Deep in the underground molten cave.

Ling Feng raised his hand and looked at his palm. Flames rose from it and lasted for a long time. No matter how hard he tried, he could not bring the flames on his body back into his body.

He knew that although he survived the battle with the Burning Sky Dragon Fire, he did not tame and refine the Burning Sky Dragon Fire. This strange fire could not do anything to him, and he could not do anything to the strange fire. In the end, this strange fire simply Attached to him, leading to this very special state.

Before completely refining the sky-burning dragon fire, Ling Feng would probably have to maintain this "fire man" state. His strength was invisibly limited and needed to resist the burning of the strange fire.

"Hey, I didn't expect that this strange fire would counterattack in the end, so that my Dragon Elephant Hegemony Body Technique would still stay at the power of eight dragons and fail to break through to the power of ten dragons. Not only that, in order to resist this strange fire, I need to use it all the time. Spreading out about 30% of my strength prevents me from attacking with all my strength.”

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. In fact, these were all okay. As long as he refined the Sky-burning Dragon Fire, basically everything could be solved.

However, the biggest problem is that this state requires too much clothes!

You must know that the flames on his body are sky-burning dragon fire, a high-level alien fire that ranks extremely high on the alien fire list. Although Ling Feng can protect his whole body with his fourth-level flame-swallowing fire, it is difficult to prevent his clothes from being burned.

Basically, even if Ling Feng's clothes were protected by fourth-level alien fire, it would be difficult for them to last for more than half an hour before being burned to ashes.

It's okay to say that there's no one in the depths of the cave, but how do we get back to the place of battle?

After all, Ling Feng was not in the habit of running around naked and liked to run around naked.

After thinking about it, Ling Feng took out some immortal metal ores. When he was in Tianwei Academy, he also took the knowledge of casting. In addition, he is good at controlling flames, so it is not a problem to simply cast some armor.

After spending about eight hours, Ling Feng made a chest armor and a leg armor based on the extraterritorial star iron he had won in a gambling battle with Huang Lang, which could just cover the key parts.

However, due to limited materials, Ling Feng's casting technology was far inferior to the alchemy technology. His leg armor looked like a pair of trousers made of fine iron. It was not very beautiful when worn on his body.

However, the fire resistance is pretty good. When Ling Feng puts on this armor, coupled with the layer of flames on the body, the overall look is quite domineering and cool.

It's just that this flame cannot be retracted and retracted freely, and every step it takes will leave a blackened footprint on the ground.

"That's pretty much it."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. He couldn't hide here forever. Ling Feng was completely unsure about refining the sky-burning dragon fire. It might take three to five months, or it might take ten or eight years.

He doesn't have that much time to waste here, so he can only return to the palace of war first and then make long-term plans.

In this state, anything he touches will burn, which is a bit troublesome.

Just like that, the "Fire Man" Ling Feng, wearing silver armor and burning all over his body, was finally born.

Through the infinite vision, Ling Feng returned to the ground with ease and found that the large army had left.

Think about it, it took me three days to resist the Sky-Burning Dragon Fire in the underground molten cave, and it took almost another day to build the armor to cover my body. Such a long time, with the strength of Yin Jian and others, if they continue to stay Here, I am afraid that sooner or later, I will be buried in the belly of the monster here.

"It seems that Senior Sister Li Fei and the others also left with the brigade."

Ling Feng touched the bridge of his nose and felt reassured. If they continued to stay, it would be even more dangerous.

"Hey, although this situation is a bit troublesome, we still have to catch up with them quickly."

Ling Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly. If he couldn't solve the burning dragon fire, he could only wait until he returned to the Dongling Fairy Pond to see if the old turtle could do anything.

After all, in the Donglingxian Pond, the only person who could still see eye-to-eye with Ling Feng was the senior Turtle Saint.

At this time, somewhere in the battleground, accompanied by a gust of strong wind, more than a dozen figures roared past. It was like a hurricane was surging below, and deep ravines were directly swept away on the ground. .

If you look carefully, you can see that there are five men in black robes, chasing a woman in white in front of them at full speed.

She was a beautiful woman with ice-cold muscles and jade-bones, unparalleled elegance and grace. Her facial features were as exquisite as sculptures, and her maturity and beauty were intertwined.

Three thousand green silk threads are draped on her slim back, flying in the wind.

At a glance, she looks like a fairy from the Nine Heavens, whose splendor is unparalleled in the world.

The woman was dressed in white, but there was a blood stain somewhere on her chest, which was so red it was dazzling.

Her speed was extremely fast, and she was like an arc of light in mid-air, disappearing in an instant. However, the five men in black robes chasing behind her were not slow at all, and they pursued her relentlessly. Each one of them was so angry that they looked like they were going crazy.

The leader was a white-haired old man, but he had some strange bone and tooth necklaces hanging on his body, some strange patterns were engraved on his face, and his hair was disheveled. From the appearance, he seemed to be a barbarian.

The four people behind him, each wearing a green-faced evil ghost mask with fangs, only revealing a pair of ferocious eyes, were chasing the woman in front of them frantically, as if they wanted to tear that woman into pieces.

Those pairs of eyes that seemed to be eating people stared at the woman with hatred, as if the woman had committed a heinous crime that was unforgivable!

"Huiyue Demon Girl! How dare you sneak into our Barbarian Temple alone and kill dozens of our clan's great emperors in a row. This hatred is irreconcilable. You must accept your fate!"

The old man at the head waved his big hand, and the demonic shadows in the sky flashed, layer upon layer, and the color of the world changed, as if the end was coming.

But it turned out that that day, Mrs. Xu of the Conquest Hall released the Void Fire Jade and sent a message to the Immortal Pond to ask for help. Huiyue Shengji took the initiative to ask for help and went to the Barbarian Temple to kill the Barbarian Emperor. (PS: For details, see "Chapter 1400: The Earth-shaking Celestial Bell")

With her moon-god dream-telling power, she only needs to be within a certain distance to kill people invisible and make those barbarian emperors die in their dreams.

Huiyue Shengji was indeed a master of Taoism and mysticism, and had vast magical powers. She killed more than ten barbarian emperors one after another, severely defeating the barbarian spirit. However, because she killed too many barbarian emperors, she aroused the disapproval of the barbarian leaders. Notice.

Finally, the Supreme Elder of the Barbarian Tribe personally took action and led the ten emperor-level guards from the Barbarian Temple to besiege the Holy Fairy Huiyue, fighting hard for a whole day and night.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, Holy Princess Huiyue actually fought her way out of the encirclement and killed only four of the ten Imperial Guards. However, she was also seriously injured and her vitality was severely damaged.

This was also the scene before, where the barbarian prince was so angry that he led the other four imperial guards to madly hunt down Huiyue Shengji.

After all, the barbarian emperor who died in the hands of Holy Lady Huiyue was already over twenty, and he was not even a junior emperor who had just entered the emperor level. For the entire barbarian tribe, it is undoubtedly a huge loss.

On the frontal battlefield, even with the addition of the demon clan's allies, some defeats still began to occur.

If the Northern Monster Clan knew that they had lost many high-level emperors, other variables might arise in their alliance.

The demon tribe has never been a reliable ally. Once they discover that the morale of the barbarians is greatly damaged, they will probably be the first to turn their guns and deal with the barbarians.

After all, humans who eat from the Palace of Conquest are also eaten, and humans who eat barbarians are also eaten. Why should the demon clan find bones that are more difficult to chew?

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