Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1425: So awesome! (2 updates)


Ling Feng jumped directly into the swamp, and then, about half a quarter of an hour later, he burst out of the water, holding three monster inner elixirs in his hand.


In the swamp, bubbles were bubbling, and the bright red blood soon dyed the swamp on the shore red.


Quite ferocious!

Chu Tiange and others swallowed hard. Ling Feng's method was too "arrogant".

Can a body-refining cultivator be so awesome?

Ling Feng proved with actual actions that yes, in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, body-refining cultivators are so awesome!

"Let's go? Why are you still standing there?"

Ling Feng saw his teammates staring in shock, shrugging his shoulders with a look of indifference, as if he had just done something trivial.

What a monster!

Everyone screamed in their hearts, they had to obey!

With Ling Feng clearing the way, the group of people flew into the swamp and lake, and felt a lot more at ease. Ling Feng had unlimited vision and carefully monitored the surroundings. If there was any slightest sign of trouble, Ling Feng could give advance warning and then take action with thunder.

Those huge monsters hiding under the swamp soon turned into demon pills, which were collected by Ling Feng.

Of course, occasionally there would be some special situations. Ling Feng would lure the giant beast out of the water, and a few people would join forces to deal with the monster.

The deeper into the swamp lake, the denser the monsters that even Ling Feng could not easily deal with became denser.

Everyone obviously had their hearts in their throats and didn't dare to be careless.

In this environment, a little carelessness may cost one's life.

"Wait! There seems to be something foreign in front of you!"

Suddenly, Ling Feng's expression changed, he jumped over, and when he saw the scene in front of him, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

A bloody human head floated on the water, being eaten by some strange fish in the swamp lake.

A pair of eyeballs were wide open, as if they would not rest in peace.

"It's that Huang Lang!"

Fairy Qingping exclaimed, Huang Lang was the veteran elite who challenged Ling Feng before, but was defeated by Ling Feng with one move.

Thinking about it, this guy was probably injured by Ling Feng and was somewhat affected, so he died here.

There was no fluctuation in Ling Feng's heart. This person was responsible for everything. He couldn't be blamed.

"It seems that the large forces have already arrived in this area, and they are in trouble."

Chu Tiange looked solemn and said in a deep voice.

"Their troubles have nothing to do with us."

Ling Feng frowned slightly, his eyelids suddenly twitched, and he quickly reminded: "Fly higher, there is a giant monster floating ten miles under the water!"

Ten miles is the limit that Ling Feng's infinite vision can cover here. The monster is extremely cunning. During the process of ascending, it abandoned all sounds and made no movement.

If Ling Feng hadn't had such a heaven-defying ability as infinite vision, the fate that awaited their team would have been the same as that of Huang Lang.

Fairy Qingping and others, how could they doubt Ling Feng's words, they quickly flew up into the air, and their every move was obviously under the control of the underwater monster.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Ten feet thick scarlet tentacles suddenly attacked, as fast as red lightning, and they couldn't be avoided!

The monster noticed that its prey was trying to escape and immediately launched a preemptive attack.

"You evil beast! Take one of my moves!"

Ling Feng activated the fourth level of swallowing flames, and struck out with a "Li Huo Ling Tian" strike. The raging flames shrouded down like a sky and covered the sun, sweeping wildly over the swamps and lakes.

Even though this place is a swamp, with the fourth-level flame-eating characteristics, it can defeat water when it comes in contact with water, and it can eat fire when it comes in contact with fire. There is no nemesis at all.

The giant monster felt the surging fire coming, and quickly retracted its tentacles and dived into the water. Monsters in the water were more or less afraid of flames.

Fairy Qingping and the four of them escaped from the disaster, and were stunned for a while.


Ling Feng made a decisive decision not to get entangled with the monster. The other few people dared not stay any longer. They quickly flew away while the monster was frightened by Ling Feng's flames.


After a while, there was a crazy roar from the bottom of the water, and the water waves rose into the sky, turning into black dragons, forcing Ling Feng's flames back. In the swamp, a huge head broke out of the water.

The monster was a mutated octopus with a size of one hundred feet. It stared at them with two ferocious dark green eyes and let out a series of violent roars. However, in the end, it could only watch the prey that reached its mouth. Ran.

The journey was uneventful, and at sunset, the group finally crossed the Baili Marsh Lake and reached the other side.


Everyone was obviously relieved. The nerves were tense along the way, and the super load was almost too much for them, the powerful Human Emperors.

Even for a strong man like Chu Tiange, the clothes on his back were completely soaked.

Along the way, if Ling Feng hadn't seen the opportunity and overcome obstacles, they might not have been able to survive even if they had ten lives.

At this point, even a strong man like Chu Tiange, who was ranked in the top 30 in the Star List, was finally completely convinced by Ling Feng.

As for what he said in the Emperor's Pond or challenging Ling Feng, he had long forgotten it.

Challenge Ling Feng?

Forget it, why bother yourself?

Just compare with humans, not monsters!

Ling Feng did not relax at all. He looked around for a while and found no hidden dangers. Then he slowly said: "After passing through the swamp and lake, we are not far from the volcanic cave. The information Taishang Xu told us is, The remnants of the barbarians are hiding in the volcanic caves, waiting for barbarian reinforcements. "

After lingering in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls for seven or eight days, the final battle was finally coming.

"Rest where you are first and recharge your batteries."

Ling Feng glanced at the other teammates. Although he took the most shots along the way, his teammates looked more tired than him.

Of course, they are mainly tired.

Along the way, I was on tenterhooks and nervous, but Ling Feng was different. He had unlimited vision to control the overall situation, so such emotions naturally did not exist.

"Judging from some nearby traces, Yin Jian and the others should have crossed the swamp lake one step ahead of us, probably twenty or thirty miles ahead of us."

Chu Tiange frowned slightly, glanced at Ling Feng, and said slowly: "Junior Brother Ling, should we avoid them to avoid conflicts?"


Ling Feng shrugged helplessly, "I'm afraid there is no way around it. If my prediction is correct, they took the safest path. Even so, there were still a lot of casualties."

Originally, a total of thirty people set out from the War Palace. Apart from the five of them, there were still twenty-five people.

But in Ling Feng's perception, there were only about seventeen different auras left in the end, which meant that the number of casualties was as many as eight!

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