Chaos Heavenly Emperor Technique

Chapter 1432 Battle with the Barbarian God Guards! (4 more updates)


In the three-party battle circle, after killing the last monster that besieged him, his mind went blank, and he gasped almost in unison.

There was probably a distance of several hundred feet between them. Although they all clearly sensed each other's presence, no one broke the temporary tranquility and they all recovered their strength on the spot.

As the sky gradually became clearer, and with the help of the sunshine, Ling Feng finally saw clearly that there were two groups of people behind him. Their arrival relieved him a lot of pressure.

When Ling Feng saw the woman in front of him clearly, he was immediately startled.

Good guy, Holy Princess Huiyue!

Ling Feng felt an uncontrollable panic in his heart, but he quickly calmed down.

This is the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss, and even if it is Huiyue Holy Princess, he may not need to be afraid of her.

Moreover, looking at her pale face and looking like she was dying, she was obviously seriously injured.

Behind her, there were five men in black robes. Judging from their clothing and appearance, they all seemed to be barbarians. It was unexpected that the majestic Holy Princess Huiyue would be in such a mess.


A cold light flashed in Ling Feng's eyes, and he pulled away. He was not going to get involved in this muddy water.

He has no good impressions of the woman Huiyue Shengji. Whether she is dead or alive has nothing to do with him.

What's more, those five satisfied and strong men, full of murderous intent, capable of chasing down the Holy Lady Huiyue, must all be powerful emperors. Just a small disciple of his, messing around with something.

The Huiyue Shengji had obviously discovered Ling Feng. Although she didn't know why Ling Feng appeared here, she remembered that Ling Feng had fought fiercely with those monsters last night and persisted. I think he was in this Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls. , still retains considerable combat power.

Moreover, looking at the way his whole body was on fire, he seemed to have mastered some kind of magical skill, which was very powerful.

If Ling Feng helps, she will naturally have a greater chance of escaping.

At this moment, when she saw Ling Feng running away, she seemed completely unwilling to be involved, and quickly shouted, "Good disciple, you are no match for these people, why don't you leave quickly and go get reinforcements!"


When the barbarian prince heard this, he suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Huiyue Holy Lady actually escaped into the Dead Soul Demonic Abyss. It turned out that there were disciples to help her, and it seemed that there were other reinforcements.

In this case, how could he allow Ling Feng to leave, and immediately sent two wild god guards to surround and kill Ling Feng.

"What the hell! This dead woman!"

Ling Feng cursed loudly in his heart, this cunning woman actually took advantage of him!

The two Barbarian God Guards are both powerful emperors with five levels of destiny. Although they are suppressed by the Dead Soul Demon Abyss and have no strength at all, the emperor is the emperor. It is already quite difficult for Ling Feng to deal with one of them. What's more, the two barbarian guards took action at the same time.

On Huiyue Shengji's side, there were suddenly two less barbarian guards chasing her, and the pressure was reduced a lot.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I'm just here to make excuses! I don't know that woman!"

Ling Feng looked depressed, and quickly explained to the two primitive guards that it was best not to fight, let alone help that dead woman Huiyue Shengji.

"Boy, you are full of nonsense. You were clearly the one who attracted the beast tide last night and delayed our pursuit of the Huiyue Demon Girl. You dare to say that you have nothing to do with the Demon Girl!"

One of the guards slapped Ling Feng's face with a violent force, almost crushing the void. Ling Feng quickly stepped away, feeling even more depressed.

It's obviously none of my business that you guys are so desperate to rush over here!


"go to hell!"

The two barbarian guards were killing each other, and Ling Feng was beaten to death. No matter how lazy he was to explain, this was the Demonic Abyss of Dead Souls, and they, the powerful emperors, didn't matter.

The barbarian emperor who controlled the corpse puppet before also died in his own hands.

On the other side, Supreme Lord Batu and the other two Barbarian God Guards intercepted the Holy Lady of Huiyue, and they also used their killing moves. Although they fought hard against the beast tide last night, everyone did not have much energy left, but Obviously, it was Huiyue Shengji's side. Due to the serious injury, she soon fell into a disadvantage and was in danger.

But Huiyue Shengji is worthy of being a strong person close to the semi-saint level. The more critical the situation, the stronger the strength that bursts out. She has a strong momentum that even if she is going to die, she must pull the opponent down and die together.

Prince Batu naturally cherished his life, frowned, and temporarily avoided the sharp edge.

The Holy Princess Huiyue is already at the end of her strength. As long as she delays, she will naturally die of exhaustion.

However, when he was distracted and looked to the other side, he found that the two powerful guards of the Barbarian God had not been able to defeat a young disciple of the Dongling Immortal Pond for such a long time, and he felt very angry.

If there were two more imperial guards, Huiyue Shengji would have been killed long ago.

Huiyue Shengji was also slightly horrified. She didn't expect that Ling Feng's strength was so amazing. In this dead soul demon abyss, he could actually fight against two powerful emperors of the fifth level of destiny for so long.

"Why are you two still wasting your time? Why don't you kill that kid quickly!"

Grand Master Batu cursed loudly, and the two barbarian guards who besieged Ling Feng felt the pain in their hearts that they could not express.

Although the flames on Ling Feng's body are not used by Ling Feng, his characteristics have protected Ling Feng's body to a certain extent.

The two Barbarian God Guards did not dare to get too close to Ling Feng. The scorching power even evaporated the energy in their bodies. The more they fought, the weaker they felt.

At this moment, after hearing the urging of Grand Priest Batu, the two of them could no longer care about anything and made a desperate move to launch a killing move towards Ling Feng.

Even the slightest hint of a move that could kill a sixth-level Heavenly Emperor against a small junior in the Divine Sea Realm was enough for this kid to be proud of himself.

"Qianyuan Blood Burning Curse!"

A series of bloody inscriptions flashed around the two barbarian god guards. Suddenly, their aura surged, and a sense of crisis arose from the bottom of Ling Feng's heart.

"This evil magic is not simple!"

Ling Feng's eyelids twitched and he quickly stepped back.

"Don't leave!"

The two barbarian guards had even cast the Qian Yuan Blood Burning Curse. How could they allow Ling Feng to escape? One on the left and the other on the right, they roared angrily, blasted out a palm print respectively, and fiercely attacked Ling Feng.

The power of these two blood palm seals is astonishing. They are the full force of the two people's burning blood essence. Even if they are suppressed by the Dead Soul Demon Abyss, this power is enough to kill ordinary emperors.

No matter what, Ling Feng will definitely not escape death this time!

However, at this critical moment, in front of Ling Feng, with a flash of blood, eleven figures appeared in an instant, forming a copper wall and an iron wall, and they collided with the killing moves of the two barbarian guards. Together.

These eleven figures are naturally the eleven corpse puppets that Ling Feng received from the skinny old man.

Originally, Ling Feng had planned to use this trump card when he was fighting against the beast tide last night, but later he discovered that two more forces had arrived, which relieved his pressure, so he hid it. Unexpectedly, it would come in handy at this critical moment.

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