Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1418 Isn’t it just a discussion? (3 updates)

At this moment, a small captain of an old elite team came over, looked around Fairy Qingping, and then looked at Chu Tiange, who was the captain, and said with a faint smile: "Junior brothers and sisters, listen. It is said that your team captured the barbarian general Borshu alive, which is really amazing! "

Everyone looked up and saw that the person who came was named Su Ming. He was an extremely powerful third-level human emperor. Among the elites in this operation, their strength was only lower than that of the commander-in-chief Yin Jian.

Chu Tiange was ashamed and said with a wry smile: "Senior Brother Su is joking, we are just newcomers here, how can we compare with the senior brothers."

"How could it be?" Su Ming smiled, looking at Ling Feng and Fairy Qingping intentionally or unintentionally, and said calmly: "I heard that Junior Sister Yu and Junior Brother Ling even entered the battle treasure house and each chose one. It’s a treasure. You know, I’ve been here for a year and I still don’t have this kind of honor! Isn’t Junior Brother Chu making fun of us senior brothers by saying this?”

"This..." Chu Tiange frowned slightly. He didn't know why. This Su Ming was obviously coming with bad intentions!

Ling Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and saw that several members of Su Ming's command were all looking at this side with a hint of fun.


Ling Feng snorted in his heart, already understanding what these people wanted.

As the saying goes, "If the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them."

He and Fairy Qingping had only been here a few days, but they had received such a reward from Mrs. Xu, so they were naturally jealous.

In the eyes of these veteran elites, newcomers like them are lucky enough to get such a task, so they can shine and get rewards. If it were them, they would only do better.

Jealousy is a terrible thing.

In the palace of war and in the mountain city, there were high-level guards. Even if they were jealous, they would not dare to do anything. But after leaving the mountain city and entering the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, with no one to restrain them, the negative emotions in their hearts naturally burst out.

"It's just a joke, junior brother, don't be nervous."

Su Ming chuckled, patted Chu Tiange on the shoulder, and said with a faint smile: "How about this, we just have nothing to do, why don't we all compete and have some fun."

"This..." Chu Tiange was pinned down by Su Ming, unable to move. He could only grit his teeth and said, "Senior Brother Su, how dare we compete with all of you?"

"It's just a discussion, it's harmless!"

Su Ming's smile did not fade, and he grinned and said: "Junior sister Yu, junior brother Ling, I heard that you all exchanged for a treasure in the treasure house, why don't you take it out for everyone to open their eyes, and let's compare it and try it out. If we are lucky enough to win with one move If you are half-formed, you will hand over the treasures you exchanged. Of course, if you win, we, the senior brothers, will naturally give you treasures of equal value to join in the gambling competition!"

The fox tail is finally revealed!

Ling Feng sneered in his heart. This bastard clearly wanted to steal the treasures that he and Fairy Qingping exchanged from the war treasure house. Although this approach is not an obvious robbery, it is no different from robbery.

The disciples around them, whether they were veteran elites or Bai Qi and Kang Huailie's team, all had the attitude of watching a show.

They have been unhappy for a long time about Ling Feng and the others being in the limelight.

Especially Yu Wen Changkong, who stared at Ling Feng with a ferocious smile, and felt a burst of joy in his heart: Hum hum, Ling Feng, Ling Feng, I have said before that the place to fight is no better than the Donglingxian Pond, and you are still crazy here. Get up?

Yuwen Changkong's eyes flickered, as if he had already seen the scene where Ling Feng was severely trampled under the feet of these veteran elite disciples.

Only Yin Jian, the commander-in-chief, sat on a boulder in the distance and frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

It was really unnecessary to provoke a major combat force like Su Ming for the sake of a few newcomers who didn't have much ability.

"Senior Brother Su, this is not good."

Chu Tiange clenched his fists and felt aggrieved. He was one of the top thirty strong men in the inner sect, but when he arrived at the battlefield, he was criticized everywhere. But there was nothing he could do. Big fists were the last word. Even if he I want to stand up for my teammates, but I don’t have the ability.

He was held down by Su Ming and couldn't even stand up, so why should he refuse?

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just a competition."

Ling Feng stood up, nodded towards Chu Tiange, and then slowly said: "There is no problem in competing with fellow disciples and exchanging feelings!"

"Haha, Junior Brother Ling is right!"

Su Ming laughed loudly, "Yes, competing with fellow students helps to exchange feelings!"

He then let go of Chu Tiange, looked at Ling Feng, and said calmly: "Then it's settled!"

With that said, he waved to his team again and said calmly: "Junior Brother Huang, come here and compete with this Junior Brother Ling. As for Junior Sister Yu, it's up to you, Junior Sister Ding, to spar with her. Remember. "Come on, this is just a sparring match. Don't hurt the two junior brothers and sisters, do you understand?"


Junior Brother Huang grinned, walked out of the team, narrowed his eyes and said, "Of course!"

Another female disciple also nodded, "Don't worry, Captain, I will be careful to show mercy!"

These two people obviously thought they were sure of Ling Feng and Yu Qingping. It's no wonder that the cultivation of both of them is as high as the second-level Human Emperor. In addition, coupled with the fighting experience in the battlefield, it is not a sure thing to teach two newcomers.

Yu Qingping gritted her silver teeth, glared at Ling Feng angrily, and complained in her heart: It's all your fault, you didn't even ask me, why did you agree to it!

Ling Feng shrugged. He was stepped on on his head. Do you still want him to swallow his anger?

Sorry, this is not my Ling Feng style!

"Junior Brother Ling, please?"

Junior Brother Huang jumped to an open space, drew out his sword, and looked at Ling Feng from a distance, with provocation in his eyes.

On the other side, Junior Sister Ding also walked to the side and extended an invitation to Fairy Qingping.

Their goal is to give these two newcomers a hard blow, take away their spoils, and let them know how cruel the rules of survival in this battlefield are!

The other disciples all looked this way. After traveling for three consecutive days, they finally had some fun to entertain themselves.

"Junior Brother Ling...hey!"

Chu Tiange sighed softly and clenched his fists. He, the captain, was really a coward!

Fairy Qingping glanced at Ling Feng, then at those aggressive old elites, her eyes slightly angry.

As the saying goes, the clay figurine is still very angry, and she, Yu Qingping, is not someone to be trifled with!

There was a smile on Ling Feng's lips, like a joke, but also like ridicule.

"Senior Sister Yu, since the two senior brothers and sisters want to learn from each other so much, let's do it reluctantly. For the sake of being from the same sect, let's give them a few tips."

Ling Feng jumped forward and said something shocking!

Everyone was dumbfounded. This Ling Feng's cultivation level was not high, but his tone was really serious!

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