Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1427: Falling out! (4 more)

Ling Feng's face was stern, and he stared at Yuwen Changkong. Yuwen Changkong felt a chill rising from his heart, shrank his neck, and quickly retreated behind the crowd.

How could he still have the courage to look at Ling Feng now?

After all, Ling Feng is a monster that even Feng Shaoan can defeat!

Su Ming stared angrily at Ling Feng and his party, and said viciously: "Ling Feng, you scum, what else do you have to say!"

Chu Tiange and others all became vigilant. They each took out their weapons and were on guard.

Although I had expected that these people would not give up easily, I never expected that the other party would distort the facts and confuse right and wrong.

Ling Feng had a sneer on his face and said with a sarcastic look on his face: "Yes, it's a good thing that we escaped in the face of the battle and that we were selfish. Otherwise, it would be us who died, and you would be safe, right?"

Su Ming's words are really laughable.

If they hadn't left, they might have been used as cannon fodder.


Su Ming was furious, his face turning blue and white, "Ling Feng! Are you talking human language? The sacrifices of all your companions are for the victory of the entire team, and they are all valuable!"

"Oh?" Ling Feng sneered, "Then ask Senior Brother Su, why don't you sacrifice yourself? After all, it's better to let others be cannon fodder, and you just sit back and enjoy the fruits!"

Su Ming became angry and gritted his teeth, "Ling Feng, don't talk nonsense!"

Ling Feng smiled coldly, "Why are you so angry because your mask of hypocrisy was exposed? You can only cover the sky with your hands, but you don't allow me to tell the truth? You can do it, but you are afraid of being told?"

"you wanna die!"

Su Ming was about to take action, but Yin Jian reached out to stop him.

Yin Jian pressed Su Ming's shoulders and stared at Ling Feng coldly, saying in a deep voice: "Did you come here on the road we opened?"

Ling Feng nodded, looked at Yin Jian, and said without hesitation, "Yes!"

"Okay!" A cold light flashed in Yin Jian's eyes, he strode forward, stood in the middle of the road, and shouted coldly: "Go back! Now!"


Ling Feng smiled disdainfully, and faced Yin Jian's pressure with a calm expression.

"Just because I'm the one driving this road!" Yin Jian's eyes grew murderous.

Before this, he had always thought that Ling Feng and his party had died in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, but it was not until this moment that he realized that Ling Feng might become his biggest competitor on this mission.

How can we give up the huge achievements and generous rewards that we are about to receive?

Therefore, either Ling Feng and the others will quit, or they will fight here!

What you pay must be the price of blood!

They were supposed to be cannon fodder, but now they want to climb onto the heads of veteran elites like them, what a delusion!

This is absolutely wishful thinking!

"Go back or die!"

Yin Jian stopped on the road, his tone was not arrogant at all, and his murderous aura swept over him.

"It's a joke. Did you open the road? Have you asked those brothers and sisters who died trying to find the road?"

Ling Feng pursed his lips and said with a disdainful smile: "There is no need to say nice words. I know exactly what you are thinking. You are just afraid that I will be the one who takes away the biggest credit. Don't worry, because this matter is very important. It will become a reality soon!”

Yin Jian's face was filled with murderous intent, and Ling Feng's words were undoubtedly equivalent to completely tearing his skin apart.

Chu Tiange and others secretly clenched their fists.

What they were about to face were Yin Jian, Su Ming, and Feng Shaoan, three human emperors of the third extreme level, plus fourteen other powerful human emperors who were comparable to them in cultivation.

If a fight breaks out, there will probably be fatalities and injuries.

What's more, there are those bloodthirsty demonic vines around here, and there are dangers everywhere. In the end, it will be a situation where both sides will suffer and the whole army will be annihilated.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, both sides secretly prepared.

Ling Feng's expression was indifferent, and a ray of cold arc light flashed like thunder, almost bursting out of his eyes.

Yin Jian wanted to put them to death to prevent their achievements from being taken away.

Ling Feng, why didn't you think so?

He must succeed for the first time!

"Get ready, leave from the path on the right and wait for me about ten miles ahead. Just leave it to me here!"

Ling Feng did not intend to drag other teammates into the water and send messages to their spiritual consciousness. He actually wanted to fight against the opponent's three ultimate third-level human emperors with one person's power.

In the outside world, he encountered these extreme third-stage human emperors, and it was very difficult to deal with one of them, let alone one against three.

But this place is the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, and the suppression here is stronger than in the outer areas.

If you use all your means, even if you fight one against three, you may not have a chance to kill them all with the sword.

As long as the leader Yin Jian is killed, the remaining people will naturally be defeated and left to fend for themselves.

I believe that without Yin Jian's leadership, these remaining people will become food for those bloodthirsty demonic vines and be buried here.


At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

A strange "sand" sound suddenly sounded, and then, a female human emperor let out an extremely shrill scream.

Fairy Qingping and others shrank their pupils. From their perspective, they witnessed the horrifying scene that just happened.

From the ground, a huge bloody vine suddenly rushed out, in the shape of a flower bone, with blood surrounding it.

At the moment of rushing out, the flower bud suddenly opened, revealing a row of sharp fangs comparable to those of a monster. With lightning speed, it swallowed the last female emperor in Yin Jian's team alive!

Drip! ——

Drip! ——

Blood splashed in an instant, flowing out from the cracks in the vines.

When Yin Jian and his team reacted and looked back, only a dark red blood stain remained...

The shrill scream still remained in the empty mountains.

Everyone was horrified and scared to death.

"Not good!"

Yin Jian's left eye flashed, sweeping around, his face changed slightly: "It's not advisable to stay here for long! There are more than a dozen mutant vines that can move underground and are approaching quickly. Let's go!"

Su Ming's face turned pale, unwilling to give up and glared at Ling Feng and his team, and immediately followed the main force and left in a hurry.

If they continued to stay here and entangle with Ling Feng and his team, the final result would only be a lose-lose situation.

"Let's go!"

Ling Feng's expression changed slightly, and he restrained his killing intent. Although he wanted to take this opportunity to kill Su Ming and others, he would not gamble with his own life.

Qing Ping Fairy and Li Fei's faces turned pale, and Chu Tiange and Xu Xinghe were sweating in their palms and at a loss.

The strength of those blood-colored vines was not very high, probably only equivalent to the level of the human queen period.

But here, their consciousness and energy were suppressed, so that they were not aware of being approached.

That female emperor with the strength of the limit died in such an unclear way.

Li Fei followed closely behind Ling Feng, and said solemnly: "Junior Brother Ling, can you sense the specific location of those vines?"

Ling Feng frowned slightly and said slowly: "These vines are somewhat different from monsters and beasts. When they are still, they are exactly the same as those lifeless vines. Even I can't predict them in advance, so I will follow the safe path opened by Yin Jian and others. But..."

Ling Feng's mouth curled up and continued: "Just now, when the vines were devouring the female emperor, they revealed some flaws. I can roughly distinguish the difference between these monster vines and ordinary vines. If you are careful, you should be able to avoid them completely!"

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