Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1404 The Palace of Conquest! (4 more updates)

At noon the next day, the reinforcements sent by Donglingxianchi to the battlefield finally set off.

In this operation, headed by Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Hall, plus a hundred-man brigade organized by the elders of the three halls, and an elite team composed of fifteen top twenty strong men in the Fortune Star Ranking, a total of three thousand sect elites were formed. The mighty team, led by the Master of Jingfeng Hall, left the mountain gate.

What is unexpected is that only Zuo Feiqing, the master of Jingfeng Palace, showed up this time. As for the master of Xuanlei Palace and the master of Earth Spirit Palace, they did not set off together. They were probably the second and third batch of reinforcements. , one after another rushed to the battlefield.

call out--

Just as the team left the mountain gate, a woman with unparalleled beauty, as beautiful as a fairy, and unparalleled grace came through the air, surrounded by a misty cold air, faintly covering her stunning appearance.

"Master Jingfeng Hall, I have received a mission near the battlefield. I hope to accompany the team and do my best."

Fairy Qingping's voice is like the sound of nature, melodious and melodious, like the sound of mountains and flowing water, so beautiful.

The Master of Jingfeng Hall looked at Fairy Qingping and nodded slightly: "Okay, then I will temporarily put you into one of the fifteen elite teams. Do you have any objections?"

Fairy Qingping bowed Yingying, looked at Chu Tiange's team who was ranked second to last, jumped up, flew in front of Chu Tiange, and said softly: "Senior Brother Chu, I wonder if my little sister can join the team."

"Uh..." Chu Tiange was stunned at first, then nodded repeatedly, "Fairy Qingping is willing to join, which really flatters Chu."

Fairy Qingping's ranking on the list of creation stars is even higher than him. With her strength, she can serve as the captain on her own. This time she is actually willing to commit herself to stay in his team!

What a weird thing!

Fairy Qingping bowed and said softly, "Well, thank you very much, Senior Brother Chu."

After saying that, he followed the team and walked directly to Ling Feng. A pair of beautiful eyes fell on Ling Feng with an expression of "Don't even think about running away."

"I go……"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes, this woman is really mentally ill!

Lin Mu chuckled, leaned into Ling Feng's ear, and joked: "Brother Ling, is this Fairy Qingping attracted to you? She is so obsessed with you, okay, brother, you are here for the Wushuang Young Emperor Cuckold!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Forget it, Brother Lin, you'd better say less. Such an idiot girl has no merit except for being pretty, and she's even half-married." I'm not interested."

He knew very well that this woman was just using this to monitor him, so that he would not run away and no one would kneel down to greet her superior "Senior Brother Qin".

If she wants to kneel down, she will kneel down herself. If she wants me, Ling Feng, to kneel down, unless the world collapses and the sun and moon turn upside down!

"Hey, it's okay if you're not interested. If you really get involved with her, I heard that the Wushuang Young Emperor is the most honorable, and he will retaliate. I'm afraid your life will be difficult in the future."

Ling Feng raised his hand and touched the bridge of his nose. In this way, if he swallowed the spiritual core, the Wushuang Young Emperor would not let him go.

However, even so, Ling Feng was not afraid.

No matter how big the young emperor is, can he still defeat the Turtle Saint?

There is a backer behind him!

With his current progress, he might not be able to challenge the so-called top ten young emperors in a few months.

At this point, in addition to Ling Feng, Li Fei, Fengling, Lin Mu, Xu Xinghe, Princess Qianling and four other high-level human emperors who were appointed yesterday, Chu Tiange’s team has been joined by another powerful human emperor. The powerful Fairy Qingping, with comprehensive strength, can almost be regarded as the first-rate among the fifteen elite teams.

Next, the master of Jingfeng Hall took out a huge flying boat, which could accommodate five hundred people!

The spaceship owned by the Master of Jingfeng Hall only carries fifteen elite teams, which is more than enough.

The elders of the other halls also took out their flying boats and led their troops to follow the master of Jingfeng Hall.

Inside the flying boat, there is a huge energy array, which uses Yuan Jing as fuel and energy supply. Although it consumes a lot of energy, the flying speed is comparable to that of the powerful emperor, flying at full speed.

As the flying boat moved, a force of void enveloped the flying boat and began to jump in space. Each jump was more than three hundred miles, and it jumped thousands of miles away in an instant. The speed was so fast that it was staggering.

Although the Dongling Fairy Pond was thousands of miles away from the place of battle, at the speed of the flying boat, he finally reached his destination in just one day.

In the distance, a giant peak rising straight into the sky stood at the border.

The height of the giant peak is unknown. At a glance, you can't see the end at all. It looks like a pillar of heaven, standing tall in the sky.

"This is the fortress where our Dong Lingxian Pond is stationed at the battle site. It can also be called the ninth hall of our Dong Lingxian Pond, the battle hall!"

With a wave of his hand, the master of Jingfeng Palace took back the flying boat and brought fifteen members of the elite team down, rushing to the sky-high mountain.

The brigade at the rear does not have the treatment of an elite team and can only enter the battle hall on foot to receive deployment.

This is the difference between elite disciples and ordinary disciples. Members who can join the elite team can be said to have already taken advantage of the task of repelling the northern barbarians.

After getting closer, I discovered that the interior of this continuous mountain range was empty. There were houses carved out one after another. Some were grand and solemn, not inferior to some of the main halls in Donglingxianchi. Some were small and exquisite, where disciples lived. There are also shops specializing in cultivation, alchemy, weapon refining, etc., and even some trading shops.

Overall, it can basically be called a majestic city built in the mountains.

If we have to say a difference, the only difference is that the murderous aura here is extremely strong. You can see monks with hidden murderous aura everywhere. They all have the smell of blood on their bodies, and they all look like they have been fighting for a long time.

The disciples who were stationed in the battlefield were exposed to the baptism of fighting every day, especially against the ferocious opponents of the northern barbarians and northern demon clans, which developed a strong murderous aura in them that could not be blown away.

In comparison, most of the disciples who stayed within the sect were just flowers in the greenhouse.

"Hmph, here comes another batch of people who want to die. They don't even have the slightest bit of murderous intent in them. If they meet the northern barbarians, they will probably die ugly!"

A middle-aged man wearing a short animal skin coat walked towards him. He had disheveled hair and a bone and tooth necklace hanging around his neck. He exuded a barbaric and domineering aura. He was so powerful that he was a great emperor!

Ling Feng's pupils shrank. It was only through the baptism of blood and fire that he was able to develop such a terrifying aura. In comparison, his experience in Tianmang Fortress in Southern Xinjiang was nothing at all.

However, compared to ordinary disciples, he has relatively rich fighting experience.

Behind the middle-aged man, there were six or seven powerful companions, all with a hint of sneer in their eyes. It was obvious that they looked down on these so-called elites at all.

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