Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1419 Everyone here is rubbish! (4 more updates)

Fairy Qingping, her beautiful eyes flashed, nodded slightly towards Ling Feng, took out her sword, walked slowly to the woman named Ding, and said lightly: "Since senior sister wants to compete with me, then junior sister has no choice but to be disrespectful. , please rest assured, Senior Sister, I will definitely show mercy."

As the twelfth strong person on the list of creation stars, Fairy Qingping also has her own pride, which cannot be insulted by anyone.

Even if you are a veteran elite and a former member of the Creation Star List, the same is true!

Ling Feng laughed loudly, and Fairy Qingping became fierce, her tone was no less than her own!

The disciples watching the excitement around were all dumbfounded. These two new disciples were really too arrogant.

The age gap of more than ten years is not false. Otherwise, wouldn't all their training in the past ten years be transferred to dogs?

Especially Huang Lang and Ding Die, with cold gleams in their eyes, stared at Fairy Ling Feng and Qing Ping respectively. They originally wanted to give Ling Feng and Fairy a showdown, but unexpectedly, they were defeated in terms of momentum.

"Haha, you two junior brothers and sisters, it's just a competition. It's better not to say crazy words, so as not to cause real fire and hurt others and yourself."

Su Ming tried to smooth things over with a smile, but in fact he was mocking Ling Feng and the two for being arrogant and ignorant.

Unexpectedly, Ling Feng didn't even glance at Su Ming, smiled disdainfully, pointed at the members of Su Ming's team and said: "Senior Brother Su is joking, these rotten fish and shrimps can't hurt me. "

"What did you say?"

"Boy, are you tired of living?"

As soon as these words came out, people were outraged. All the members of Su Ming's command were furious. This little rookie in the Divine Sea Realm actually dared to call them rotten fish and shrimps?

"Boy, take back what you said!"

In Su Ming's team, a bald man stood up and approached with murderous intent. He stared at Ling Feng coldly and said, "Otherwise, I will challenge you with the honor of being an elite disciple of the Palace of War!"


Ling Feng sneered, and Feng Qingyun said calmly: "Do you also have such a thing as glory? If so, how could you do banditry in the name of senior brother? To put it bluntly, you are just jealous of the talented and want to take advantage of others. , just find a suitable excuse! That’s right, I’m not targeting anyone, I mean, everyone here is rubbish!”

Good guy, as soon as these words were spoken, the entire team, not to mention the members of Su Ming's team, exploded.

This guy wants to offend everyone!

Even teammates such as Chu Tiange and Xu Xinghe had their eyelids twitching wildly. This Ling Feng was really refusing to stop talking. What was he going to do?

Is he going to challenge everyone?

"Boy! If you can't speak, just shut up!"

"Boy named Ling, are you really impatient with life?"

"Kneel down! Apologize! Otherwise, you won't want to bear our wrath!"


The crowd was excited. Except for a few Extreme Third Stage Human Emperors who were unable to argue with Ling Feng due to their status, the other disciples came over one after another and formed a siege, surrounding Ling Feng and the other two.

They were either glaring with anger, or their faces were as cold as frost, or they were gloomy and cold, or they were furious, and there was no one who was not extremely vicious.

"Hahaha, this guy is dead!"

Yuwen Changkong was overjoyed. Ling Feng's move undoubtedly caused public outrage. Even if he didn't die today, he would probably lose half of his skin!

"Junior Sister Li, go and persuade Junior Brother Ling and make him soften!"

Chu Tiange secretly sweated on his forehead and quickly pushed Li Fei. He knew that the relationship between Ling Feng and Li Fei was not bad.

"Yes! Junior Sister Li, please persuade Junior Brother Ling!" Xu Xinghe also became restless for a while. If this continues, they might become public enemies.

Li Fei shook her head and smiled bitterly, "If I can persuade him, he will no longer be Ling Feng."

Fairy Qingping, who was originally very aggressive, swallowed hard when she heard Ling Feng making enemies one after another. But now that she has come to this step, she has no choice but to hold on.

However, she also felt weak in her heart. If this fight really started, they would probably be finished today!

Under the focus of all the angry eyes, Ling Feng did not show the slightest trace of panic. Instead, he laughed loudly and said, "Why, if I say it right, will you become angry from shame? Is this the ridiculous glory of you people?"

"Asshole, boy, you are so arrogant!"

"I want to challenge you!"

One of the veteran elite disciples was so enraged by Ling Feng's few words that they all threatened to teach Ling Feng an unforgettable lesson.

Fairy Qingping clenched her pink fist, gritted her teeth and said, "Hey, there's no need to be like this, right? Why do you have to anger everyone and commit public outrage?"

"Hey, arrogance comes from strength!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly and replied: "Don't forget where this is? This is the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, hehe, the home of the body refiners!"

Fairy Qingping's pupils shrank suddenly before she realized what she was doing.

Yes, maybe in other places, Ling Feng may not be able to face this situation alone, but here, it is the Dead Soul Demon Abyss!

Anyway, this team can't stay any longer, so why not teach these shameless guys a lesson before leaving!

Still want to suppress them and rob them of their treasures?

There is no door!

In the distance, Yin Jian sat firmly on the boulder and shook his head slightly. As long as no one was killed, he could only turn a blind eye.

"Come on, you trash, the treasure I got from the Conquest Treasure House is a Jade Dragon Blood King Ginseng. Whoever wants it, beat me!"

A glimmer of greed flashed in Su Ming's eyes. He stared at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ling, why are you so excited? We are just discussing with you with a friendly attitude. Why do you need to provoke everyone?" What? In my opinion, let’s have a duel with Junior Brother Huang according to the previous agreement!”


Ling Feng sneered in his heart. On the surface, Su Ming seemed to be helping him out, but in fact, he was just coveting the Jade Dragon Blood King Ginseng.

"Senior Brother Su, what you said is wrong. He provoked everyone. Do you want us to pretend that we didn't hear it?"

"That is, unless this boy kneels down and apologizes to everyone one by one, this matter will not go through! Boy, do you want to apologize?"

Ling Feng laughed non-stop and looked coldly, "Apologise? Do you deserve it?"

Su Ming frowned. This guy really doesn't know how to live or die. Well, since he is seeking death himself, he can't blame others!

"Junior Brother Huang, take out your extraterritorial star iron and have a bet with Junior Brother Ling!"

At this point, Su Ming had no choice but to take the lead and let Huang Lang challenge Ling Feng.

However, since it is a gambling battle, it is natural to bring out treasures of comparable value.

Huang Lang took out a strange stone from the Naling Ring, threw it to the ground, and immediately flew to Ling Feng, "Boy, look at my three moves and I will defeat you!"

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