Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1428 A glimmer of hope! (1 update)

"Junior Brother Ling, are you sure?"

Chu Tiange took a deep breath and felt the ground beneath his feet shaking slightly. The number of those demonic vines was probably terrifying!

"I'm 80% sure, I just have to work on my character."

Ling Feng took a deep breath. Sometimes, luck is also part of strength, and all along, he felt that his luck was pretty good.

At this time, the thin layer of mist in the air seemed to be under some kind of oppression and circulated uneasily.

Although they couldn't see the distance clearly, everyone could clearly feel that a terrifying craze was secretly rushing towards them.

Under the infinite horizon, more than ten miles away, cracks opened in the ground in all directions, and pointed heads emerged from the ground one after another, like thousands of troops, raising smoke and dust all over the sky.

Wherever he passed, ghost mist surged wildly, sand and rocks flew, and the momentum was majestic.

They are extremely fast, and if nothing unexpected happens, they will rush over in a quarter of an hour.

At that time, even a powerful emperor would probably die here in vain.

"follow me!"

Ling Feng took control of the overall situation, leading a group of people to rush left and right, specifically choosing the path with the fewest bloodthirsty demonic vines. Whenever a demonic vine appeared, he would be the first to take action and crush the demonic vines.

And the result is that he was right!

He has figured out the difference between the bloodthirsty demonic vines and ordinary vines, so he has not fallen into the circle of bloodthirsty demonic vines and is leaving the vine forest little by little.

Taking advantage of the situation, he glanced at Yin Jian's side, and the situation was not optimistic.

Although Yin Jian has the ability to predict danger to a certain extent, these demonic vines have really made Yin Jian completely lost.

And the direction they were heading in happened to be the direction where the bloodthirsty demonic vines were the densest.

If you walk in this direction, you will not be far from Huangquan Road.

Looking back, Ling Feng didn't bother to remind these guys that they were not good birds anyway.

"Senior Brother Yin! Look at them, they didn't follow our route!"

Su Ming turned around and discovered a strange scene.

Yin Jian glanced back lightly and said nothing.

"Hehe, maybe his pride is stimulated and he plans to find another route on his own." A human emperor said with a cold smile.

"It's best if you don't follow me. If I see that kid again, I will kill him on the spot! Trample him hard under my feet!"

Su Ming snorted coldly, looked at Yin Jian, took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Yin, what should we do next? Do we still follow the previous method?"


Yin Jian took a deep breath, nodded, glanced back, and said slowly: "Yuwen Changkong, you go ahead and explore the way. Don't worry, if anything happens, I will take action in time."

Yuwen Changkong was shocked all over.

It's over, things are back to square one, his fate is still cannon fodder after all!

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Yuwen Changkong walked to the front of the team. Knowing that things were inevitable, Yuwen Changkong pretended to be courageous. As long as he survived for a quarter of an hour, someone else would be replaced next, and he would naturally be safe.

In this case, the only way to calm down is to maybe still have a glimmer of hope.

The large army took action again. About thirty breaths later, Yuwen Changkong, who was exploring the way in front, was soaked with cold sweat. Every minute and every second, he felt as if his life was exhausted.

It’s so scary!


Yin Jian shouted to Yuwen Changkong in front of him, and suddenly stopped, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Yin, is there something strange ahead?" Su Ming was stunned for a moment and immediately became alert.

Yin Jian frowned. For some reason, although there was no danger within a mile, there was always a lingering danger.

"It's okay, keep going."

Yin Jian paused briefly and prepared to set off.


Feng Shaoan closed his eyes, listened attentively, and said slowly: "There is an evil aura approaching here!"

In fact, let alone the evil aura, the further we walked, the more obvious the shaking of the ground became. Some people had already noticed it, but due to Yin Jian's majesty, no one dared to question it.

Yin Jian frowned and said in a deep voice: "Junior brother Feng, look carefully! The bait in front has not been attacked yet. Those demon vines cannot have such wisdom to induce us to enter their blockade! They are just evil animals who only rely on their own instincts to devour the prey in front of them. "

However, before Yin Jian could finish his words, thick vines burst out of the ground and swallowed up a powerful Human Emperor who was following the team in one bite.


The screams stopped almost instantly, and everyone panicked.

"How is this possible! How is this possible!"

Yin Jian clenched his fists tightly. These were obviously just low-level demon vines, how could they have such wisdom!

"What to do! Senior Brother Yin, what to do now!"

The team members were completely panicked. The deaths one after another plunged everyone into a deep sense of crisis. Everything was out of control. Yin Jian began to become unreliable inexplicably.

"Withdraw, withdraw!"

Yin Jian's expression changed drastically. He dared not continue to move forward, so he immediately gave an order, "Everyone, go back the way you came!"

Only then did he think of Ling Feng and his party. Had they already sensed the danger and changed their route?

This thought just passed through his mind, and he didn't believe it.

"Back off! Back off!"

Yin Jian continued to use the little Yuan Power left in his body to shatter the demonic vines that emerged around him. At this time, if he could not quickly stabilize the morale of the army, then the situation would become even worse.

They may all die here!

A trace of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. Although Yin Jian's heart was calm, he also had the consciousness of death.

The crisis was too deep, beyond his expectation.

At this moment, his left eye faintly captured a glimmer of life.

They were five figures, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner. Their route seemed to have cleverly avoided those terrifying demonic vines, and they were getting closer and closer to a safe area.

"How could it be him?"

Yin Jian clenched his fist tightly. His left eye had the ability to predict good or bad luck to a certain extent. The life he saw through his left eye was certain life.

Likewise, death seen through the left eye is mortal.

This glimmer of hope is to follow Ling Feng's path, otherwise, there will be death on the other side.


Yin Jian was not a fool. He clenched his fists, put down his so-called pride, and immediately led everyone to follow Ling Feng's retreat route and quickly chased after him.

Sure enough, after a while, the number of demonic vines sprouting up around him gradually decreased, and the Emperor's tremors also apparently calmed down.

All signs indicate that they are on the right track this time and are moving towards a safe area.

"As expected of Senior Brother Yin!"

"After all, he is the most promising being to become one of the ten most powerful beings in the world. He stays calm in the face of danger and leads everyone out of the crisis. Senior Brother Yin is Senior Brother Yin!"

Everyone's worried hearts gradually relaxed, and when they looked at Yin Jian, they all felt a little relieved.

Captain Yin Jian is still reliable after all!

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