Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1421 Not enough! (2 updates)

Everyone stepped aside, looking like they were watching a good show.

The most powerful person under the emperor, the result is no doubt!

Even though this is the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls and Feng Shaoan's strength is suppressed to a certain extent, the result will not change.

Because he is the character closest to the myth, and will definitely become the most powerful being in the world.

"Boy, your boxing technique just now was very interesting."

After that, Feng Shaoan strode under the boulder, tiptoed a little, and the force of the ejection exploded, bringing up a shadow. His body rose into the sky and landed heavily on the boulder.

A slight shaking passed under Ling Feng's feet.

Feng Shaoan looked at Ling Feng and said slowly: "Go ahead, I'll give you ten moves first!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a great pressure swept away from Feng Shaoan.

Feng Shaoan's eyes were dull, and he could not see Ling Feng's figure in his eyes, only the sky could be seen.

Ling Feng was not in his eyes.

He was just happy to see Ling Xin, and wanted to see a little bit of Ling Feng's boxing technique that defeated Huang Lang just now, that's all.

"I'll give you ten moves first, otherwise, you won't have a chance to make a move."

Feng Shaoan spoke in a calm dialect, but there was an undeniable domineering tone in his words.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Feng Shaoan on the boulder.

Even if his strength is suppressed, even if he knows that the opponent is a body-refining monk, he still has such confidence. This is Feng Shaoan. This is the spirit of the strongest man under the emperor!

"Can you give me ten moves?"

Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, "You'd better make the first move. This is the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss."

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, showing no fear at all.

Perhaps in the outside world, Ling Feng was still a little wary of Feng Shaoan. If he used all his cards, he might not be able to get any benefits.

However, this is the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, and the suppression of Yuanli does not affect the performance of his physical body and the secret skills of the Soul Dao.

Here, to put it bluntly, even if you are the emperor, you have to be kept in check by me!

"Do you think that with this little bit of suppression, you can bridge the gap between you and me? Naive!"

A cold light flashed in Feng Shaoan's eyes, and he immediately showed a faint smile, "Well, then, okay! The opportunity has been given to you, and you have no chance to make a move!"

"The big monument is coming from the east!"

Feng Shaoan shouted in a low voice, his palms stacked on top of each other, and a black stone tablet, which seemed to be a hundred feet high, materialized between his palms.


The stone tablets were overwhelming, and the mountains collapsed and the earth was shattered. The stone tablets that destroyed the sky and the earth poured down, carrying a terrifying power that shocked people's hearts and killed the tiny peaks under the stone tablets.

Everyone gasped, their energy and blood flowing out of control.

Just by being affected, they can also feel the terrifying power of this style!

Even Yin Jian in the distance shrank slightly. Even in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, could Feng Shaoan still be able to perform such a terrifying attack?

As expected, he is the most powerful person under the Emperor!

Feng Shaoan was below him in seniority, but in recent years, his popularity had gradually surpassed his own. Now, he began to understand why Feng Shaoan had such a reputation in the Palace of War.

Yin Jian nodded slightly, then closed his eyes and pretended to be in a state of trance, obviously turning a blind eye to this battle.

As long as no one is killed, everything is fine.

"That's it! Hahaha, that's it! Suppress him and trample him to death!"

Yuwen Changkong felt extremely happy in his heart and his eyes were blazing, as if he had already seen the scene where Ling Feng was defeated with one move.

"Junior Brother Ling!"

Chu Tiange, Li Fei and others all held their breaths. Facing such a powerful Feng Shaoan, could Ling Feng really compete with him?

Fairy Qingping tightened her fists. This Ling Feng was causing trouble everywhere. Can she really save his life and bring him back to Senior Brother Qin?

Now it seems that this seems difficult to achieve!

Under Feng Shaoan's strong attack, Ling Feng felt like the world was spinning and the whole world seemed to be trembling.

I have to say that this Feng Shaoan is indeed very strong, far more powerful than Wang Ruquan, Yuwen Changkong and the like, who knows how many times.

However, if you want to suppress yourself, it’s not enough!

At least, it’s not enough to see in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls!



The ground beneath the two of them could not bear the pressure of the hundred-foot stone tablet, and cracked and cracked.

The gravel flew up and the sand and dust rolled up wildly, sweeping the surrounding human emperors upside down.

"Back off! Everyone, back off!"

Su Ming urged quickly.

A group of disciples fled in panic as soon as they were frightened!

Feng Shaoan is so powerful!

As the dust settles, as the sky and earth clear, as the figure is revealed.

A scene that made them stunned appeared!

The hundred-foot stone tablet that shook the world was not completely suppressed.

Instead, he was caught by a small and thin figure!

The opponent held his left hand behind his back and only stretched out his right hand to hit the shadow of the hundred-foot stone tablet!

The expression is freehand and understated, just like the 100-foot-long stone tablet that was shattered by the landslide and the ground. It is as light as a feather and not worth a cent.

"This little pressure? It's not enough!"

Ling Feng looked calm and relaxed, how could he compete with him who possesses the power of dragon and elephant?


too naive!


Ling Feng faintly uttered one word.

boom! ——

The phantom of the hundred-foot stone tablet shattered into pieces, turning into countless fragments and falling in a variety of colors.

Everyone gasped! !

What kind of power is this? How could a boy from the Divine Sea Realm have such terrifying strength!

If the power of this move were to hit the mortal body, how terrifying would the destructive power it would cause?

Everyone began to understand why Huang Lang was knocked unconscious by Ling Feng's punch. It was not that Huang Lang was too weak, but that Ling Feng was too strong!

Feng Shaoan's eyes finally showed a solemn look for the first time.

Because he suddenly discovered that the ants in front of him seemed to be much more powerful than he had imagined.

A trace of anger burned in Feng Shaoan's eyes.

Even if this is the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, even if his strength is suppressed, he will never allow a person whose cultivation level is not as good as his own to stand side by side with him.

Under the Great Emperor, the only one who is the most powerful is himself!


A more terrifying and violent momentum swept across, with Feng Shaoan as the core, the entire space with a radius of 100 feet, four winds, a force that could destroy the world, seemed to be gathering little by little.

"Boy, you can be proud of yourself if you can make me take it seriously."

Feng Shaoan was hunting in all his clothes. In fact, he was not only a little serious, but also completely serious.

"Really? It's never too late to be proud after I defeat you!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, flames surged around his body, and the fourth level of swallowing flames protected his body. Everything in the ten directions was destroyed. I don't know when it fell into the palm of his hand.

He knew very well that Feng Shaoan was not an easy person, but defeating him would have an even more shocking effect!

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