Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1390 Just be happy! (2 updates)

Ling Feng smiled faintly and completely ignored Yuwen Changkong's intention. Yuwen Changkong roared with great force, but no one came forward to answer him, and the atmosphere became very awkward for a time.

Yuwen Changkong's head darkened. He was an elite of the inner sect, a strong man on the list of stars, but a mere outer sect disciple in Lingfeng actually dared to ignore him!


Yuwen Changkong's expression suddenly became more gloomy. He glanced in Fang Wen's direction. Even if Ling Feng didn't speak, he could guess that the boy Fang Wen was whispering to was Ling Feng.

"Boy, you are really arrogant!"

Yuwen Changkong stared at Ling Feng and glanced around Ling Feng. When he saw several inner disciples, especially Xu Xinghe, his pupils obviously shrank.

Xu Xinghe's ranking on the list of good fortune stars is still above him. How could such a powerful and powerful person have any friendship with Ling Feng?

However, he hasn't paid much attention to Xu Xinghe.

After all, the person behind him is a young emperor!

Among the top ten in the inner sect, the unparalleled young emperor!

Ling Feng shrugged and said indifferently: "There are so many people who know me, Ling Feng, and I don't even have enough time to spend time with friends. If any cats or dogs come to my door, I have to entertain them. Then I will spend my whole day there , Isn’t it already exhausted?”


As soon as these words came out, many disciples couldn't help but laugh out loud. However, seeing Yuwen Changkong's complexion turned black and blue, they forced themselves to hold it back, making it very uncomfortable.

Lin Mun didn't care who Yuwen Changkong was, he laughed loudly and said: "As expected of Brother Ling, this sentence is so insightful!"


Being repeatedly ignored and ridiculed by Ling Feng, Yu Wen Changkong's chest surged with anger. He stared at Ling Feng coldly and said hatefully: "You coward, you don't even dare to accept my challenge, what qualifications do you have to be so arrogant here!" He’s just a cowardless gangster!”

"Yes, yes, a dignified inner disciple, a strong inner disciple of the Ultimate Human Emperor Realm, wants to challenge me, a little outer disciple of the Divine Sea Realm. It is truly a supreme honor!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and looked at Yuwen Changkong with a half-smile.

Yes, his realm is indeed only the Divine Sea Realm. According to common sense, it is impossible for a warrior in the Divine Sea Realm to fight against the powerful Human Emperor, let alone the Ultimate Human Emperor.

People only saw Ling Feng's strong defeat of Wang Ruquan, but they forgot that his cultivation level was only at the Divine Sea realm!

However, in everyone's opinion, the reason why Ling Feng was able to defeat Wang Ruquan was because he was practicing the Soul Dao. He was a strong God-refiner who was good at spiritual attacks. It was not uncommon for him to kill people by leapfrogging his rank.

Secondly, Ling Feng's swordsmanship is terrifying. Although it is difficult for a strong swordsman to improve, once he understands the meaning of the sword, he is also good at killing people beyond his level.

Therefore, in comparison, Ling Feng's realm cannot be used as a criterion for judging strength.

If you underestimate Ling Feng because of his level, you will probably die miserably.

However, Ling Feng deliberately named his own cultivation in the Divine Sea Realm, which made Yuwen Changkong feel like he was bullying the weak.

Yu Wenchang was shaking all over from the air, "Boy, Xiu shows off his power of words. In short, if you avoid fighting, you are already defeated by me. Humph!"

Having said that, Yuwen Changkong turned around and left. He was here to bid today, and he didn't dare to go too far under the public gaze.

"Weak people can only rely on this method of self-deception to entertain themselves."

Ling Feng shrugged and said with a faint smile: "Senior brother, as long as you are happy!"

"What did you say?"

Yuwen Changkong felt that his lungs were going to explode. He stopped suddenly and turned back to glare at Ling Feng, "You say it again?"

"Poor hearing is a sign of kidney deficiency. If you need it, senior brother, you can come to me for treatment. For the sake of fellow senior brothers, I will give you a 20% discount!"

Ling Feng raised his sword eyebrows and stared at Yuwen Changkong with a playful expression.


Yuwen Changkong clenched his fists and glared at Ling Feng angrily, "Boy, I want to challenge you to a gambling war!"

"No need, because it's such a trivial matter, why bother betting on it? Keep your capital and participate in the bidding later."

Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and said with a mocking smile: "Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing if we suddenly have no money?"

"Celestial Silkworm Sword Net!"

Yuwen Changkong could no longer suppress the anger in his heart. Yuwen Changkong's blood surged all over his body. With a flick of his sleeve, bright silver filaments descended towards Ling Feng like a net.

Every filament is made of pure energy. It is as sharp as a thorn, can cut gold and cut jade, and blow short hair. It is no less than an ordinary holy sword.

The onlookers around him couldn't help but look shocked.

"Could this be the Celestial Silkworm Finger-twisting Sword among the eight magical powers of the Xutian Palace? It is different from ordinary swordsmanship, but condenses the essence into a sword. It is more powerful than ordinary swords. Once it sticks to the body, it will continue to tighten until it is The opponent was cut into pieces."

"The Heavenly Silkworm Finger-twirling Sword is the most dangerous and vicious technique of Xutian Palace. Even among the disciples of Xutian Palace, few people practice it. I didn't expect Yuwen Changkong to have practiced it to such an extent."

"No wonder Yuwen Changkong was able to line up fifty in front of the inner sect. With just this move of the Heavenly Silkworm Sword Net, he was able to scare a group of inner sect disciples into surrendering without a fight."

"That Ling Feng seems to have really angered Yuwen Changkong and actually forced him to use such vicious tricks. However, that Yuwen Changkong is really stupid. He actually used such a murderous move against an outer disciple in front of so many people. If Ling Feng dies, he will probably be punished by the sect."


At this moment, a clear cry sounded in the sky, and the next moment, a moon-white figure, accompanied by a wisp of breeze, fell from the sky.

With bright eyes and white teeth, and skin as white as snow, she is clearly Fairy Qingping.

"It's Fairy Qingping!"

Everyone's eyes lit up. Yu Qingping was famous among the inner sect, not only because of her outstanding talent, but also because of her peerless appearance. She was almost known as the most beautiful woman in the fairy pool.

Of course, this has something to do with the Peerless Young Emperor Qin Zusheng. The two have always been regarded as a golden boy and a beautiful girl in the Dongling Fairy Pond, a perfect match. The Wushuang Young Emperor is famous in Donglingxianchi, and as his future woman, her reputation is naturally not small.

With the young emperor's powerful position within the sect, even the elders of the inner sect have to give in. The young emperor's woman is naturally no small matter.

"Junior brother Yuwen, stop it!"

Fairy Qingping frowned slightly, and was very displeased with Yuwen Changkong's rash move. Yuwen Changkong acted on behalf of Wushuang Young Emperor, but to be so impulsive would not ruin the reputation of Wushuang Young Emperor.


Yuwen Changkong trembled when he heard Yu Qingping's voice, but the Tiancan Sword Net had already come out, and even he couldn't force it back.

However, Ling Feng, who was standing opposite, had a playful look on his lips, and with a flash of cold light in his hand, all directions were destroyed, already in his palm.

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