Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1403 Kneel down and greet! Apologize! (3 updates)

"Brother Ling, this is wrong! You only brought Senior Sister Li Fei with you, but you didn't even bring me with you!"

Lin Mu showed a displeased expression, approached Chu Tiange, grinned and said, "Senior Brother Chu, count me in?"

"Uh..." Chu Tiange glanced at Lin Mu and thought about it carefully. Although Lin Mu's strength failed to enter the list of stars, among the three palace masters who led the team this time, there was Biluo Shengji, and Lin Mu joined him. His team has virtually added a layer of protection.

"Okay! Since Junior Brother Lin thinks highly of Chu, Chu will naturally welcome you."

"Sister Fei has joined your team, so I will join too!"

Feng Ling had originally planned to go into seclusion to prepare for the Three Saints Chosen. Who would have thought that something like this suddenly appeared, and the disciples who were on the list of good fortune stars had to participate. However, she had no choice but to go out. With her friendship with Li Fei, naturally, To choose the same team.

Chu Tiange was naturally very happy to have Fei Ling join him. Fei Ling's strength was also among the top 50 in the Fortune Stars List!

In a short time, the basic selection of team members has been completed.

It is worth mentioning that Xu Xinghe actually joined Chu Tiange's team, on the condition that he must bring Princess Qianling with him.

But it turns out that Xu Xinghe's family is Princess Qianling's retainer, so Xu Xinghe takes such good care of Princess Qianling.

With the addition of Xu Xinghe, the overall strength of Chu Tiange's team has invisibly risen to another level.

"Okay, the final list will be delivered to me before tomorrow. Everyone will set off on time at noon tomorrow!"

The master of Xuanlei Palace roared, and then, the figures of the three major palace masters turned into streams of light and disappeared in an instant.

Everyone dispersed and went back to prepare.

Ling Feng returned to Mingjian Tower and thought carefully about today's events.

Although the three palace masters did not describe the situation in the battlefield in detail, the situation there must be severe, otherwise they would not have recruited thousands of elite disciples above the king level to go to the battlefield at once.

Even using such a huge amount of contribution points to boost morale.

The battlefield must be full of dangers, but for Ling Feng, it is also a place to hone his strength.

The most important thing is to get a promise from the Supreme Leader. This promise is nothing less than a huge blessing!

“This is a place where we are going to fight, and there is no other goal than achievement!”

Ling Feng's eyes were filled with sparkle, even though he was competing with the top thirty strong men on the list of stars, and even those strong young emperors were already acting secretly.

But this kind of competition makes it more interesting.

"Senior Brother Ling, I have prepared a change of clothes for you."

Fang Wen knocked on the door lightly. With her strength, it was too dangerous to participate in the battlefield, so Ling Feng did not take her with him. As for Yan Guying, she had already left the sect and went out to practice on her own, so she did not catch this opportunity.

"Okay, bring it in."

After saying that, Fang Wen pushed open the door and walked in. She held a few robes in her hands and handed them to Ling Feng. She lowered her eyebrows and looked very well-behaved.

After receiving the elixir given to her by Ling Feng, Ling Feng would occasionally give her some pointers in her spare time. During this time, Fang Wen's strength has improved quite a bit.

"Senior Brother Ling, you must be careful when you go to the battlefield this time. I heard that the barbarians in the north are ferocious and violent. Even if you deal with the weakest barbarians, you have to fight the lion against the rabbit."

Fang Wen whispered, her pretty face blushing slightly, as if she felt that she was a bit too talkative today.

"Yeah, I'll remember that."

Ling Feng smiled lightly and said, "After I leave, if anyone dares to bully you, you should go to Ye Xiong. He is an elder of the outer sect. It will not be a problem to intimidate the outer sect disciples."

"Yeah, thank you for your concern, senior brother."

Fang Wen nodded repeatedly, only regretting that she was too weak to go to the battlefield with Ling Feng.

