Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1431 A wave of violent beasts! (3 updates)

The Supreme Lord of the Barbarians, with murderous intent surging in his eyes, managed to survive until the old demon dragon king died. The barbarians paid a heavy price before they reached a temporary alliance with the northern demon clan, divided their troops into two groups, and attacked the war palace together.

The situation was originally very good, but in the end, a Holy Lady of Huiyue came out and almost wiped out the high-ranking emperor of their barbarian tribe.

The barbarian prince became angrier and angrier as he thought about it, gnashing his teeth in hatred.

No matter what, this woman must die today!

"Die!" The barbarian supreme leader came with the mighty power penetrating the heaven and earth.

Saint Princess Huiyue had a cold face, as if she was talking in her sleep, and murmured to herself: "No! I can't die yet, I absolutely can't die!"


With a backhand grab, Huiyue Shengji tore through the void and escaped into the air!

Without saying a word, the barbarian prince clawed his way through the void and chased away. The remaining four imperial guards also followed closely behind him, pursuing him relentlessly.

Their barbarian guards are the secret force that protects the barbarian temple. Each one of them is a powerful emperor with five levels of destiny or above (PS: the emperor is the destiny realm). With special secret skills, even if they are powerful with eight levels of destiny or above, Those who do not dare to take their lead lightly.

However, when the top ten guards joined forces, six of them were killed in succession by Huiyue Shengji. This was truly the greatest shame in the history of the Barbarian God Guards.

"Don't even think about escaping!"

The barbarian prince was so murderous that he had already paid such a heavy price to severely injure Huiyue Holy Lady. No matter what, he could not let this woman go.

Under the encirclement and interception of the five great barbarian emperors, Huiyue Shengji panicked and chose her way out.

For powerful men like them, they can cross the void almost a thousand miles in an instant.

Suddenly, Holy Princess Huiyue stepped into a place. The place was shrouded in ghosts and fog, and even the power in her body was greatly suppressed, and she could not even exert it to a full extent.

"Dead Soul Demonic Abyss?"

When she was young, Holy Fairy Huiyue also had experience in the battlefield, so she naturally knew the situation in this area very well.

After all, the former Holy Lady Huiyue was also ranked among the "Top Ten Heavenly Killers", ranking so high that she was even above the current leader, the Holy Emperor Tianyuan.

Even Holy Emperor Tianyuan once said personally that in terms of talent, he was inferior to Holy Lady Huiyue.

Upon arriving here, Holy Princess Huiyue not only did not panic, but showed a trace of relaxation.

This is Jedi. Whether you are a human emperor or a great emperor, once you set foot here, you will definitely be suppressed. The higher the realm, the greater the suppression.

Regardless of whether they are the barbarian princes or the barbarian guards, once they enter the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, their entire strength will be imprisoned.


The next moment, the void tore open, and the Barbarian Supreme Leader and the other four Barbarian God Guards were chasing after them, arriving in an instant.


Feeling the changes in the rules of heaven and earth, the expression of the barbarian prince changed slightly, and he obviously recognized the origin of this place.

"He actually broke into the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls?"

This place is a place of war and has a fierce reputation that almost no one knows about.

"Sir Batu, this is a magical land recorded in our clan's holy book. It is full of dangers. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the suppression. Do you still want to pursue it?"

A barbarian god guard wanted to retreat.

The higher the cultivation level, the more afraid of death they naturally have. They have a lifespan of nearly a thousand years. If they die in the hands of a powerful enemy, it will be fine. But if they die in the belly of those monsters in the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, they are really worried. Unwilling to do so.

"What are you afraid of? That witch dares to go in. Is it possible that a hero of our barbarian tribe can't compare to a woman?"

Batu Taishang raised his eyebrows and ordered coldly: "Chase! That woman was seriously injured and her cultivation was suppressed. She will only be more dangerous than us!"


The four great barbarian god guards looked wary and did not dare to disobey the Supreme Elder's orders, so they could only go deep into the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls.

"You still want to chase me!"

A cold light flashed in Huiyue Shengji's eyes, and she wanted to activate her vitality, but found that she was too seriously injured, and she tore the void several times on her way. When her vitality failed, she suddenly spurted out a mouthful of reverse blood.

However, she did not dare to slow down at all. With her strength suppressed, once she was surrounded, she would not even have a chance to tear through the void and escape.

As a result, Huiyue Shengji could only drag her seriously injured body and continue to advance towards the depths of the Dead Soul Demon Abyss at the fastest speed.

the other side.

Ling Feng set out from the volcanic cave. Unfortunately, not long after leaving, the sky turned completely dark.

The thick ghost mist shrouded Ling Feng before he even had time to find a temporary habitat. In this way, he could only face the upcoming violent monster alone in the wild.

Fortunately, he was blazing with fire, so there was no need to worry about lighting.

However, because of the aura of Burning Sky Dragon Fire, the monsters with average strength were scared away, but those with strong strength, especially some fire-attribute monsters, sensed this aura, and they all went crazy. Pounced towards Ling Feng.

They have regarded Ling Feng as a tonic. As long as they devour Ling Feng, they can definitely evolve to a higher level.

Poor Ling Feng was burning all over, like a bright light in the dark night. No matter where he ran, those monsters could find him with incomparable accuracy.


Dragon Elephant's divine power exploded, and Ling Feng knocked away a giant lizard with one punch. The giant lizard had rough skin and thick flesh, and the force of the shock made Ling Feng's fist numb.

After all, because he had to be distracted to fight against the Burning Sky Dragon Fire on his body, Ling Feng could only use about 70% of his strength. The power of eight dragons was greatly reduced. It would be good to be able to exert the power of five dragons.

And those giant monsters came overwhelmingly, giving Ling Feng a headache.

One night of running, one night of fighting.

Ling Feng was almost exhausted from the fight. The corpses of fallen monster beasts were poured out on the ground. The blood of various monster beasts almost dyed the entire earth red.

But the blood and the flames on Ling Feng's body continued to attract more and stronger monsters.

It's just an endless battle.

No wonder people say that the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss is the Jedi. Only at this moment did Ling Feng understand what the Jedi meant.

Now, Ling Feng could only hope for dawn as soon as possible. Only when the fog dissipated would the violent monsters gradually calm down and he would have a chance to breathe.

At this time, the Holy Princess Huiyue, who was panicking, vaguely saw the bright light ahead, and subconsciously rushed forward.

However, when she got closer, she immediately regretted it, because a large number of giant monsters gathered in front of her, all thinking about the bright light and slaying them.

As soon as Saint Princess Huiyue appeared, the smell of fresh human flesh naturally attracted the attention of many monsters.

Then, a fierce battle inevitably broke out.

Then, the barbarians who followed Huiyue Holy Lady were also surrounded by monsters.

The three parties were surrounded by violent monsters, and their eyes were red with blood. The strength of those powerful emperors was suppressed. In the depths of this dead soul devil's abyss, there was no strength left in a hundred. Once they were humbled by the monsters, they immediately fell into a bitter battle. middle.

Ling Feng, on the other hand, felt a little more relaxed as he had attracted the hatred of many monsters from the other two parties.

It was a long night, and I don’t know how long it took, how long I had been killing, but a ray of sunshine dispersed the thick ghost fog, and the violent beast tide gradually dissipated.

Everything finally calmed down.

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