Feng worked hard inside and outside for six days, but he didn't even gain anything!

Oh no, strictly speaking, I still gained a Waste Emperor Seal.

"It's true that there are gains and losses. You can obviously enter such a holy land for cultivation, but you can't practice."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and he didn't know whether he had made a profit or a loss.

"However, Senior Turtle Saint said that there might be a surprise when we leave. I don't know what the surprise is."

Ling Feng pondered for a moment. At this moment, he had found the Desolate Emperor's Seal anyway. He was in the Great Emperor's Spiritual Domain and couldn't practice, so there was no need to stay here.

"Forget it, it's time to leave!"

Ling Feng took a look at the beasts of Jian Donkey. These guys were really happy. They pitied themselves and were busy looking for the Emperor's Seal.

With a wave of his hand, these guys were brought into the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. Without hesitation, Ling Feng jumped directly into the golden circle of light left by the Turtle Saint.

Standing in the golden circle of light, a huge vortex appeared at his feet, and Ling Feng was swept into it.

His vision went dark, and Ling Feng felt like he was being sucked into the endless void. However, it was different from the previous feeling of being sucked into the Great Emperor's spiritual realm. Previously, he was being sucked dry, but this time, the violent vitality of heaven and earth was being sucked dry. , actually gathered crazily into his own body!

Ling Feng could hardly describe the terrifying speed.

The majestic vitality of heaven and earth merged into Lingfeng's Dantian Qi sea. There had been no vitality flowing in the sea for six consecutive days. Feeling the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth, he suddenly absorbed it like a traveler walking in the desert. Eating, devouring.

"It turns out that this is the positive and negative vortex! It absorbs my energy in the positive direction, but it feeds back so amazingly in the reverse direction!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched wildly, because within a few breaths, Ling Feng felt that his Dantian had been filled with energy and had returned to its peak state.

However, this is far from over.

The vast amount of heaven and earth vitality in the Great Emperor's spiritual domain continues to pour into his body, as if he was enlightened, surging crazily in his limbs and bones, and in his eight extraordinary meridians.


Ling Feng's mind went blank. He only felt that his realm barriers were constantly breaking through, and then his Yuanli was fully charged again and again, and he continued to break through! breakthrough! breakthrough!

What a huge surprise!

I don’t know how long it took, but Ling Feng was violently thrown out of the Ling Bi. The moment he left the Ling Bi, Ling Feng even felt like he was drowning, as if he had drank a full belly of water, and every cell in his body was affected. , were so full that even breathing was a little difficult.


Ling Feng gasped for breath, feeling that he could hardly move a finger. The reverse vortex merged into the heaven and earth energy in his body, not only allowing his cultivation level to directly break through from the first level of the Divine Sea Realm to the seventh level of the Divine Sea Realm, but also the remaining Energy also filled every one of his tendons and veins, leaving almost no space left.

Ling Feng lay in this corpse-lying posture for a whole day outside the Great Emperor's spiritual realm before he finally regained his ability to move and climbed up from the ground with difficulty, feeling dumbfounded for a while.

"Senior Turtle Saint, this surprise from you is really big!"

Feeling his sudden surge in strength, Ling Feng felt like he was in a dream. However, thinking about that bitch, he had reached the middle-level Demon King and reached the high-level Demon King, and he had been promoted from the first level of the Divine Sea Realm to the seventh level of the Divine Sea Realm. The peak is nothing.

However, this effect is definitely countless times better than practicing in a heaven-level spiritual land for ten days.

At least, Ling Feng didn't dare to imagine that he was quite satisfied with his initial expectation of reaching the third level of the Divine Sea Realm, let alone reaching the seventh level of the Divine Sea Realm all at once, and there was also a Desolate Emperor's Seal!

The Emperor's Token purchased with 50,000 contribution points is really worth it!

From a distance, Ling Feng saw Li Fei and others practicing in the only heaven-level spiritual land. The rich spiritual energy filled the entire spiritual land. Several people absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and had already sunk into cultivation.

And although he is now outside the Great Emperor's spiritual domain, because he does not belong to the core of the spiritual veins, although the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth is not weak, it cannot be compared with the heaven-level spiritual land, and is not even as good as the outermost yellow-level spiritual land.

However, it is still much higher than the outside world.

Ling Feng has already broken through to the seventh level of the Divine Sea Realm, and he is not in a hurry to continue to break through. The best way to consolidate his realm now is to consolidate it.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng directly entered the Five Elements Heavenly Palace. There were still three days before he finally left the Emperor's Pool. He used these three days to consolidate the foundation of his skyrocketing realm.

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