Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1416 Borrow one hundred, return two hundred! (1 update)

"That, Elder Cao!"

Lin Mu, always chatty, immediately asked: "What do you mean, the three of us were each rewarded with 100 battle points, and can randomly choose a treasure within 300 battle points, does that mean that we can also use it as a reward?" Spend the previous 100 battle points and exchange them for 400 battle points for treasure? "

In any case, the better the treasure, the higher its value. With an additional 100 battle points, the grade will naturally rise to a higher level.

Cao Yang thought for a moment, then nodded, "You can think of it this way, you little guy is quite cunning!"

When most people get such an opportunity, they would be too excited to calm down. Only a guy like Lin Mu, who is used to seeing good things, would still think about how to maximize the benefits.

"Hehe, the elder has given you a reward."

Lin Mu's eyebrows were dancing with joy, and the corners of Elder Cao Yang's mouth twitched slightly. This guy's face was really thick-skinned.

Not long after, under the leadership of Elder Cao Yang, Ling Feng and the others went deep into the secret room on the eighth floor of the mountain city. After passing through a layer of tight guards, they finally arrived at the war treasure house.

"Alright, I'll be waiting here. You can hurry up and pick out the treasures."

Elder Cao Yang stopped in front of the treasure house, while Ling Feng and the other three entered the treasure house and immediately separated to look for what they needed.

The structure of the cave is roughly similar to that of the Hall of Merit in the East Lingxian Pond. Holding the identity jade token can exchange battle points for items. However, there are 300 contribution points, which can be used once. Even if they cannot be used up, they cannot be accumulated.

With a slight movement in his heart, Ling Feng searched for heavenly materials and earthly treasures. At present, Lingfeng didn't have much demand for offensive magic weapons or weapons, or even martial arts. On the contrary, practicing the "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" requires a lot of energy and blood as well as various heavenly materials and earthly treasures to temper the body.

Since awakening the dragon-elephant divine power, although Ling Feng has not stopped practicing this technique every day, there is still a big gap between the power of the ten dragons and the power of the two dragons, not to mention the second level.

No wonder there are very few monks who practice body refining. It’s not that those warriors can’t bear the pain of body refining, but that the body refining method is too expensive!

It is a pity that because of the merit levels of Ling Feng and others, only the outermost layer of the treasure house is open to them. Therefore, although there are many precious spiritual flowers and spiritual herbs, most of them are not suitable for Ling Feng to use.

The price of treasures that can truly have a body-tempering effect is often higher than 500 battle points, which is not something Ling Feng can afford.

Not long after, Fairy Qingping and Lin Mu returned respectively and both gained something.

Fairy Qingping chose an ice sword technique, which was just right for her to use, while Lin Mu chose a magic talisman for escape. This thing is equivalent to a second life. Although it does not increase her own strength, it does not increase her own strength. No one can have too many life-saving trump cards.

"Brother Lin, why haven't you made your choice yet? The time is almost up!"

Lin Mu saw that Ling Feng was still thinking hard and had found nothing. If the time came, the three hundred battle points would expire.

Fairy Qingping also frowned and glanced at Ling Feng. She wanted to say something, but she held it back and thought to herself: This guy wastes 300 battle points and has nothing to do with me!

"There are too few battle points. The materials I want to buy are not enough."

Ling Feng sighed softly, thinking that it was really not possible, so he picked a treasure with exactly 300 tribute points. It was better to save the remaining 100 points for use first.

"That's it." Lin Mu raised his sword eyebrows and said with a faint smile: "Brother Ling, in fact, the teleportation talisman I redeemed only used more than 280 battle points, and the 100 points awarded by Mrs. Xu have not been used yet. , I’ll lend it to you first.”

"No need."

Ling Feng shook his head, "Even if you add the hundred, it's still not enough. The Jade Dragon Blood King Ginseng I'm interested in requires 580 battle points, and there's still 80 left."

"There's still eighty to go..."

Lin Mu suddenly raised his head to look at Fairy Qingping and asked, "Fairy Qingping, do you have any remaining battle points?"

Fairy Qingping clenched her pink fist, feeling extremely reluctant, thinking that a bastard like Ling Feng would not be able to exchange for the treasure.

However, when the words came to his lips, they turned into, "My one hundred battle points have... not been used yet."

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched, he looked up at Fairy Qingping, and said with some surprise: "You mean, you are willing to lend me the battle point?"

"Hmph, don't get me wrong!"

Fairy Qingping was extremely conflicted and gritted her teeth and said, "I just lent you the money because you saved me once no matter what, but I agreed to lend you one hundred and give back two hundred!"

"That's easy to say!"

Ling Feng laughed. He was still confident in his ability to earn battle points in the future. If nothing else, as long as he completed the mission of Dead Soul Demon Abyss this time, battle points would definitely be indispensable.

Borrowing one hundred and paying back two hundred is not considered a loss at this juncture.

"Well, since you still have some humanity, I won't ask you to follow the fairy in the future." Ling Feng raised his eyebrows and smiled, inexplicably feeling that this woman was not so unreasonable.

"Hmph, one code equals another! After you return to the sect, you still have to kneel down to greet Senior Brother Qin..."

"Okay, okay!"

Ling Feng rolled his eyes. When this woman is annoying, she is also quite annoying!

In the end, Ling Feng borrowed 180 battle points from Lin Mu and Fairy Qingping, plus his own 400, and finally successfully exchanged for the Jade Dragon Blood King Ginseng. According to Ling Feng's estimation, he could refine this After acquiring the Jade Dragon Blood King Ginseng, my "Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Technique" will probably be able to be promoted to the power of two dragons, or even the power of three dragons.

Time flies.

At noon the next day, three elite teams that passed the assessment to capture the barbarian scouts were in a stone forest outside the mountain city, ready to go.

The remaining twelve teams were each organized into logistics and underwent training and transformation.

Among Ling Feng's team, the five people who finally entered the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss were Chu Tiange, Fairy Qingping, Ling Feng, Li Fei and Xu Xinghe.

After all, each team has a total of eleven people (there are even twelve people in Chu Tiange's team due to the addition of Fairy Qingping), so naturally not all members can be used.

Lin Mu knew that he was weak, so he gave up on his own initiative. He wished he could stay in the mountain city and relax for a few days. Anyway, his desire to earn contribution points was not strong.

Xu Xinghe's strength is second only to Chu Tiange and Fairy Qingping among the entire team. Going to the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls is not a child's play. Naturally, the stronger the strength, the higher the chance of survival.

In addition, Fengling voluntarily quit to support Li Fei, and the final quota was decided.

Before leaving, Xu Zhengfeng and the master of Jingfeng Hall personally saw him off and boosted his morale.

"You have only one mission, go to the depths of the volcano in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls and capture those barbarian thugs. Do you understand?"

Xu Zhengfeng stood on the high platform, his voice was like a bell, and he was majestic.


The loud sound pierces the sky and inspires people.

The fifteen inner sect elites below, plus three other veteran elite teams from the Palace of War, answered in unison!

After all, this mission is of great importance. Xu Zhengfeng cannot put all his treasure on these newcomers. In a sense, the other three veteran elites of the Conquest Palace are the real main force.

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