Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1423 Forgive me for being too high! (4 more updates)

"That's enough, stop it!"

A sigh came from afar. As the commander-in-chief of this operation, Yin Jian finally woke up from his "trance" and floated down. He glanced at Ling Feng with a slight dissatisfaction.

Ling Feng's strength has exceeded his imagination. It is true that if everyone takes action together, they may be able to capture Ling Feng, but they may also suffer large-scale damage.

Don't forget, this is the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, and the enemy they have to face is the remnant team of the barbarians!

If it was just a small fuss, Yin Jian could still turn a blind eye or close one eye, but if there would be too much loss, then it might affect the success of the entire operation.

So at this time, as the commander-in-chief, Yin Jian can no longer remain silent.

"Don't forget what you came here to do! If you can't complete Xu Taishang's mission, let's see what you look like. Return to the palace of war!"

Yin Jian's few words made everyone feel dejected and they didn't even dare to fart.

Even the instigator, Su Ming, clenched his fists and did not dare to disobey Yin Jian's wishes.

"Okay, let's stop this matter! No one is allowed to start internal strife!"

Yin Jian glanced at Ling Feng, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Junior brother Ling, it's time for you to restrain yourself. After this, you are not allowed to take any action against your fellow brothers without my order!"

"Should I take action against them?"

Ling Feng sneered in his heart, who was the first to provoke him? Is this guy blind and unable to see?

This Yin Jian is indeed not a good bird.

Fortunately, there is absolutely no future in acting with these people, so it is better to separate as soon as possible.

"Okay, I said, this matter is over. Let's all go to bed early and continue on our way tomorrow morning!"

Yin Jian hummed softly, flicked his sleeves, turned around, and prepared to return to the distance to meditate.

Ling Feng chuckled lightly and was too lazy to say anything to Yin Jian. He just looked at Chu Tiange and the others and said slowly: "Senior Brother Chu, you can choose whether to stay or leave."

Before she finished speaking, Li Fei walked quickly to Ling Feng and said calmly: "Junior Brother Ling, of course I will act with you."

The remaining Chu Tiange and Xu Xinghe looked at each other, sighed softly, and said slowly: "We are in the same team, so naturally we act together. But do we have to leave the team now?"

They are not fools. After what happened today, will the old elites still look good on them?

Maybe they were planning to let them break into dangerous areas and use them as cannon fodder.

"If you don't leave now, when will you wait? When you will be forced to be cannon fodder?"

Ling Feng shrugged, looked at Fairy Qingping, and said slowly: "Senior Sister Yu, what about you?"

Because Fairy Qingping lent Ling Feng 100 battle points before, Ling Feng stopped calling her "Fairy Fairy" and was a little more polite to her, calling her "Senior Sister Yu".

"Do I have any choice?"

Fairy Qingping rolled her eyes and glared at Ling Feng angrily. This troublemaker had made the relationship so tense. If she stayed, she would be the biggest idiot in the world!

"Then, let's go!"

Ling Feng took the lead in unfolding his body skills and flew into the distance. Chu Tiange and others looked at each other and quickly followed. Although Chu Tiange was named the captain, it was Ling Feng who actually took the decision.

"What are you doing!"

Yin Jian frowned when he discovered that Ling Feng actually led several of his teammates away from the main force.

Originally, he had already made up his mind. Since Ling Feng was so powerful, he would naturally make good use of it to reduce casualties for his direct team members.

Who would have expected that Ling Feng would leave the team at this moment without looking back!

"Bastard! Ling Feng, how dare you leave the team and disobey orders?"

Yin Jian's eyes were filled with anger, and he struck out with a palm, crushing Ling Feng from a distance.


The sound of dragon roars exploded, Ling Feng used the dragon elephant's divine power, smashed Yin Jian's palm print with one punch, and shouted to the sky: "Senior Brother Yin, don't speak so harshly, we are just temporarily forming a team to act, Xu Your Majesty never said that this operation is under your sole authority! Now, our team has to act alone, can you handle it?"


Yin Jian was furious. Since Ling Feng separated from the group as a team, in principle, it was not considered as acting alone and disobeying orders.

After all, the captain Chu Tiange, who directly gave orders to Ling Feng, also left with him.

"So, Senior Brother Yin, go and command your own people. Forgive us for not being able to climb up to your level!"

Ling Feng snorted, looked at the two teams of Bai Qi and Kang Huailie, and sneered: "You'd better be careful, your own people are your own people after all, and you are just cannon fodder!"

After saying that, Ling Feng and his party left through the air. After a while, they disappeared into the mist and disappeared.

Bai Qi and Kang Huailie both fell into silence. What Ling Feng said did make some sense. However, they also understood that without the large team, their abilities would not be enough to survive in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss.

Yin Jian's teeth itched with hatred, he clenched his fists, looked at Su Ming, glared at him fiercely, and scolded him coldly: "If you fail to succeed, you will fail!"

Su Ming felt bitter in his heart.

God knows that this guy Ling Feng is so "perverted", he was so aroused that he completely forgot the purpose of this trip.

If I had known that Ling Feng's amazing combat power would be a great help, I would have restrained myself no matter what and make good use of them in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

However, Su Ming was obviously unwilling to admit defeat, and said bitterly: "Senior Brother Yin, they left us. It is their loss! Without the leadership of Senior Brother Yin, they would not be able to avoid the monsters hidden in the fog in time. They are in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls. It’s hard to move even an inch, and I can’t live more than three days!”

Anyone who is familiar with Yin Jian knows that the reason why Yin Jian has a high status in the battlefield is because of his gifted left eye, which can see through illusions and give early warning to potential threats.

In this way, you can seek good luck, avoid bad luck, and reduce risks to a great extent.

Especially in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, the ability of his left eye is even more important.

This is also the main reason why they have not encountered any major danger in the past few days.

"Okay, don't cause any more trouble for me!"

Yin Jian took a deep breath, dispelled the anger in his chest, and sat down cross-legged again.

It's just Ling Feng. If it doesn't exist, it will be gone. Anyway, from the beginning, he didn't think these newcomers could play any role.

In this case, just treat Ling Feng as a person who has never existed, and there will be no so-called sense of loss.

Anyway, those people will die faster if they leave their protection!

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