Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1384 Dragon Elephant Divine Power! (4 more updates)

Time flies, and one day passes.


Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes and let out a low roar. A majestic blood energy, exuding powerful coercion, filled the Wood Yuan Realm.

Fortunately, Ling Feng chose to practice in the Five Elements Heavenly Palace, otherwise, the terrifying aura would have swept away and would have alarmed all the disciples in the entire Earth Emperor Pond.


Clenching his fist, a crisp sound came from deep in his joints, and arrogant power filled every part of his flesh and blood.

"What a powerful force!"

Ling Feng punched out, and the void rumbled and trembled. After refining the divine power of the Dragon Elephant, even if he did not use the transformation state of the Eight Desolations Body Training Technique, his power would be even stronger than using the Heaven-shattering Transformation.

"What a dragon-elephant power!"

Ling Feng's face showed a look of ecstasy, "Such a powerful body training technique is actually left in the outer sect. It only costs 30,000 sect contribution points. It's worth it, it's worth it! Hahaha!"

Ling Feng laughed heartily. How did he know that although the Dragon Elephant Body Domination Technique was good, it was a pity that in the entire Dongling Immortal Pond, there was probably no other candidate who could practice this body training technique besides him.

During practice, time flies by.

Finally, on the tenth day, Ling Feng flew out of the Five Elements Heavenly Palace and strode towards the heavenly spiritual land.

According to the rules in the Dihuang Pond, after the first hour of competition, no disciple will leave the spiritual land they occupy. Basically, every disciple will race against time to make the best use of these ten days. , achieve greater breakthroughs.

However, Ling Feng's approach clearly gave everyone in the Heavenly Level Spiritual Land an obvious sense of oppression.


Xu Xinghe was the first to open his eyes. Among everyone, he had the highest cultivation level and was the most vigilant.

After practicing the "Dragon and Elephant Overlord Body Technique", the powerful energy and blood power exuded from Ling Feng's body gave people a sense of oppression similar to that of a wild giant beast.

Of course, this was also the reason why he had not been able to control this aura well in the early stages of practicing the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique".

"Senior Brother Xu, why can't you even sense my breath?"

Ling Feng smiled casually, and several people who were meditating in the heavenly spiritual land woke up one after another.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

"Ling...Ling Feng!"


Li Fei, Princess Qianling, Feng Ling, Yan Guying, and Xu Xinghe, all looked like they had seen a ghost. They looked at Ling Feng and were dumbfounded.

"'re not dead?"

Feng Ling looked at Ling Feng in disbelief, walked around him, and saw that Ling Feng was in good health, with not even a hair missing. She couldn't help but exclaimed: " are not the spirit that was rioted in the spirit wall." Was it crushed to pieces?"

Xu Xinghe also widened his eyes. He was sure that Ling Feng was dead before, but now Ling Feng has come back fine. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but blush and cursed in his heart: What kind of freak is this guy? ah!

"Haha..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, shook his head and smiled: "I thought I was dead at first, but luckily, I didn't die. Instead, I was a blessing in disguise, absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the Lingbi. , a breakthrough.”

With that said, Ling Feng showed off his aura at the seventh level of the Divine Sea Realm, and everyone immediately looked at each other. This guy's luck must be too good.

"Anyway, it's great that you're fine, Junior Brother Ling!"

Yan Guying was excited, stepped forward and grabbed Ling Feng's shoulders, laughing loudly.

"Yes, it's good that Junior Brother Ling is fine." Li Fei also showed a smile. She originally thought that Ling Feng was dead, but it made her really sad for a while.

"Hmph, good people don't live long, and disasters last for thousands of years. This arrogant man is obviously a disaster."

Feng Ling snorted softly. Although she was a little happy in her heart, when her words came to her lips, her words were thorny.

Ling Feng didn't bother to talk, just smiled lightly and said: "But speaking of the Great Emperor's Spirit Realm, I didn't really go in. I just wandered around the outside for a while. Seeing that the time was almost up, I came over first to talk to everyone. Converged."

"For such a breakthrough, Junior Brother Ling, you have earned it."

Xu Xinghe took a deep look at Ling Feng, with a bright light in his eyes, "What's the matter with this powerful energy and blood power in your body? To this extent, judging from the power of energy and blood, although you are not among the powerful emperors, Even though it’s lower, it’s comparable to the young emperors at the back.”

Princess Qianling muttered, and angrily spat out two words: "Weird! Fetus!"

Li Fei and the three of them also had strange expressions on their eyes, and the energy and blood actually exerted a faint oppression on them!

"Oh, I have nothing to do these days, so I practiced another "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique", probably because I awakened the dragon elephant's divine power."

"Dragon...Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique!"

When Xu Xinghe heard this, he immediately jumped up and said, "Junior brother Ling, stop joking. How can you succeed in practicing that technique!"

Li Fei and Feng Ling also looked at each other, both showing a hint of surprise. Li Fei even asked one side, "Junior brother Ling, are you talking about the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique? That one in the outer sutra collection hall." A scroll of dragon-elephant domination technique?"

"Yeah, uh..."

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said with a confused expression: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The corner of Xu Xinghe's mouth twitched, "Junior Brother Ling, do you know that the Dragon Elephant Body Domination Technique is a holy-level body training technique. It was originally priced at 500,000 contribution points in the inner sect!"

"Five million?" Ling Feng pondered for a moment, "No, thirty thousand?"

"That's because for hundreds of years, no one in the inner sect of Donglingxian Pond has mastered this technique. In the end, the price of this technique dropped again and again, and even later, it was reduced to the outer sect! And even now, with only 30,000 contribution points, no one is buying this body-refining technique that is comparable to a holy-level technique, just because it is a technique that cannot be practiced at all!"

"Can't you practice it?" Ling Feng blinked, "No, I think it's not difficult. I can get started in a few days... ahem."

Feeling the eyes of everyone that were almost looking at monsters, Ling Feng silently changed the one-day entry into a few days.


Within the spiritual land, there was a confused silence.



Everyone stared at Ling Feng for a long time with almost alien eyes, as if they wanted to take him apart to see what kind of structure this guy had.

After a long time, Xu Xinghe broke the silence, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ling, do you know that there are two prerequisites for practicing this technique."

" seems like it's not written in the secret book." Ling Feng replied lightly.

"That's because if it were clearly written in the secret book, there would be no scammers who would buy it!"

Xu Xinghe secretly complained in his heart, but said: "Although it has not been written, it is already a secret known to most people in the inner sect."

Xu Xinghe raised two fingers and said slowly: "The prerequisite for practicing this body refining technique is to open the ninety-nine vein gates! The second is to accept the thunder tribulation to temper the body!"

After saying that, Xu Xinghe's eyes widened, he stared at Ling Feng, and asked in a deep voice: "So, Junior Brother Ling, how many pulse gates did you open when you were in the Pulse Condensation Realm?"

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