Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1417 Star Dragon Shield! (2 updates)

"Very good, this is the morale!"

Xu Zhengfeng nodded slowly, a faint light flashed between his fingers, and a heavy silver shield appeared in front of him.

The surface of the shield shows green and white fluorescence, which flows endlessly, engraved with the sun, moon and stars, emitting mysterious fluctuations, shocking people's hearts.

Faintly, it is like an impenetrable wall, able to withstand thousands of armies.

"This star dragon shield is a high-grade defensive holy weapon that I have used before. In this operation, whoever can capture and kill the barbarian general who controls the insects and ants to monitor our army's movements, this shield will be donated to him!"

Xu Zhengfeng held a heavy shield in his hand, and his awe-inspiring and domineering air swept over the entire audience.

The thirty strong men in the audience, and even the elders seeing him off, were shocked!

The Master of Jingfeng Hall showed surprise and was secretly shocked: "Mr. Xu is so brave! The Star Dragon Shield, known as the absolute barrier, is one of the best defensive holy weapons in the entire Dongling Fairy Pond. It can almost Used to resist the attack of the powerful Human Emperor, I never thought that he would be rewarded like this!"

The thirty disciples who were about to enter the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls also had their breaths stagnant and stared at the Star Dragon Shield with burning eyes.

Not to mention the power of this shield for the moment, this thing is even more of a symbol!

What an honor it is to get the shield used by Xu Zhengfeng, the master of the "Ninth Hall"!

Ling Feng also flashed a look of surprise: "What a treasure! This shield is so strong that even my strongest eight swords combined into one won't be enough to break it! What a good thing!"

Ling Feng was very moved in his heart. He must not miss such a treasure!

"In addition, if you capture the enemy leader, you will receive a reward of 10,000 battle points, which will be recorded as a first-class meritorious service! If you capture the rest of the remaining troops, the calculation will be based on the strength of the remaining troops!"

There are still 10,000 battle points?

There was a look in Ling Feng's eyes. I accepted these 10,000 battle points without mercy!

Using these 10,000 battle points to exchange for various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he was confident that he could break through to the power of ten dragons in one fell swoop!

"Set off!"

Xu Zhengfeng raised his arms and shouted.

Swish swish——

Thirty figures, with shining eyes and high ambitions, left in unison in the air.

Each of the thirty elite disciples has an unprecedented fighting spirit. This action and the unprecedented rich rewards have completely mobilized their enthusiasm.

The Master of Jingfeng Palace stared at the thirty people disappearing into the sky, with a little worry on his eyebrows: "I hope they can really successfully capture those few barbarian remnants and relieve our army's worries."

The strongest leader in this trip is just the third-level human emperor.

It's not that there are no powerful emperors available, but the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss is special. The stronger the cultivation level, the more suppressed it will be. Especially when one's cultivation reaches the realm of the Great Emperor, that kind of suppression is even more outrageous.

Therefore, instead of sending out the powerful Emperor, it is better to send out the Extreme Human Emperor.

In addition, half of the disciples among them are the elites of hundreds of battles carefully selected by Xu Zhengfeng. They have rich experience and are extremely good at arresting operations.

With them acting together, I believe the probability of success of this trip will not be too low.

Also, Ling Feng, who is a strong body-refiner, may be able to perform extraordinary feats in this operation!

Three days later, they penetrated deep into the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, thousands of miles away, and landed in front of a hazy mountain range.

At this time, night falls, adding a spooky atmosphere to the misty mountains.

"All teams, stay where you are, seize the time to adjust, and go back to the mountains early tomorrow morning!"

The highest wisdom in this operation is a strong man who has reached the limit of the third level of human emperor.

"Yes! Senior Brother Yin!"

All the disciples responded in unison.

This Senior Brother Yin, named Yin Jian, is as tall and strong as an ox, with a very calm and unsmiling personality.

Along the way, no unnecessary words were spoken except for necessary orders.

It was precisely because of his command that all the troops went all the way here without any casualties yet.

"Junior Brother Ling, I have inquired about Yin Jian's name. If he leads the team, there shouldn't be any big problems."

Chu Tiange looked at his teammates and said slowly.

Everyone chose a place to rest. This operation was divided into six independent teams. They were both cooperative and competitive.

Therefore, disciples in the same team are naturally relatively close to each other, while maintaining a more or less distance from other teams.

"Yes." Li Fei also nodded, "I have also heard of this Senior Brother Yin. He has a great record in the Palace of War, has made great achievements, and is very powerful. With the strength of the ultimate third-stage Human Emperor, he can reverse the situation. Kill the average great emperor! Moreover, I heard that he is likely to become one of the top ten killers in the future!"

Regarding the title of Ten Jue of Heavenly Slaughter, Ling Feng and his party have more or less heard of it since they came to the battlefield.

Similar to the ten young emperors in the inner gate of Donglingxian Pond, the Tiansha Ten Jue are equivalent to the ten young emperors in this fighting place. Moreover, because the age of the Tiansha Ten Jue is generally one round older than the ten young emperors, so Putting aside their talents, their strength can be said to be crushing the top ten young emperors.

After all, almost all the Ten Jue of Heavenly Killing were once the top ten young emperors of Dongling Immortal Pond.

This Yin Jian is no exception.

The look in Ling Feng's eyes flashed. Being able to get the special attention of Mrs. Xu and become the commander-in-chief of this operation, this Yin Jian is indeed not an ordinary person.

However, the final victory must be yours!

After pondering for a long time, Ling Feng lowered his voice and carefully transmitted to the surrounding teammates: "Senior Brother Chu, Senior Sister Li, although it may be relatively safe to follow this Senior Brother Yin, don't forget that our teams are in a competitive relationship with each other. , I hope everyone is ready to leave the team at any time.”

Strictly speaking, although they set out together, they were not unified under Yin Jian and did not have to obey his orders completely.

What's more, who knows if these guys are reliable or not, and whether they will use newcomers like them as cannon fodder at critical moments.

Chu Tiange and others took a deep breath, and their expressions became a little solemn.

They have naturally considered similar issues, but they have too few clues and information, and they do not know much about the overall situation of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. For the time being, they can only act with the large team.

"Junior Brother Ling, I understand what you mean."

Chu Tiange nodded. He also had his own ambitions. If he followed the large army and got some small credit in the end, it would violate the original intention of coming to the battlefield.

Not only him, but the other two rookie teams probably also have similar thoughts.

Those veteran elite teams obviously also intended to isolate these newcomers. When talking to each other to discuss strategies, they completely regarded newcomers like Ling Feng as nothing.

In their opinion, these new recruits are not reliable at all and can only hold us back.

Ling Feng was very happy about this. If these people didn't come to make friends, he would only need to take care of a few of his teammates when he was in danger. Others were none of his business!

Fairy Qingping gritted her teeth. After hunting down that Borshu, she had a deeper understanding of Ling Feng, a "dangerous element". According to his thoughts, he would definitely become extremely dangerous in the end. situation.

She suddenly felt that she was trying to shoot herself in the foot. She said she wanted to take this guy to kneel down to greet Senior Brother Qin, but in the end, he turned into Ling Feng's bodyguard!

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