At this moment, Ling Feng frowned slightly, and in a flash, he rushed out of the Mingjian Tower.

"Fairy Qingping!"

Ling Feng noticed the arrival and frowned slightly. How could this woman be here at this juncture?

"Your perception is really sharp!"

In front of the door, a peerless beauty stood quietly, her long ink skirt rippling like flowing waves in the sunset. Set off by that slender and light body, like a jade sculpture.

An ethereal and unearthly aura lingers around the woman's body, and the faint cold mist beneath her feet is like a fairy spirit, adding to the appearance of a goddess.

"Now that you're here, why bother to show off? Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

Ling Feng frowned slightly. It stands to reason that Fairy Qingping is also in the top 30 in the list of good fortune stars. However, the fifteen captains listed this time do not include Fairy Qingping. Thinking about it, she should have obtained immunity from the senior officials of the sect.

"Ling Feng, you have refined the spiritual core that belongs to Senior Brother Qin. I have been thinking about it for the past few days and decided to give you a chance. You should kneel down outside Senior Brother Qin's palace to greet him. When he comes out of seclusion, apologize to him. I have to ask for forgiveness from Senior Brother Qin before I can leave."

"You want me to kneel down to greet you? Apologize?" Ling Feng pointed at his nose, the corners of his eyes twitching slightly.

"Yes, this is the greatest forgiveness for you!" Fairy Qingping said with a matter-of-fact expression.

"Is this still condoning?"

Ling Feng laughed angrily, stared at Fairy Qingping, as if he was seeing a mentally retarded person, and sneered: "Fairy Qingping, if you are mentally ill, I will help you grab two pills for free and take them back!"

Fairy Qingping was not angry at all, like a fairy in the sky, and said calmly: "You don't have to use bad words to provoke me, Ling Feng, this is the only way for you to survive. Otherwise, if Senior Brother Qin takes action against you, even if the gods come down to earth, you will not be able to survive." Can't save you."

"Hahaha! Then just wait until he comes to me to take action. Do you want me, Ling Feng, to kneel down to apologize? Sorry, I, Ling Feng, don't kneel to heaven and earth, or to gods. He, the unparalleled young emperor, is not worthy enough!"

Ling Feng flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked into Mingjian Tower, humming softly: "Fairy Qingping, I won't entertain you anymore!"

Fairy Qingping looked at Ling Feng's back, with a hint of disgust in her clear eyes, and a heavenly voice slowly came: "Senior Brother Qin, before you leave seclusion, kneel down and apologize, that is your only way to survive!"

After saying this, the beautiful shadow stepped into the sky and floated away.

"It's ridiculous!"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully. This woman was too blindly worshiping that unparalleled young emperor. She was just a mere disciple. Even the Huiyue Shengji could not bend her back. The unparalleled young emperor Qin Zusheng was far from qualified.

With a chuckle, Ling Feng didn't bother to answer. He will go to the battlefield with the three palace masters tomorrow. When he comes back, if that Wushuang Young Emperor is brave enough to come to settle accounts with him, then just come!


The next moment, Ling Feng's eyes showed a hint of worry.

In the Great Emperor's Spiritual Realm, Gui Lao, one of the three half-saints, once said that the Dongling Fairy Pond was about to face a huge crisis, and the sudden rampage of the northern barbarians was the beginning of this crisis?

The huge Donglingxian Pond seems to be as stable as Mount Tai and will not fall down, but how many hidden dangers are hidden in this behemoth?

Ling Feng shook his head and took a deep breath. Turtle Saint once said that he was the lucky one, the only one who could change the outcome, but with his current strength...

"That's all, don't think too much, the soldiers will stop you, and the water will cover you!"

Ling Feng's eyes flickered with light. No matter who he was, the Wushuang Young Emperor, or the Huiyue Holy Princess, they would only be stepping stones on his path to martial arts!

(PS: Please vote at the beginning of the month~)

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