Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1426: Sitting back and enjoying the success? (3 updates)

You must know that these people are all elites in the true sense, and they are led by a strong man like Yin Jian. There have been so many casualties before they even saw the remnants of the barbarians. It can be seen that the Dead Soul Demon The abyss is indeed a place full of dangers.

Especially in the next core area, the danger they will face may be several times greater than the previous sum total.

"My guess is that they also sacrificed the lives of many teammates to find a relatively safe route. We only need to follow their path and naturally the risk can be minimized."

Ling Feng smiled faintly. If there was a safe way out, it would be something an idiot would do instead of exploring on his own.

"It's just..." Li Fei looked slightly worried, "In this case, those guys won't let us go?"

After all, they have separated from the team, but now they are following the route they spent their lives on. How can they not incur resentment?

"Just don't worry about them."

Ling Feng smiled faintly, "In this damn place, they still have too much time to take care of themselves. If they want to cause trouble for us, they must have this ability."

"That's true!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

In this way, the group of people took a short rest in place. After about half a quarter of an hour, after recovering a little strength, they followed the safe path of the "predecessors" and swaggered forward.

It has to be said that the safe route explored with life is indeed safe enough.

Ling Feng and his party have been advancing for about thirty miles without encountering any danger. At this time, the presence of the large army in front was getting closer and closer. They were obviously trapped and were temporarily repairing in place. Don't dare to move forward rashly.

An encounter seemed inevitable.

At this time, on a relatively high hill in front, the brigade led by Yin Jian was repairing in place.

Everyone was more or less embarrassed, and some even paid a heavy price, but compared to those teammates who were already lying dead, they were undoubtedly lucky.

But it's also unfortunate because they don't know what kind of death awaits them.

Yin Jian's forehead was also sweating slightly, and his left eye, which he relied on, began to become a little weak at this time.

There are a kind of bloodthirsty thorns all around. Some are filled with life force and will suddenly attack the intruding humans, while some are just ordinary vines. When they are mixed together, he cannot distinguish which one at all. Which ones are dangerous and which ones are safe.

He could only take the most primitive approach and try using bait.

Those newcomers who serve as cannon fodder come in handy at this time. They are weak and naturally the first to be abandoned.

The ten members of the rookie team had already paid the price with five deaths.

Recalling what Ling Feng said before, they felt a sense of regret.

But they also knew very well that if they left the main force, they might die faster.

"Rest on the spot for half a quarter of an hour, Yuwen Changkong, then it's up to you to explore the way!"

Yin Jian gave the order coldly, and Yuwen Changkong froze. This moment finally came.

The fate of being cannon fodder can never be escaped.

His whole body began to tremble, and he knew very well what would happen to him as cannon fodder. Those bloodthirsty thorns would wrap around him and suck him dry!

Even if you are lucky and are rescued by teammates in time, you may have to sacrifice your own hands and feet to save your life.

But he had no choice. If he wanted to stay in the team, he had to "contribute", and the contribution of these cannon fodders was to serve as bait to explore the road.

Otherwise, they will be ruthlessly abandoned, and what awaits them in the end is death.

"I'm dead, I'm dead!"

Yuwen Changkong's hands and feet were cold, and the half-quarter of an hour he took to rest was probably the last half-quarter of an hour in his life.

At this moment, Yin Jian suddenly let out a sigh, turned his head suddenly, and looked behind him.

"They are not dead!"

Seeing Yin Jian's strange behavior, the other team members also looked back.

Although they were separated by dense vines and there was a thin layer of mist floating in the air, they still noticed the strange movement behind them at a distance of less than 500 feet.

The sound of rustling footsteps came, which was the sound of stepping on the forest floor filled with fallen leaves.

"It's that guy for sure!"

Sensing Ling Feng's familiar aura, Feng Shaoan's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an extremely complicated emotion in his heart.

The boy who defeated him is not dead!

"It's really them!"

Su Ming also sensed Ling Feng's aura and couldn't help but clenched his fists and gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, how could he not die!"

After leaving the large army, in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, which is full of dangers everywhere, how could he not die!

Soon, they discovered something extremely amazing.

Not only was Ling Feng not dead, the five-man team that broke away from the main force actually showed up here with zero casualties!

Zero casualties!

Their large force can be described as "strong men and horses", but they have paid a heavy price to get here, and Ling Feng and the others actually suffered zero casualties!

For a moment, the captains of the new team regretted their mistakes. If they had established a good relationship with Ling Feng earlier and followed Ling Feng, wouldn't it be better than now?

The morale of the military is in turmoil!

The eyes of many newcomers looking at Ling Feng have quietly changed. Rather than following Yin Jian and others who treat them as cannon fodder, wouldn't it be safer to follow Ling Feng?

"Damn it! They have been following our footsteps and walking behind us!"

At this moment, Su Ming suddenly shouted loudly, his whole body trembling with anger, his eyes fixed on Ling Feng, and he gritted his teeth with hatred.


Everyone's eyes suddenly showed sadness and anger.

The life passage they opened up at the expense of eight people was actually occupied by Ling Feng and his party for free!

"Son of a bitch!"

Su Ming cursed loudly, "These shameless guys are completely enjoying the benefits, selfish, and running away from the battlefield, but they are still walking on the road paved by the lives of our compatriots with peace of mind! Do they still want shame?"

Su Ming's eyes were red, and a few words instantly aroused the hatred of the same enemy.

Even the new team members became filled with indignation.

In their eyes, Ling Feng and his party have turned into traitors who escaped from the battlefield, and turned into scum enjoying the fruits of their labor!

It has to be said that Su Ming does have the ability to confuse people, but they have forgotten why Ling Feng and his party left before. It was not because Su Ming was too pushy.

Yuwen Changkong's hanging heart was finally relieved. It was good now that the guns were pointed at Ling Feng and the others in an instant. He, the cannon fodder who was exploring the way, was probably safe!

"Ling Feng, Ling Feng, you showed up at the right time!"

Yuwen Changkong laughed ferociously in his heart, and immediately shouted: "Don't let these scum go, everyone. Since they are enjoying the fruits of their labor and taking the path we explored with our blood, now it's their turn!"

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