Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1422: Fearless in martial arts! (3 updates)

"Qiankun - Niluan!"

In the eyes, the Divine Patterns of Heavenly Dao condensed, and the force field of reverse chaos shrouded Feng Shaoan.

He didn't expect the reverse force field to trap Feng Shaoan for too long, but it only took a moment, and that was enough!

Because, this moment was enough for him to draw his sword.

Sure enough, with the interference of Qiankun Reverse, Feng Shaoan showed a trace of panic in his eyes, and the rules of heaven and earth suddenly reversed. Even he inevitably made some mistakes.

Everyone was surprised when they saw Feng Shaoan running around like a headless fly.

"What's wrong with Senior Brother Feng?"

"It's probably that boy's soul attack! I've heard that this person is good at the secret technique of the soul!"

Under the discussion of everyone, the long sword in Ling Feng's hand burst into flames and soared into the sky.

The temperature of the entire space suddenly soared, as if you were in a sea of ​​fire and purgatory. Even though the people present were all martial arts masters, you still felt a suffocating heat.

The fourth level of swallowing flames exploded with all his strength. Ling Feng waved the long sword in his hand and slashed out with one strike.

“Li Huo—Lighting up the sky!”

A sword that cut off the eternal world and struck across time and space!

Seeing the sea of ​​​​fire sweeping across the sky, Feng Shaoan's pupils shrank suddenly and his face showed shock.

"Mountains and rivers fall into the mountains!"

With a low roar, Feng Shaoan immediately formed a mountain shadow and blocked it in front of him. His heart was beating wildly. For the first time in history, he felt so suffocated and desperate when facing an opponent under the Great Emperor!

too strong!

It's too strong!

This is the only thought in his mind!

It was not strength in terms of strength, but a sense of oppression that was close to the will of heaven and earth. It seemed that he was heaven and earth, and he was the avenue!

He is the only ruler under the starry sky!

"no no!"

Feng Shaoan shook his head fiercely, exploded with all his strength, and when he had no chance to take action, he struck again.

"Jiuyue Mountains!"


The void trembled, and the phantoms of nine mountains were suppressed from above the sky. The terrifying pressure from the ancient sacred mountains rolled down and swept the entire place.

In the eyes of everyone, there are only mountains and mountains, and the blazing fire that burns the sky and boils the sea!



boom! boom! boom!

The terrifying collision caused the heaven and earth to shake. The earth seemed to have fallen. Everyone felt unsteady. The aftermath of the battle made it almost impossible to escape.

Ling Feng stood in the center of the flames, with a dignified look in his eyes.

This Feng Shaoan is indeed very strong. Even though his strength is suppressed by the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, he can actually collide head-on with his own Li Huo Liao Tian.

This is a powerful opponent, but it is also destined to be a stepping stone to defeat in his own hands!


A bolt of lightning exploded without warning.

Ling Feng directly turned into thunder, and with the power of thunder, he crossed the mountains that were resisting his own flames and came to Feng Shaoan.

The incarnation of divine thunder!

This is the secret technique in "Shadow of Thunder". Before Feng Shaoan could react, Ling Feng formed a fist with his palm and punched out.


The sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring reached straight into the sky, and the divine power of dragons and elephants exploded instantly.


With a scream, Feng Shaoan opened his mouth and spurted out a mouthful of blood, flying hundreds of meters upside down, knocking three disciples away along the way before barely stopping.

His face was pale, full of fear, and full of shock!

For a moment, the whole place was dead silent and silent!

Feng Shaoan, defeated!

The most powerful person under this emperor was defeated by a boy who was only in the Divine Sea realm!

So, does it mean that this young man is the most powerful person under the Great Emperor?


The sound of swallowing saliva was heard endlessly.

Unable to accept it, I can’t believe it!

Su Ming was as dumb as a wooden chicken.

Yin Jian was shocked and stunned.

And that Yuwen Changkong, whose face was ashen and trembling all over, how could Ling Feng be so strong!

Even Chu Tiange and others stared at Ling Feng's figure in disbelief.

Standing proudly under the sky, that figure does not look very strong or majestic, but it is like a pillar supporting the sky, aloof and arrogant, looking down on the world.

Fairy Qingping, for the first time, a hint of splendor flashed in her beautiful eyes.

This man...

Even though she didn't want to admit it, she seemed to realize that in a sense, Ling Feng was even better than the Wushuang Young Emperor she admired.

After all, when he was in the Divine Sea Realm, even the unparalleled young emperor Qin Zusheng was far from having such strength.

Shaking her head hard, Fairy Qingping quickly put this thought behind her.

In my heart, the only person I can admire is Senior Brother Qin!

He is your belief and cannot be replaced by anyone!


Feng Shaoan struggled to get up and spat out a mouthful of blood. He stared at Ling Feng unwillingly and gritted his teeth.

I actually lost!

Ling Feng stood up with his hands behind his back, looked at Feng Shaoan indifferently, shook his head slightly, and said calmly: "You are very strong, but in this Dead Soul Demon Abyss, you are no match for me."

Feng Shaoan clenched his fists, took a deep breath, suppressed the humiliation and anger in his heart, and bowed to Ling Feng, "I lost this battle! But after I go out, I hope to be able to consult with Junior Brother Ling again. two."

In the final analysis, Feng Shaoan was still unconvinced, but at this moment, he was using about 30% of his strength at most. If he could exert his full strength, he was sure that he could defeat Ling Feng.

"Always waiting!"

Ling Feng waved his sleeves, showing no fear at all.

Feng Shaoan was indeed a formidable enemy. He was not sure that he could defeat this person after leaving the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

However, he will not be timid! Only by constantly fighting against stronger opponents, and only under the pressure of powerful opponents, will your own strength continue to grow and become stronger!

This is his martial arts, moving forward without fear!

"Okay, I remember this sentence!"

Feng Shaoan took a deep breath, clenched his fists, took a deep look at Ling Feng, and then walked away with no intention of continuing to embarrass Ling Feng.

Although this person is arrogant, he still has some spirit after all.

However, although Feng Shaoan did not intend to pursue the case any further, Su Ming obviously had no intention of letting Ling Feng off easily.

No matter how strong Ling Feng is, can he be stronger than everyone in the room?

Feng Shaoan wanted to save face and was unwilling to join forces with others to besiege Ling Feng. He didn't care about losing face!

Today, this boy must be severely suppressed!

"Ling Feng, you have such a strong tone! You just relied on the suppression of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss and luckily defeated Senior Brother Feng in one and a half moves. Do you think you are invincible? Dear junior brothers and sisters, this guy is insulting me and waiting for you. , if we let him continue to be arrogant, wouldn’t he be the one riding on his head!”

Su Ming gritted his teeth, stared at Ling Feng coldly, and said fiercely: "Isn't he going to challenge all of us? Then let's go together! It also allows us to see how much magical power and ability Junior Brother Ling has! Who is it? If you can defeat him, that Jade Dragon Blood King Ginseng belongs to someone of course!"

It has to be said that Su Ming is really good at bewitching people. With a few words, he aroused everyone's inner anger, and he also used Jade Dragon Blood Royal Ginseng as bait to arouse everyone's greed.

Indeed, no matter how strong Ling Feng is, if all of them come together and beat up the master with random punches, how long can a mere Shenhai realm boy last?

Anyway, he was the one who took the lead in provoking it, so there was no such thing as bullying the few with the majority, or bullying the few with the many!

"If you want to fight, fight!"

Ling Feng stood with his hands behind his back, not paying attention to anyone at all. He just stared at Su Ming and had already put this person on the must-kill list.

This person deserves to die!

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