Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1429 The brigade evacuates! (1 update)

In the team, due to the conflict between Ling Feng and the captain, the team eventually split up.

Ling Feng found a volcanic cave deep in the forbidden area, killed the demonic monk who controlled snakes, insects, rats and ants, and obtained his treasure, the Shura Demonic Ring.

Then, Ling Feng continued deep into the cave and found another Burning Sky Fire Dragon Pond, and obtained a large amount of Burning Sky Dragon Flame Marrow.

By soaking in the flame marrow of the Burning Sky Dragon, he was promoted to the power of eight dragons.

In the blink of an eye, three full days passed.

The entire brigade that conquered the remnants of the barbarians suffered heavy casualties amid the maze of traps set up by the skinny old man.

In the end, only about half of them came out of the molten cave. Even Su Ming, the squad leader, was missing and was probably killed.

This is because the skinny old man (the demon monk encountered deep in the cave) is dead, and there will be no subsequent ambush. Otherwise, if the eleven ultimate human emperor-level zombies are taken action, everyone will probably die in the volcano. hole, the entire army was wiped out.

In the end, under the leadership of Yin Jian, all the remnants of the barbarian clan were killed, but the enemy leader was missing.

What makes people curious is that even Ling Feng suddenly disappeared.

It's no wonder that they didn't have Ling Feng's infinite vision. In addition, the entire volcanic cave had complex terrain. They ran around like headless flies in the cave. In just three days, they couldn't find the skinny old man at all. Hidden place.

"Senior Brother Yin, now that there is no ambush from other barbarian remnants in the molten cave, I wonder if the barbarian general has escaped or died together with Senior Brother Su Ming?"

A team member under Su Ming said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, just rely on your Senior Brother Su, can he do it?"

Chu Tiange on the side couldn't help but say something.

Since they separated from Ling Feng, they have not met Ling Feng again. Later, when they were capturing and killing the remaining barbarians in the molten cave, they met Yin Jian, and then they acted together.

Yin Jian frowned. Indeed, except for the first day when they entered the molten cave, they encountered resistance from the remnants of the barbarians. Later, when they searched the molten cave, except for some mazes of traps, they never encountered any resistance. .

If the opponent's leader is still there, shouldn't they take advantage of their vitality to be destroyed in one fell swoop?

However, Yin Jian did not believe that Su Ming alone could die together with the leader of the other party.

Plus Ling Feng, it makes more sense.

After all, Ling Feng disappeared for three full days without any reply. It was very likely that he and Su Ming met the barbarian leader, and after a fierce battle, they all died somewhere in the molten cave.

This is the only more reasonable explanation.

Otherwise, no matter which side wins, it will not be so peaceful in the end.

"Anyway, there have been no signs of enemy activity in the past few days. If we continue to stay here, our strength will only become weaker and weaker. By then, I'm afraid we won't be able to return the same way we came."

One of the disciples showed a hint of worry.

They had stayed in the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss for too long, and the energy in their bodies was suppressed, and their recovery speed was also slowing down.

If this continues, how can we pass through the many crises of the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss and return to the Palace of War?

"Yes, in my opinion, the barbarian leader must be dead. There is no point in us continuing to waste time. It's time to return."

"Senior Brother Sun is right, Senior Brother Yin, please make a decision as soon as possible!"

This mission, all the way to the end, they had suffered heavy casualties. If they continued like this, they might die in the hands of those monsters in the Dead Soul Demon Abyss. They had obviously survived in the hands of the remnants of the barbarians. If they died like this in the end, wouldn't it be wrong? It's too unfair.


Yin Jian hesitated for a while. If he left like this, wouldn't it mean that no one could make the first contribution.

However, it is better to have it than to have it taken away by someone else.

Thinking of this, Yin Jian finally nodded, "Okay, since there is no movement in the molten cave, let's get ready. It's time for us to return to the Palace of War."

"If you just leave like this, why don't you wait for Junior Brother Ling?"

Li Fei frowned and gritted her teeth.

"I have to wait for you. The remnants of the barbarians have been wiped out. Why are you still here? Waiting to die! That kid Ling Feng must have been dead long ago!"

An old elite disciple under Su Ming angrily scolded Li Fei. After all, there had been no news for three days, and Su Ming was probably in danger.

Even the captain is dead, why is Ling Feng still alive?

Thinking of Ling Feng being buried with him, the disciple felt a little more balanced.


Li Fei was furious and wanted to talk back, but Chu Tiange held her down, shook her head, and said slowly: "Junior Sister Li Fei, I believe that Junior Brother Ling will be fine, but what they said is not unreasonable. If we wait outside, nothing will change at all. Just go back to the Palace of War and wait, I believe Junior Brother Ling will definitely come back."

"Yes, I, Zhuo Yang, have never subdued many people in my life, but Junior Brother Ling is one of them. With how evil he is, how can a mere barbarian general kill him!"

Zhuo Yang also nodded and said in a deep voice: "With the strength we have left now, we can no longer stay. Otherwise, before Junior Brother Ling dies, we may have died in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls first. "

Although the area around the volcanic cave is relatively safe during the day, at night, when the fog completely envelops and blocks the area, the danger level rises sharply, and monsters begin to become active.

Everyone could only retreat to the periphery of the molten cave, barely able to resist the monsters.

After three days, everyone was exhausted. Once the large army left, the four of them would definitely not be able to survive the night.

Fairy Qingping sighed softly, and just took a deep look in the direction of the molten cave. Without saying anything, she had already made a decision in her heart.

"Ling Feng, you must live!"

Li Fei clenched her pink fist tightly and could only silently pray for Ling Feng in her heart.

The group of people lingered outside the cave for three days. In the end, they searched for the barbarian leader to no avail, so they had no choice but to return to the battle hall and make another decision.

At the same time, deep in the volcanic cave, Ling Feng was also facing a huge test.

In the contest between the fourth-level Flame Swallowing and the Burning Sky Dragon Fire, no one was left behind. For three full days, Ling Feng didn't know how many times he wandered around the gate of hell, unable to survive or die.

At this moment, his entire body was surrounded by blazing fire, like a burning man. Wherever he went, he would leave rows of blackened footprints, and even the ground seemed to be burning.

However, there is finally good news. Ling Feng has begun to feel no pain from the flames. He may have been burned for too long and has become numb to the pain.

The sky-burning dragon fire and the fourth-level flame swallowing flames circulated around the body, constantly attacking and devouring each other. No one had the upper hand. Ling Feng was unable to absorb these flames into his body.

In the end, Ling Feng turned into a burning man, who looked very exaggerated and powerful, but this firepower was not used by Ling Feng at all.

In turn, Ling Feng even had to distract himself to resist the flames. Not only was the fourth-level flame-swallowing being sealed, but his own Yuan Power and Spiritual Power also had to resist the intrusion of this fire at all times.

In this way, he was invisibly suppressed by 50% of his strength. This state was really a headache.

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