Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1424 I will clear the way! (1 update)

the other side.

Ling Feng and his party entered the thin layer of mist in front of them under the hazy moonlight.

After stepping into the area of ​​the fog, Ling Feng and his party understood why Yin Jian asked everyone to stay down and wait for action tomorrow morning when he saw this layer of fog.

The area covered by the mist not only suppressed Yuan Power a lot, but even the power of divine consciousness was greatly suppressed.

The vision in front of him was hazy and he couldn't see his fingers. In this case, if danger appeared, he wouldn't even have time to react.

"It seems that there is something weird about these fogs. Yin Jian didn't say anything before. It's clear that he was afraid that we would take away their credit!"

Chu Tiange clenched his fists and quickly withdrew from the range of the fog. Being in the fog made him very uneasy.

"From this point of view, it is indeed a wise choice to leave the group. However, with just a few of us, it will be difficult to survive without knowing the inside of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, let alone find the remnants of the barbarians. ”

Xu Xinghe frowned slightly. This was a dilemma. No matter how he chose, the weak would always be at a disadvantage.

"Since I brought you out, I will take you to complete the mission."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, feeling quite confident in himself.

The fog within the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss can indeed suppress the power of divine consciousness and Yuan Power. However, it does not impose much restrictions on his infinite vision, except that the coverage area is slightly reduced by about half.

"With Junior Brother Ling's words, I feel relieved."

Chu Tiange shook his head and smiled bitterly. As a captain, he really acted in name only.

Not only is Fairy Qingping's strength above him, but now it seems that even Ling Feng's true strength is probably above him.

"These fogs may be related to the nightfall. Let's not go deep into the fog first. Let's find a place to rest for the night and set off again tomorrow morning."

Ling Feng thought for a while and decided to take a safer approach. There was no need to rush late at night.

There was no reason why the others disagreed. They rested cautiously all night, and early the next morning, they set off with Ling Feng and went deep into the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

Just as Ling Feng expected, the fog ahead will disappear during the day, and the danger will naturally be reduced a lot.

In this way, another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Ling Feng and his party had arrived at the edge of the core area of ​​the Dead Soul Demon Abyss.

It's not too far away from the core area mentioned in the intelligence.

In the past three days, under the leadership of Ling Feng, although there were occasional attacks by weird monsters, they were quickly dealt with by everyone, and there was no great danger.

This made everyone start to have some confidence in Ling Feng, even if Yin Jian didn't lead the team and Ling Feng led the way, it would be the same.

"Haha, this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls is nothing more than that!"

After killing another monster, Xu Xinghe was in a good mood. He looked at Ling Feng, gave a thumbs up and said: "Junior brother Ling, your senses are really incredible. It's dozens of miles away, and the wind and grass here are moving. You know everything!"

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "It's just that the innate sensing power is strong, so it's not worth mentioning. Next, we have to be more careful. Judging from the trend in the past few days, the deeper we go into the depths of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, the more mist-shrouded The longer the time goes, according to my calculations, I believe that the fog should be shrouded in the deepest part of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss all year round, and that is the real dangerous place in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss."


After listening to Ling Feng's words, everyone's expressions became more or less solemn.

This task is indeed not simple. No wonder all the powerful emperors have fallen here before this.

At this point, the cultivation of all of them had been suppressed to less than 30%. Only Ling Feng was least affected. Yuanli cultivation was only one direction of his cultivation. With the power of the Dragon Elephant, he could still compete with the Extreme Human Emperor. When a strong man fights, he never loses.

On the contrary, the coverage area of ​​Infinite Vision has shrunk again, and can only cover a distance of about ten miles.

Therefore, the group of people had to slow down their speed again, lest they accidentally enter a dangerous place and be wiped out.

The next day, Ling Feng and his party arrived in front of a swampy lake.

The swamp lake spans thousands of miles. The map shows that this swamp lake runs through most of the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. It would take at least half a month to go around it.

For now, we can only find a way to pass this lake.

"How about we fly over from above?"

Li Fei suggested, scanning the surroundings with a slight solemnity: "However, the neighborhood is very strange. There are no birds around such a fertile swamp lake! There must be something strange in the swamp!"

Ling Feng nodded slightly, "Yes, there are indeed giant monsters under the swamp. With their cultivation suppressed, the brute force of these giant monsters is enough to tear us apart."

Fairy Qingping took a breath and secretly smacked her lips: Fortunately, Ling Feng had such powerful sensing power, otherwise, just a few of them would have inevitably suffered casualties if they rashly crossed the swamp.

"Junior Brother Ling, do you want to go around?"

Chu Tiange and Xu Xinghe also tightened their weapons and looked at Ling Feng, obviously waiting for Ling Feng to give orders.

Unknowingly, Ling Feng has become the backbone of the team. Both Chu Tiange and Fairy Qingping naturally began to obey Ling Feng's orders.

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "There is no way around it. There are similar monsters covering the entire swamp lake, and their strength is at the level of the Demon King."


Everyone was sweating slightly on their foreheads, "Isn't that a dead end?"

At the same level, the human race is already at a disadvantage when facing monsters. Moreover, within the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, the Yuan Power is suppressed. Perhaps the monster Yuan of the monster beasts is also suppressed, but they still have powerful physical bodies.

The most powerful of the demon clan is their arrogant body and terrifying brute force.

In this case, how could they cross this swampy lake?

"It's not necessarily a dead end."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "I'll open the way, you guys, follow me."


Everyone looked at each other, their eyelids twitching wildly.

Yes, there are monsters under the water, and Ling Feng, he is one, a vicious beast in human form!

With the magical power of the dragon and elephant, who is afraid of the monsters?

" careful!"

Li Fei bit her red lips and took a deep look at Ling Feng, still somewhat worried.

"Yes, Junior Brother Ling, be careful!"

Chu Tiange and Xu Xinghe were sweating slightly on their foreheads. Without Ling Feng, the remaining four of them believed that they would not be able to survive for more than half a day in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls!

Fairy Qingping continued to chant out of habit: "Ling Feng, don't forget, your life belongs to Senior Brother Qin..."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, this woman really has no end!

However, from her eyes, you can see some concern, but this cannot be deceived.

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