Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1389 Who is Ling Feng, stand up! (1 update)

One day passed quickly.

Ling Feng slept until the next morning.

After waking up, I enjoyed a delicious breakfast carefully prepared by Fang Wen.

"Not bad, Junior Sister Fang, you are good at cooking."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. The girl Su Hongxiu had whetted his appetite before. It was difficult for Ling Feng to swallow ordinary food.

"Senior brother, it's good if you like him. Also, I will stay by your side to serve you. I am your maid. You can call me Junior Sister Fang without being so outspoken in the future." Fang Wen said with a slight blush on her pretty face.

"Oh..." Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose, "Then let's call you Xiaowen, haha."

"Yes." Fang Wen nodded, acquiescing.

"Um, Xiaowen, what happened to what was explained yesterday?" Ling Feng asked casually.

"Don't worry, senior brother, everything is ready. Master Ye even specially set up a venue for you, saying that he will mobilize the disciples of the entire Alchemy Hall to help you." Fang Wen raised her head and said with a smile.

"That guy Ye Xiong is surprisingly quite reliable!"

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled. Even though Ye Xiong was so big, he was quite thoughtful. No wonder he was quite accomplished in alchemy.

"Senior Brother Ling, Senior Brother Ling!"

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door, and Lu Yu shouted hurriedly: "Senior Brother Ling, the temporary auction house has been completed, Master Ye asked me to invite you to come and take a look! "

"That's fine."

Ling Feng raised his head and glanced at Fang Wen. Fang Wen was clearing away the dishes. He pursed his delicate lips and said, "Senior brother, leave early and come back early. I...I still have to complete my daily tasks. I will try my best to come over at noon. ”


Ling Feng nodded. Only the top ten disciples of the outer sect can be exempted from daily tasks. With Fang Wen's current strength, it may be difficult for even the top two hundred disciples of the outer sect.

If the difficulty of performing missions in the future is not too high, she can also be taken with her. Earning more sect contribution points and being able to enter the Emperor's Pool will naturally be of great help to her.

"It doesn't matter if you can't come."

Ling Feng smiled faintly and quickly arrived at the Alchemy Cauldron Hall with Lu Yu.

At this moment, in the huge square outside the Aland Cauldron Hall, a fairly large platform has been built. Ye Xiong mobilized the entire outer disciples of the Aland Cauldron Hall. After a night of processing, he finally arrived in time for the auction. It was completed before the meeting.

"Master Ling, you think it's not bad!"

Ye Xiong came up to him with a big smile. Ling Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, so he could only smile helplessly: "Ye Xiong, actually you don't have to be like this."

"How can that be done? I either won't do what Master Ling has told me to do. If I do, of course I have to do my best."

Ye Xiong grinned, showing his big white teeth, "Although you don't want to admit it, in my heart, Ye Xiong, Master Ling is my alchemy teacher!"


Ling Feng's forehead darkened slightly, he didn't want such an old apprentice!

"I'm busy these days, so I don't have time to go to the Alchemy Hall. When I have some free time, I will study the Alchemy Way with you all!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly and said that they were studying together. In fact, he was just teaching the skills to everyone. The level of these outer alchemists was limited after all, so it was difficult for them to give Ling Feng much inspiration in a real sense.

"Thank you Master Ling!"

When Ye Xiong heard this, he was immediately moved to tears.

For a man who devoted his life to loving alchemy, Ye Xiong's gaffe reflected his true temperament.

Time flies.

One after another, more and more disciples gathered outside the Alchemy Hall. Although most of the inner sect elders asked their disciples to come forward on their behalf, there were also some elders who attached great importance to the Yin Yang Soul Jade and personally He came forward and wanted to take down the Yin Yang Soul Jade in one fell swoop.

After reaching the ultimate human emperor realm, the strength of the soul's origin is the greatest reliance on breaking through the limit.

Treasures like the Yin-Yang Soul Jade, which can continuously condense the soul, calm the mind and prevent people from going crazy, are enough to make the old monsters of these sects red-eye.

In fact, even the Yin Yang Soul Jade without its spiritual core is not a waste. The value may not be as good as before, but it is still worth auctioning.

Ling Feng stood at the door of the Alchemy Hall, looking at the dense crowd at the venue, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.

Unexpectedly, the influence of a Yin Yang Soul Jade can be so great.

Of course, among them, more people came here for the word "Ling Feng". In less than a month, they stood at the pinnacle of the outer sect and became the number one Heavenly Sword in the outer sect. The disciples of the outer sect, or some elders of the inner sect, may all want to come and see who this young man named Ling Feng is.

"Brother Ling!"

From a distance, Lin Mu started yelling and threw himself down in front of Ling Feng. He laughed and said, "Brother Ling, I'm so righteous. As soon as I heard about this, I immediately I’m ready to help you, hehehe, I will definitely help you raise the price like crazy and make you a lot of money.”

"Haha..." Ling Feng rolled his eyes, shook his head and said with a smile, "It's better to just accept it when it's good."

It is not impossible to raise the price, but Lin Mu is really unreliable. In the end, the price was too outrageous. If he really wanted to sell it to Lin Mu, Ling Feng couldn't bear to cheat him.

One after another, Ning Guichen, Li Fei, Mo Sanqing and others also arrived at the scene, and that woman Fengling also attended, complaining as soon as she arrived: "You guys, you really don't stop. I originally wanted to retreat and practice for a while, but I heard that you were going to hold an auction event, so I reluctantly came over to cheer you up. "

What Ling Feng didn't expect was that Xu Xinghe and Princess Qianling also attended.

The appearance of so many inner disciples at the same time, and all of whom seemed to have a good relationship with Ling Feng, made some people who originally looked down upon Ling Feng begin to take a second look at Ling Feng.

After all, the appearance of Xu Xinghe is quite shocking. The thirty-fifth person on the list of good fortune stars is almost at the top of the inner sect. Even such a person has a close friendship with Ling Feng. How can a mere outer disciple be so virtuous?

"Hmph, who is Ling Feng? Come forward!"

At this moment, an extremely discordant voice sounded. Everyone looked around and saw a green-robed swordsman falling from the sky with an evil look on his face. He seemed to be filled with resentment.

"He is that Yuwen Changkong!"

Not far away, Fang Wen saw the green-robed swordsman and quickly leaned into Ling Feng's ear and whispered a reminder.

"Is this the one who was taken advantage of?"

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose. Being able to bribe Fang Wen with 10,000 contribution points showed that this guy was determined to get the Yin Yang Soul Jade.

It just so happens that what is needed at the auction is such a fat sheep!

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