Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1383 Petrified Eyes! Thousands of transformations! (3 updates)

Entering the Yuan Realm of Wood directly, the bitch is in the palace, sleeping soundly. After the monsters absorb a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth, they will fall into a deep sleep to refine the spiritual energy.

"Hey, bitch, wake up first!"

Ling Feng kicked the donkey in the butt and woke it up. The donkey suddenly opened his eyes, and was so angry that he flapped his ears and cursed: "You bastard, you don't know that it is rude to disturb other people's sleep." Well!"

"Do me a favor first, before you go to sleep."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, took out the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, placed it in front of the bitch, and said with a smile: "Tell me, what is the secret inside this Yin-Yang Soul Jade? Each of us has half of the opportunities inside!"

Hearing that there was something to be gained, the bitch snorted, forcibly cheered up, grabbed the Yin Yang Soul Jade, curled his lips and said: "This piece of broken jade is not a big deal, the valuable thing is hidden in the soul." The spiritual core within the jade.”

"Spiritual core?"

Ling Feng looked confused, obviously he had never heard of anything about the spiritual core being ineffective.

"You're so ignorant!" The bitch glanced at Ling Feng with disdain, and then said triumphantly: "But no wonder you don't know. That boy named Wang Ruquan has been holding the Yin Yang Soul Jade for so many years, but he still hasn't discovered it. I only know how to keep the secrets around me for cultivation, but it’s really pitiful to leave treasures like spiritual cores at risk without knowing how to use them.”

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and frowned: "Stop showing off like that. I know you have a lot of knowledge. Please tell me what this spiritual core is?"

"Yin Yang Soul Jade is a kind of strange stone from the sky, which is something that fell from the Immortal Realm. It is not a rare thing for those guys in the Immortal Realm, but it is precious to ordinary people like us in the lower world. It’s a treasure. Ordinary Yin-Yang Soul Jade does have an effect similar to enhancing the origin of the soul, but I am afraid that it is not even one-tenth of the effect of this Yin-Yang Soul Jade. It is precisely because of this Yin-Yang Soul Jade that the Spirit Core.”

"Among ten thousand Yin-Yang Soul Jade, only one Yin-Yang Soul Jade will give birth to a spiritual core, and you have a one-in-10,000 chance of encountering it, hehe!"

The bitch chuckled, and suddenly made a hand gesture, and a black inscription was inserted into the Yin-Yang Soul Jade. After a while, a soybean-sized particle was extracted from the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, and he grinned: "This is the spiritual core, half for you and half for me!"

Saying that, the bitch carefully opened the spiritual core, took out the slightly larger half, and swallowed it into his stomach with a "gulu" sound.


Ling Feng shook his head and smiled. This bitch likes to take advantage for a day or two. He took the other side of the spiritual core and asked lightly: "After talking for a long time, you haven't said anything about the function of this spiritual core."

"It's nothing more than strengthening the source of the divine soul by two or three times. If you're lucky, when this divine beast wakes up, it will be a peak demon emperor! Wow..."

The bitch opened his mouth and laughed a few times, then yawned again and glared at Ling Feng, "You brat, if you disturb this beast's sleep again, this beast will definitely bite you to death." head!"

After saying that, he swept the ground with his tail a few times, then lay flat on the ground and fell asleep.

"Damn, I fell asleep right now!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, is this guy a donkey or a pig?

"However, two or three times the source of the soul..."

Ling Feng pinched the small yin-yang spirit core, and without hesitation, imitating a bitch, he swallowed the spirit core.

In an instant, the whole brain became hot, and a terrifying tsunami seemed to rise in the sea of ​​​​spirit.

Then, Ling Feng felt his eyes burning. As the source of his soul grew stronger, his Eye of the Emperor finally evolved again.

After reaching the Divine Origin Realm, Ling Feng still continued to practice the "Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique" every day, constantly condensing divine patterns in the hope of gaining new abilities, but the progress has obviously slowed down.

My Eye of the Emperor seems to have reached a bottleneck period. Even if it is a breakthrough in realm, it cannot condense new divine patterns.

At this moment, when Ling Feng's spiritual soul had grown three times stronger, his arrogant support, the Eye of the Emperor, finally gave him feedback.

The fourth divine pattern of heaven, condensed!

In the right eye, a brand new inscription condensed and formed, floating in the eyeball.

"Petrified Eyes!"

A divine light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and the flowers, plants and trees he saw quickly turned to stone, as if they had turned into stone sculptures.


Ling Feng slowly dispersed the divine patterns, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Eye of Petrification can petrify the target you choose. The petrification duration ranges from three days to three breaths, mainly depending on the opponent's strength. However, as long as you are hit by the Petrifying Eye, you can ignore the realm and cause 100% petrification effect.

Then, Ling Feng's left eye shrank, and the fourth divine pattern of humanity condensed!

As before, the ability of the Divine Pattern of Humanity is more auxiliary. It is called the Thousand Shadows. The moment it is used, it will transform into thousands of phantoms, and at the same time it will emit strong mental fluctuations, making The opponent can't tell which one is the real one.

There is no doubt that this is another magical skill that can be used to attack and retreat to defend.

"The Eye of the Emperor has indeed never let me down!"

Ling Feng concentrated his mind, and his small half of a spiritual core allowed him to gain such a harvest. This bitch, this time, he helped himself a lot.

Picking up the Yin-Yang Soul Jade that was randomly discarded aside, on the surface, the Yin-Yang Soul Jade has not changed at all. At most, it has become slightly lighter. However, without the spiritual core, the effect of the Yin-Yang Soul Jade is only It will get worse and worse, and eventually it will be reduced to about one-tenth of the original level.


Holding the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, Ling Feng rolled his eyes and grinned, "Don't you all want the Yin-Yang Soul Jade? It's very good, very good!"

Putting the Yin Yang Soul Jade away with a smile, Ling Feng had already figured out how to squeeze out the remaining value of the Yin Yang Soul Jade.

Since everyone wants it, let’s put it out for bidding. The one with the highest price will get it!

Anyway, the most precious spiritual core inside has been divided between myself and the bitch. Whoever wants the remaining empty shell can go. I, Ling Feng, like the beauty of adulthood the most!

After making up his mind, Ling Feng took out the Blood Dragon Purple Ginseng and Stone Marrow Spirit Flower that he had exchanged in the Hall of Merit before, and began to strengthen his muscles and bones to temper his energy and blood.

Of course, all of this is preparation for practicing the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique".

After swallowing the two body-refining elixirs, a stream of scalding liquid quickly rolled inside his body. Ling Feng's face turned red, like red-hot iron, and white smoke was rising all over his body.

Enduring the burning in his body, Ling Feng ran the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique". It took almost no time. At the first level of "Dragon Elephant Body Overlord Technique", Ling Feng had already entered the room and successfully controlled the so-called "Dragon Elephant Divine Power". .

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